本文整理匯總了PHP中tag_get_id函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:PHP tag_get_id函數的具體用法?PHP tag_get_id怎麽用?PHP tag_get_id使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: test_tag_set_get
* Test the tag_set function.
* This function was deprecated in 3.1
public function test_tag_set_get()
global $DB;
// Create a course to tag.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
// Create the tag and tag instance.
tag_set('course', $course->id, array('A random tag'), 'core', context_course::instance($course->id)->id);
// Get the tag instance that should have been created.
$taginstance = $DB->get_record('tag_instance', array('itemtype' => 'course', 'itemid' => $course->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->assertEquals('core', $taginstance->component);
$this->assertEquals(context_course::instance($course->id)->id, $taginstance->contextid);
$tagbyname = tag_get('name', 'A random tag');
$this->assertEquals('A random tag', $tagbyname->rawname);
$this->assertEmpty(tag_get('name', 'Non existing tag'));
$tagbyid = tag_get('id', $tagbyname->id);
$this->assertEquals('A random tag', $tagbyid->rawname);
$tagid = $tagbyname->id;
$this->assertEmpty(tag_get('id', $tagid + 1));
tag_set('tag', $tagid, array('Some related tag'));
$relatedtags = tag_get_related_tags($tagid);
$this->assertCount(1, $relatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('Some related tag', $relatedtags[0]->rawname);
$tagids = tag_get_id(array('A random tag', 'Some related tag'));
$this->assertCount(2, $tagids);
$this->assertEquals($tagid, $tagids['a random tag']);
$this->assertEquals($relatedtags[0]->id, $tagids['some related tag']);
示例2: coursetag_store_keywords
* Stores a tag for a course for a user
* @uses $CFG
* @param array $tags simple array of keywords to be stored
* @param integer $courseid
* @param integer $userid
* @param string $tagtype official or default only
* @param string $myurl optional for logging creation of course tags
function coursetag_store_keywords($tags, $courseid, $userid=0, $tagtype='official', $myurl='') {
global $CFG;
if (is_array($tags) and !empty($tags)) {
foreach($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if (strlen($tag) > 0) {
//tag_set_add('course', $courseid, $tag, $userid); //deletes official tags
//add tag if does not exist
if (!$tagid = tag_get_id($tag)) {
$tag_id_array = tag_add(array($tag), $tagtype);
$tagid = $tag_id_array[moodle_strtolower($tag)];
$ordering = 0;
if ($current_ids = tag_get_tags_ids('course', $courseid)) {
$ordering = key($current_ids) + 1;
//set type
tag_type_set($tagid, $tagtype);
//tag_instance entry
tag_assign('course', $courseid, $tagid, $ordering, $userid);
//logging - note only for user added tags
if ($tagtype == 'default' and $myurl != '') {
$url = $myurl.'?query='.urlencode($tag);
add_to_log($courseid, 'coursetags', 'add', $url, 'Course tagged');
示例3: tag_record_tagged_with
* Determine if a record is tagged with a specific tag
* @param string $record_type the record type to look for
* @param int $record_id the record id to look for
* @param string $tag a tag name
* @return bool true if it is tagged, false otherwise
function tag_record_tagged_with($record_type, $record_id, $tag)
if ($tagid = tag_get_id($tag)) {
return count_records('tag_instance', 'itemtype', $record_type, 'itemid', $record_id, 'tagid', $tagid);
} else {
return 0;
// tag doesn't exist
示例4: tag_type_set
if ($tag->tagtype != 'default' && (!isset($tagnew->tagtype) || $tagnew->tagtype != '1')) {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'default');
} elseif ($tag->tagtype != 'official' && $tagnew->tagtype == '1') {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'official');
if (!has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
} else {
// They might be trying to change the rawname, make sure it's a change that doesn't affect name
$norm = tag_normalize($tagnew->rawname, TAG_CASE_LOWER);
$tagnew->name = array_shift($norm);
if ($tag->name != $tagnew->name) {
// The name has changed, let's make sure it's not another existing tag
if (tag_get_id($tagnew->name)) {
// Something exists already, so flag an error
$errorstring = s($tagnew->rawname) . ': ' . get_string('namesalreadybeeingused', 'tag');
if (empty($errorstring)) {
// All is OK, let's save it
$tagnew = file_postupdate_standard_editor($tagnew, 'description', $editoroptions, $systemcontext, 'tag', 'description', $tag->id);
tag_description_set($tag_id, $tagnew->description, $tagnew->descriptionformat);
$tagnew->timemodified = time();
if (has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
// rename tag
if (!tag_rename($tag->id, $tagnew->rawname)) {
print_error('errorupdatingrecord', 'tag');
示例5: implode
//notice to inform what tags had their names effectively updated
if ($tags_names_changed) {
$notice = implode($tags_names_changed, ', ');
$notice .= ' -- ' . get_string('updated', 'tag');
case 'addofficialtag':
if (!data_submitted() or !confirm_sesskey()) {
$new_otags = explode(',', optional_param('otagsadd', '', PARAM_TAG));
$notice = '';
foreach ($new_otags as $new_otag) {
if ($new_otag_id = tag_get_id($new_otag)) {
// tag exists, change the type
tag_type_set($new_otag_id, 'official');
} else {
require_capability('moodle/tag:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
tag_add($new_otag, 'official');
$notice .= get_string('addedotag', 'tag', $new_otag) . ' ';
if ($err_notice) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification($err_notice, 'red');
if ($notice) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification($notice, 'green');
示例6: tag_record_tagged_with
* Determine if a record is tagged with a specific tag
* @param string $record_type the record type to look for
* @param int $record_id the record id to look for
* @param string $tag a tag name
* @return bool true if it is tagged, false otherwise
function tag_record_tagged_with($record_type, $record_id, $tag)
global $DB;
if ($tagid = tag_get_id($tag)) {
return $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('itemtype' => $record_type, 'itemid' => $record_id, 'tagid' => $tagid));
} else {
return 0;
// tag doesn't exist
示例7: elseif
} elseif (($tag->tagtype != 'official') && ($tagnew->tagtype == '1')) {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'official');
if (!has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext) && !has_capability('moodle/tag:edit', $systemcontext)) {
} else { // They might be trying to change the rawname, make sure it's a change that doesn't affect name
$norm = tag_normalize($tagnew->rawname, TAG_CASE_LOWER);
$tagnew->name = array_shift($norm);
if ($tag->name != $tagnew->name) { // The name has changed, let's make sure it's not another existing tag
if (tag_get_id($tagnew->name)) { // Something exists already, so flag an error
$errorstring = s($tagnew->rawname).': '.get_string('namesalreadybeeingused', 'tag');
if (empty($errorstring)) { // All is OK, let's save it
$tagnew = file_postupdate_standard_editor($tagnew, 'description', $editoroptions, $systemcontext, 'tag', 'description', $tag->id);
tag_description_set($tag_id, $tagnew->description, $tagnew->descriptionformat);
$tagnew->timemodified = time();
if (has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
// rename tag
示例8: tag_type_set
if ($tag->tagtype != 'default' && (!isset($tagnew->tagtype) || $tagnew->tagtype != '1')) {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'default');
} elseif ($tag->tagtype != 'official' && $tagnew->tagtype == '1') {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'official');
if (!has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
} else {
// They might be trying to change the rawname, make sure it's a change that doesn't affect name
$norm = tag_normalize($tagnew->rawname, TAG_CASE_LOWER);
$tagnew->name = array_shift($norm);
if ($tag->rawname !== $tagnew->rawname) {
// The name has changed, let's make sure it's not another existing tag
if (($id = tag_get_id($tagnew->name)) && $id != $tag->id) {
// Something exists already, so flag an error.
$errorstring = s($tagnew->rawname) . ': ' . get_string('namesalreadybeeingused', 'tag');
if (empty($errorstring)) {
// All is OK, let's save it
$tagnew = file_postupdate_standard_editor($tagnew, 'description', $editoroptions, $systemcontext, 'tag', 'description', $tag->id);
if ($tag->description != $tagnew->description) {
tag_description_set($tag_id, $tagnew->description, $tagnew->descriptionformat);
$tagnew->timemodified = time();
if (has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
// Check if we need to rename the tag.
if (isset($tagnew->name) && $tag->rawname != $tagnew->rawname) {
示例9: coursetag_store_keywords
* Stores a tag for a course for a user
* @package core_tag
* @category tag
* @param array $tags simple array of keywords to be stored
* @param int $courseid the id of the course we wish to store a tag for
* @param int $userid the id of the user we wish to store a tag for
* @param string $tagtype official or default only
* @param string $myurl (optional) for logging creation of course tags
function coursetag_store_keywords($tags, $courseid, $userid = 0, $tagtype = 'official', $myurl = '')
global $CFG;
if (is_array($tags) and !empty($tags)) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if (strlen($tag) > 0) {
//tag_set_add('course', $courseid, $tag, $userid); //deletes official tags
//add tag if does not exist
if (!($tagid = tag_get_id($tag))) {
$tag_id_array = tag_add(array($tag), $tagtype);
$tagid = $tag_id_array[core_text::strtolower($tag)];
$ordering = 0;
if ($current_ids = tag_get_tags_ids('course', $courseid)) {
$ordering = key($current_ids) + 1;
//set type
tag_type_set($tagid, $tagtype);
//tag_instance entry
tag_assign('course', $courseid, $tagid, $ordering, $userid, 'core', context_course::instance($courseid)->id);
示例10: print_error
switch ($action) {
case 'addinterest':
if (empty($tag) && $id) {
// for backward-compatibility (people saving bookmarks, mostly..)
$tag = tag_get_name($id);
tag_set_add('user', $USER->id, $tag);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag));
case 'removeinterest':
if (empty($tag) && $id) {
// for backward-compatibility (people saving bookmarks, mostly..)
$tag = tag_get_name($id);
tag_set_delete('user', $USER->id, $tag);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag));
case 'flaginappropriate':
require_capability('moodle/tag:flag', context_system::instance());
$tagid = tag_get_id($tag);
// Add flaging action to logs
add_to_log(SITEID, 'tag', 'flag', 'index.php?id=' . $tagid, $tagid, '', $USER->id);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag), get_string('responsiblewillbenotified', 'tag'));
示例11: print_error
if (isguestuser()) {
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
switch ($action) {
case 'addinterest':
if (empty($tag) && $id) {
// for backward-compatibility (people saving bookmarks, mostly..)
$tag = tag_get_name($id);
tag_set_add('user', $USER->id, $tag);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag));
case 'removeinterest':
if (empty($tag) && $id) {
// for backward-compatibility (people saving bookmarks, mostly..)
$tag = tag_get_name($id);
tag_set_delete('user', $USER->id, $tag);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag));
case 'flaginappropriate':
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/tag/index.php?tag=' . rawurlencode($tag), get_string('responsiblewillbenotified', 'tag'));
示例12: set_group_tags
* Sets 'Set' tags for groups for the forum.
* Necessary to use this rather than core tag lib as that does not deal with context
* and as group item ids can be the same that is an issue
* Also can only have 1 unique group/tag/user record
* @param int $forumid forum table id
* @param int $groupid groups table id
* @param array $tags array of tag rawnames e.g. Fish, frog
public static function set_group_tags($forumid, $groupid, $tags)
global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
$forum = self::get_from_id($forumid, self::CLONE_DIRECT);
$context = $forum->get_context(true);
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
// Get existing tags used.
$settags = array();
$taginstances = $DB->get_records_sql("\n SELECT DISTINCT t.*, ti.id as instanceid\n FROM {tag} t\n INNER JOIN {tag_instance} ti\n ON t.id = ti.tagid\n WHERE ti.component = ? AND ti.itemtype = ? AND ti.contextid = ? AND ti.itemid = ?", array('mod_forumng', 'groups', $context->id, $groupid));
// Delete instances any not in new tags (note tag records not deleted as cleaned in cron).
$tistodelete = array();
foreach ($taginstances as $tinstance) {
if (!in_array($tinstance->rawname, $tags)) {
$tistodelete[] = $tinstance->instanceid;
} else {
// Store existing tag instance used.
$settags[$tinstance->instanceid] = $tinstance->rawname;
if ($tistodelete) {
list($delsql, $delparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($tistodelete);
$DB->delete_records_select('tag_instance', "id {$delsql}", $delparams);
// Add/get new tag records.
$existingtags = tag_get_id($tags, TAG_RETURN_ARRAY);
// Normalize tags passed so can match to existing tags array.
$normaltags = tag_normalize($tags);
// Add tag instances (where needed).
$ordering = 0;
foreach ($normaltags as $rawname => $name) {
if (in_array($rawname, $settags)) {
// Pre-existing instance, skip.
$tagid = 0;
if (!array_key_exists($name, $existingtags) || empty($existingtags[$name])) {
// Need to add tag.
$newtag = tag_add($rawname);
$tagid = array_pop($newtag);
} else {
$tagid = $existingtags[$name];
// Create instance (like tag_assign()).
$tag_instance_object = new stdClass();
$tag_instance_object->tagid = $tagid;
$tag_instance_object->component = 'mod_forumng';
$tag_instance_object->itemid = $groupid;
$tag_instance_object->itemtype = 'groups';
$tag_instance_object->contextid = $context->id;
$tag_instance_object->ordering = $ordering;
$tag_instance_object->timecreated = time();
$tag_instance_object->timemodified = $tag_instance_object->timecreated;
$tag_instance_object->tiuserid = self::get_group_taginstance_userid($groupid, $tagid);
$DB->insert_record('tag_instance', $tag_instance_object);
示例13: coursetag_store_keywords
* Stores a tag for a course for a user
* @deprecated since 3.0
* @package core_tag
* @category tag
* @param array $tags simple array of keywords to be stored
* @param int $courseid the id of the course we wish to store a tag for
* @param int $userid the id of the user we wish to store a tag for
* @param string $tagtype official or default only
* @param string $myurl (optional) for logging creation of course tags
function coursetag_store_keywords($tags, $courseid, $userid = 0, $tagtype = 'official', $myurl = '')
debugging('Function coursetag_store_keywords() is deprecated. Userid is no longer used for tagging courses.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
global $CFG;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
if (is_array($tags) and !empty($tags)) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if (strlen($tag) > 0) {
//tag_set_add('course', $courseid, $tag, $userid); //deletes official tags
//add tag if does not exist
if (!($tagid = tag_get_id($tag))) {
$tag_id_array = tag_add(array($tag), $tagtype);
$tagid = $tag_id_array[core_text::strtolower($tag)];
$ordering = 0;
if ($current_ids = tag_get_tags_ids('course', $courseid)) {
$ordering = key($current_ids) + 1;
//set type
tag_type_set($tagid, $tagtype);
//tag_instance entry
tag_assign('course', $courseid, $tagid, $ordering, $userid, 'core', context_course::instance($courseid)->id);
示例14: elseif
} elseif (($tag->tagtype != 'official') && ($tagnew->tagtype == '1')) {
tag_type_set($tag->id, 'official');
if (!has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', $systemcontext)) {
} else { // They might be trying to change the rawname, make sure it's a change that doesn't affect name
$norm = tag_normalize($tagnew->rawname, TAG_CASE_LOWER);
$tagnew->name = array_shift($norm);
if ($tag->rawname !== $tagnew->rawname) { // The name has changed, let's make sure it's not another existing tag
if (($id = tag_get_id($tagnew->name)) && $id != $tag->id) { // Something exists already, so flag an error.
$errorstring = s($tagnew->rawname).': '.get_string('namesalreadybeeingused', 'tag');
if (empty($errorstring)) { // All is OK, let's save it
$tagnew = file_postupdate_standard_editor($tagnew, 'description', $editoroptions, $systemcontext, 'tag', 'description', $tag->id);
if ($tag->description != $tagnew->description) {
tag_description_set($tag_id, $tagnew->description, $tagnew->descriptionformat);
$tagnew->timemodified = time();
示例15: test_correlations
* Test for function tag_compute_correlations() that is part of tag cron
public function test_correlations()
global $DB;
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user6 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Several records have both 'cat' and 'cats' tags attached to them.
// This will make those tags automatically correlated.
// Same with 'dog', 'dogs' and 'puppy.
tag_set('user', $user1->id, array('cat', 'cats'), 'core', context_user::instance($user1->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user2->id, array('cat', 'cats', 'kitten'), 'core', context_user::instance($user2->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user3->id, array('cat', 'cats'), 'core', context_user::instance($user3->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user4->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'), 'core', context_user::instance($user4->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user5->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'), 'core', context_user::instance($user5->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user6->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'), 'core', context_user::instance($user6->id)->id);
$tags = tag_get_id(array('cat', 'cats', 'dog', 'dogs', 'kitten', 'puppy'));
// Add manual relation between tags 'cat' and 'kitten'.
tag_set('tag', $tags['cat'], array('kitten'), 'core', context_system::instance()->id);
$this->assertEquals($tags['cats'], $DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags', 'tagid = ?', array($tags['cat'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['cat'], $DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags', 'tagid = ?', array($tags['cats'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dogs'] . ',' . $tags['puppy'], $DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags', 'tagid = ?', array($tags['dog'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dog'] . ',' . $tags['puppy'], $DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags', 'tagid = ?', array($tags['dogs'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dog'] . ',' . $tags['dogs'], $DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags', 'tagid = ?', array($tags['puppy'])));
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() returns 'cats' as the only correlated tag to the 'cat'.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_correlated($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(3, $correlatedtags);
// This will return all existing instances but they all point to the same tag.
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[1]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[2]->rawname);
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat'], TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED));
$this->assertCount(1, $correlatedtags);
// Duplicates are filtered out here.
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() returns 'dogs' and 'puppy' as the correlated tags to the 'dog'.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_correlated($tags['dog']));
$this->assertCount(6, $correlatedtags);
// 2 tags times 3 instances.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['dog'], TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED));
$this->assertCount(2, $correlatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('dogs', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('puppy', $correlatedtags[1]->rawname);
// Function tag_get_related_tags() with default argument will return both related and correlated tags.
$relatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(2, $relatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('kitten', $relatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $relatedtags[1]->rawname);
// If we then manually set 'cat' and 'cats' as related, tag_get_related_tags() will filter out duplicates.
tag_set('tag', $tags['cat'], array('kitten', 'cats'), 'core', context_system::instance()->id);
$relatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(2, $relatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('kitten', $relatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $relatedtags[1]->rawname);
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() and tag_get_tags() return the same set of fields.
$relatedtags = tag_get_tags('tag', $tags['cat']);
$relatedtag = reset($relatedtags);
$correlatedtags = tag_get_correlated($tags['cat']);
$correlatedtag = reset($correlatedtags);
$this->assertEquals(array_keys((array) $relatedtag), array_keys((array) $correlatedtag));