本文整理匯總了PHP中spip_htmlentities函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:PHP spip_htmlentities函數的具體用法?PHP spip_htmlentities怎麽用?PHP spip_htmlentities使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: trace_query_chrono
function trace_query_chrono($m1, $m2, $query, $result, $serveur = '')
static $tt = 0, $nb = 0;
global $tableau_des_temps;
$x = _request('var_mode_objet');
if (isset($GLOBALS['debug']['aucasou'])) {
list(, $boucle, $serveur, $contexte) = $GLOBALS['debug']['aucasou'];
if ($x and !preg_match("/{$boucle}\$/", $x)) {
if ($serveur) {
$boucle .= " ({$serveur})";
$boucle = "<b>{$boucle}</b>";
} else {
if ($x) {
$boucle = $contexte = '';
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", $m1);
list($usec2, $sec2) = explode(" ", $m2);
$dt = $sec2 + $usec2 - $sec - $usec;
$tt += $dt;
$q = preg_replace('/([a-z)`])\\s+([A-Z])/', "\$1\n<br />\$2", spip_htmlentities($query));
$e = sql_explain($query, $serveur);
$r = str_replace('Resource id ', '', is_object($result) ? get_class($result) : $result);
$tableau_des_temps[] = array($dt, $nb, $boucle, $q, $e, $r, $contexte);
示例2: inc_informer_dist
function inc_informer_dist($id, $col, $exclus, $rac, $type, $do = 'aff')
if ($type == "rubrique") {
$row = sql_fetsel("titre, descriptif", "spip_rubriques", "id_rubrique = {$id}");
if ($row) {
$titre = typo($row["titre"]);
$descriptif = propre($row["descriptif"]);
} else {
$titre = _T('info_racine_site');
} else {
$titre = '';
$res = '';
if ($type == "rubrique" and $GLOBALS['spip_display'] != 1 and isset($GLOBALS['meta']['image_process'])) {
if ($GLOBALS['meta']['image_process'] != "non") {
$chercher_logo = charger_fonction('chercher_logo', 'inc');
if ($res = $chercher_logo($id, 'id_rubrique', 'on')) {
list($fid, $dir, $nom, $format) = $res;
$res = image_reduire("<img src='{$fid}' alt='' />", 100, 48);
if ($res) {
$res = "<div style='float: " . $GLOBALS['spip_lang_right'] . "; margin-" . $GLOBALS['spip_lang_right'] . ": -5px; margin-top: -5px;'>{$res}</div>";
$rac = spip_htmlentities($rac);
# ce lien provoque la selection (directe) de la rubrique cliquee
# et l'affichage de son titre dans le bandeau
$titre = strtr(str_replace("'", "’", str_replace('"', """, textebrut($titre))), "\n\r", " ");
$js_func = $do . '_selection_titre';
return "<div style='display: none;'>" . "<input type='text' id='" . $rac . "_sel' value='{$id}' />" . "<input type='text' id='" . $rac . "_sel2' value=\"" . entites_html($titre) . "\" />" . "</div>" . "<div class='informer' style='padding: 5px; border-top: 0px;'>" . (!$res ? '' : $res) . "<p><b>" . safehtml($titre) . "</b></p>" . (!$descriptif ? '' : "<div>" . safehtml($descriptif) . "</div>") . "<div style='text-align: " . $GLOBALS['spip_lang_right'] . ";'>" . "<input type='submit' class='fondo' value='" . _T('bouton_choisir') . "'\nonclick=\"{$js_func}('{$titre}',{$id},'selection_rubrique','id_parent'); return false;\" />" . "</div>" . "</div>";
示例3: install_etape_ldap4_dist
function install_etape_ldap4_dist()
$adresse_ldap = _request('adresse_ldap');
$login_ldap = _request('login_ldap');
$pass_ldap = _request('pass_ldap');
$port_ldap = _request('port_ldap');
$base_ldap = _request('base_ldap');
$base_ldap_text = _request('base_ldap_text');
if (!$base_ldap) {
$base_ldap = $base_ldap_text;
echo install_debut_html('AUTO', ' onload="document.getElementById(\'suivant\').focus();return false;"');
$ldap_link = ldap_connect($adresse_ldap, $port_ldap);
@ldap_bind($ldap_link, $login_ldap, $pass_ldap);
// Essayer de verifier le chemin fourni
$r = @ldap_compare($ldap_link, $base_ldap, "objectClass", "");
$fail = ldap_errno($ldap_link) == 32;
if ($fail) {
echo info_etape(_T('info_chemin_acces_annuaire')), info_progression_etape(3, 'etape_ldap', 'install/', true), "<div class='error'><p><b>" . _T('avis_operation_echec') . "</b></p><p>" . _T('avis_chemin_invalide_1'), " (<tt>" . spip_htmlspecialchars($base_ldap) . "</tt>) " . _T('avis_chemin_invalide_2') . "</p></div>";
} else {
echo info_progression_etape(4, 'etape_ldap', 'install/');
$statuts = liste_statuts_ldap();
$statut_ldap = defined('_INSTALL_STATUT_LDAP') ? _INSTALL_STATUT_LDAP : $GLOBALS['liste_des_statuts']['info_redacteurs'];
$res = install_propager(array('adresse_ldap', 'port_ldap', 'login_ldap', 'pass_ldap', 'protocole_ldap', 'tls_ldap')) . "<input type='hidden' name='etape' value='ldap5' />" . "<input type='hidden' name='base_ldap' value='" . spip_htmlentities($base_ldap) . "' />" . fieldset(_T('info_statut_utilisateurs_1'), array('statut_ldap' => array('label' => _T('info_statut_utilisateurs_2') . '<br />', 'valeur' => $statut_ldap, 'alternatives' => $statuts))) . install_ldap_correspondances() . bouton_suivant();
echo generer_form_ecrire('install', $res);
echo install_fin_html();
示例4: html_dcb8b97aa896cefc9cc619dd8c652c1f
function html_dcb8b97aa896cefc9cc619dd8c652c1f($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
$doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
$connect = '';
$page = '<!-- Creative Commons License -->
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" accesskey="8"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border: 0;" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/88x31.png" /></a>
return analyse_resultat_skel('html_dcb8b97aa896cefc9cc619dd8c652c1f', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-bas_cc.html');
示例5: charger_fonction
* charge un fichier perso ou, a defaut, standard
* et retourne si elle existe le nom de la fonction homonyme (exec_$nom),
* ou de suffixe _dist
* Peut etre appelee plusieurs fois, donc optimiser
* http://doc.spip.org/@charger_fonction
* @param string $nom
* @param string $dossier
* @param bool $continue
* @return string
function charger_fonction($nom, $dossier = 'exec', $continue = false)
static $echecs = array();
if (strlen($dossier) and substr($dossier, -1) != '/') {
$dossier .= '/';
$f = str_replace('/', '_', $dossier) . $nom;
if (function_exists($f)) {
return $f;
if (function_exists($g = $f . '_dist')) {
return $g;
if (isset($echecs[$f])) {
return $echecs[$f];
// Sinon charger le fichier de declaration si plausible
if (!preg_match(',^\\w+$,', $f)) {
if ($continue) {
return false;
//appel interne, on passe
die(spip_htmlspecialchars($nom) . " pas autorise");
// passer en minuscules (cf les balises de formulaires)
// et inclure le fichier
if (!($inc = include_spip($dossier . ($d = strtolower($nom)))) and strlen(dirname($dossier)) and dirname($dossier) != '.') {
include_spip(substr($dossier, 0, -1));
if (function_exists($f)) {
return $f;
if (function_exists($g)) {
return $g;
if ($continue) {
return $echecs[$f] = false;
// Echec : message d'erreur
spip_log("fonction {$nom} ({$f} ou {$g}) indisponible" . ($inc ? "" : " (fichier {$d} absent de {$dossier})"));
echo minipres(_T('forum_titre_erreur'), _T('fichier_introuvable', array('fichier' => '<b>' . spip_htmlentities($d) . '</b>')));
示例6: html_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d
function html_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
$doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
$connect = '';
$page = '
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_langueshtml_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
<div id="menu-lang">
<span class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_langues') . ' : </span>
' . (($t3 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? '<strong class="langue_contexte">' . $t3 . '</strong>' : '') . '
' . $t1 . '
' : '') . '
return analyse_resultat_skel('html_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-bas_menu-lang.html');
示例7: exec_plonger_dist
function exec_plonger_dist()
$rac = _request('rac');
$id = intval(_request('id'));
$exclus = intval(_request('exclus'));
$col = intval(_request('col'));
$do = _request('do');
if (preg_match('/^\\w*$/', $do)) {
if (!$do) {
$do = 'aff';
$plonger = charger_fonction('plonger', 'inc');
$r = $plonger($id, spip_htmlentities($rac), array(), $col, $exclus, $do);
} else {
$r = '';
示例8: proposer_item
function proposer_item($ids, $titles, $rac, $type, $do)
if (!$ids) {
return "<br /><br /><div style='padding: 5px; color: red;'><b>" . spip_htmlentities($type) . "</b> : " . _T('avis_aucun_resultat') . "</div>";
$ret = '';
$info = generer_url_ecrire('informer', "type=rubrique&rac={$rac}&id=");
$onClick = "aff_selection(this.firstChild.title,'{$rac}" . "_selection','{$info}', event)";
$ondbClick = "{$do}(this.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue,this.firstChild.title,'selection_rubrique', 'id_parent');";
foreach ($ids as $id => $bof) {
$titre = strtr(str_replace("'", "’", str_replace('"', """, textebrut($titles[$id]["titre"]))), "\n\r", " ");
$ret .= "<div class='highlight off'\nonclick=\"changerhighlight(this); " . $onClick . "\"\nondblclick=\"" . $ondbClick . $onClick . " \"><div" . $titles[$id]["atts"] . " title='{$id}'> " . $titre . "</div></div>";
return $ret;
示例9: BOUCLE_rubrique_principalhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490
function BOUCLE_rubrique_principalhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
static $command = array();
static $connect;
$command['connect'] = $connect = '';
if (!isset($command['table'])) {
$command['table'] = 'rubriques';
$command['id'] = '_rubrique_principal';
$command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques');
$command['type'] = array();
$command['groupby'] = array();
$command['select'] = array("rubriques.id_rubrique", "rubriques.lang", "rubriques.titre", "rubriques.id_secteur", "rubriques.texte", "rubriques.descriptif");
$command['orderby'] = array();
$command['join'] = array();
$command['limit'] = '';
$command['having'] = array();
$command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_rubrique', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT')));
if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
$timer = time() + microtime();
$t0 = "";
$iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/rubrique.html', 'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490', '_rubrique_principal', 1, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
if (!$iter->err()) {
while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'oui', $Pile[$SP]['titre']);
$t0 .= '
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" dir="' . lang_dir($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '">
<title>[' . interdire_scripts(textebrut(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '] : ' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) . '</title>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',7,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:syndiquer_rubrique') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) . '" href="' . interdire_scripts(parametre_url(generer_url_public('backend', ''), 'id_rubrique', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'])) . '" />
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('styles') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',10,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<body dir="' . lang_dir($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' rubrique sect' . $Pile[$SP]['id_secteur'] . ' ' . BOUCLE_rubriques_bodyhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . ' rub' . $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'] . '">
<div id="page" class="rubrique rub' . $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'] . '">
<!-- *****************************************************************
Bandeau, titre du site et menu langue
Header and main menu (top and right)
************************************************************* -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',20,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<!-- *****************************************************************
Contenu principal (centre)
Main content (center)
************************************************************* -->
<div id="bloc-contenu">
<a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])) . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . '</a>
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_rubriques_cheminhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
' . $t1 . '
' : '') . '
' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(couper(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])), '60')))) !== '' ? '<b class=\'separateur\'>></b> ' . $t1 : '') . '
<div class="ligne-debut"></div><!-- ligne-debut -->
' . (($t1 = strval(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_rubrique', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], quete_parent($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']), 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '120', '0')))) !== '' ? '<div class="logo-liste-art">
' . $t1 . '
</div>' : '') . '
<h1 class="titre-article">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</h1>
' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(($a = filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', propre($Pile[$SP]['texte'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '560', '0')) or is_string($a) and strlen($a)) ? $a : interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? '<div class="chapo ' . interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['texte'] ? '' : '') . '" id="description">
' . $t1 . ('
' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(calculer_notes()))) !== '' ? '<div class="notes" style="padding: 0 1.5em;">' . $t2 . '</div>' : '') . '
</div><!-- chapo -->') : '') . '
' . recuperer_fond('inc/inc-rub-documents', array_merge($Pile[0], array('id_rubrique' => $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'])), array('compil' => array('squelettes/rubrique.html', 'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490', '_rubrique_principal', 43, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])), _request('connect')) . '
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_type_miniplanhtml_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? $t1 . '
' : '
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-rub-articles') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']) . ',
\'id_secteur\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($Pile[$SP]['id_secteur']) . ',
\'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',63,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
') . '
<br class="nettoyeur" />
</div><!-- bloc-contenu -->
<!-- *****************************************************************
示例10: install_propager
function install_propager($hidden)
$res = '';
foreach ($hidden as $k) {
$v = spip_htmlentities(_request($k));
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$k}' value='{$v}' />";
return $res;
示例11: html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d
function html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
$doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
$connect = '';
$page = '
<div id="bas">
<a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . '</a> |
<a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite('1', 'auteur', '', '', true))) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_contact') . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_contact') . '</a> |
<a href="' . interdire_scripts(generer_url_public('plan', '')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:plan_site') . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:plan_site') . '</a>
' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(invalideur_session($Cache, table_valeur($GLOBALS["visiteur_session"], (string) 'id_auteur', null) ? '' : ' ')))) !== '' ? $t1 . (' | <a href="' . interdire_scripts(parametre_url(generer_url_public('login', ''), 'url', self())) . '" rel="nofollow" class=\'login_modal\'>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:lien_connecter') . '</a>') : '') . (($t1 = strval(invalideur_session($Cache, (function_exists("autoriser") || include_spip("inc/autoriser")) && autoriser('ecrire') ? " " : ""))) !== '' ? $t1 . ('| <a href="' . interdire_scripts(eval('return ' . '_DIR_RESTREINT_ABS' . ';')) . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:espace_prive') . '</a>') : '') . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(invalideur_session($Cache, table_valeur($GLOBALS["visiteur_session"], (string) 'id_auteur', null) ? ' ' : '')))) !== '' ? $t1 . (' | <a href="' . executer_balise_dynamique('URL_LOGOUT', array(), array('squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html', 'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d', '', 1, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])) . '" rel="nofollow">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:icone_deconnecter') . '</a>') : '') . ' |
<a href="' . interdire_scripts(generer_url_public('statistiques', '')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:titre_statistiques') . '">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:titre_statistiques') . '</a> |
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_visiteurs') . ' :
' . BOUCLE_art_visiteshtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-affvisit') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',13,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '></span>
<a href="' . interdire_scripts(generer_url_public('backend', '')) . '" rel="nofollow" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:bouton_radio_syndication') . ' ' . traduire_nom_langue(spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])) . '"><img src="' . find_in_path('styles/img/rss.png') . '" alt="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:icone_suivi_activite') . '" style="position:relative;bottom:-0.3em;" width="16" height="16" class="format_png" /><span style="text-transform: uppercase;"> ' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' </span></a>
' . BOUCLE_rubriques_cheminhtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
' . BOUCLE_syndic_rubhtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
<b><a href="http://' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '.wikipedia.org/wiki/Really_Simple_Syndication">?</a></b>
' . BOUCLE_syndic_testhtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
<a href="http://www.spip.net" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:site_realise_avec_spip') . ' ' . spip_version() . '"> ' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:site_realise_avec_spip') . ' ' . interdire_scripts('3.1.0') . '</a> +
<a href="http://edu.ca.edu/rubrique43.html" title="' . _T('spip:squelette') . ' AHUNTSIC - ' . calcul_version_squelette() . '">AHUNTSIC</a>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas_cc') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',44,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(filtre_info_plugin_dist("visiteurs_connectes", "est_actif") ? ' ' : ''))) !== '' ? $t1 . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc-visiteurs') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',47,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>' : '') . '
' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(filtre_info_plugin_dist("couteau_suisse", "est_actif") ? ' ' : ''))) !== '' ? $t1 . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('fonds/visiteurs_connectes') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',48,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>' : '') . '
</div><!-- fin bas -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas_menu-lang') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',53,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . interdire_scripts(@$Pile[0]['spip_cron']) . '
return analyse_resultat_skel('html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html');
示例12: BOUCLE_articleshtml_a80389532d86f8e6929960268237a0a8
function BOUCLE_articleshtml_a80389532d86f8e6929960268237a0a8(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
static $command = array();
static $connect;
$command['connect'] = $connect = '';
$doublons_index = array();
// Initialise le(s) critère(s) doublons
if (!isset($doublons[$d = 'articles'])) {
$doublons[$d] = '';
if (!isset($command['table'])) {
$command['table'] = 'articles';
$command['id'] = '_articles';
$command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles');
$command['type'] = array();
$command['groupby'] = array();
$command['select'] = array("articles.date", "articles.lang", "articles.id_article", "articles.texte", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", "articles.titre");
$command['orderby'] = array('articles.date DESC');
$command['join'] = array();
$command['limit'] = '0,3';
$command['having'] = array();
$command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array(sql_in('articles.id_article', $doublons[$doublons_index[] = 'articles'], 'NOT')));
if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
$timer = time() + microtime();
$t0 = "";
$iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-trad.html', 'html_a80389532d86f8e6929960268237a0a8', '_articles', 6, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
if (!$iter->err()) {
while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
foreach ($doublons_index as $k) {
$doublons[$k] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_article'];
// doublons
lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']);
$t0 .= '
<li>' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t1 . ((($t2 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? ' - <dfn class="lang">' . $t2 . '</dfn>' : '') . '</span>') : '') . '
<a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '/spip.php?action=converser&redirect=' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '%2F' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '&var_lang=' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" hreflang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], strlen($Pile[$SP]['descriptif']) ? '' : $Pile[$SP]['chapo'] . "\n\n" . $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 500, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a>
if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_articles @ squelettes/inc/inc-trad.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
return $t0;
示例13: html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500
function html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
$doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
$connect = '';
$page = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" lang="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '">
<title>[' . interdire_scripts(textebrut(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '] : ' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:icone_agenda') . '</title>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',6,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('styles') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',7,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<body dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' plan">
<div id="page">
<!-- *****************************************************************
Bandeau, titre du site et menu langue
Header and main menu (top and right)
************************************************************* -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',17,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<!-- *****************************************************************
Contenu principal (centre)
Main content (center)
************************************************************* -->
<div id="bloc-contenu">
' . BOUCLE_langue_contexte_exclushtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_langueshtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
<div id="sommaire">
<h4>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_langues') . '</h4>
' . $t1 . '
' : '') . '
<h2>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:icone_agenda') . '</h2>
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_article_languehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
' . $t1 . '
' : '
') . '
<hr />
<h3>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_visites_par_mois') . '</h3>
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_archivehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? $t1 . '
</div><!-- plan -->
' : '') . '
</div><!-- bloc-contenu -->
<!-- *****************************************************************
Menus contextuels (droite)
Contextual menus (right)
************************************************************* -->
<div id="encart">
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-annonces') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',107,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-breves') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',108,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-syndic') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',109,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- encart -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',112,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',113,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- page -->
return analyse_resultat_skel('html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/agenda.html');
示例14: admin_repair_tables
* Exécute une réparation de la base de données
* Crée les tables et les champs manquants.
* Applique sur les tables un REPAIR en SQL (si le serveur SQL l'accepte).
* @return string
* Code HTML expliquant les actions réalisées
function admin_repair_tables()
$repair = sql_repair('repair', null, 'continue');
// recreer les tables manquantes eventuelles
$connexion = $GLOBALS['connexions'][0];
$prefixe = $connexion['prefixe'];
$rows = array();
if ($res1 = sql_showbase()) {
while ($r = sql_fetch($res1)) {
$rows[] = $r;
$res = "";
if (count($rows)) {
while ($r = array_shift($rows)) {
$tab = array_shift($r);
$class = "";
$m = "<strong>{$tab}</strong> ";
spip_log("Repare {$tab}", _LOG_INFO_IMPORTANTE);
// supprimer la meta avant de lancer la reparation
// car le repair peut etre long ; on ne veut pas boucler
if ($repair) {
$result_repair = sql_repair($tab);
if (!$result_repair) {
return false;
// essayer de maj la table (creation de champs manquants)
$count = sql_countsel($tab);
if ($count > 1) {
$m .= "(" . _T('texte_compte_elements', array('count' => $count)) . ")\n";
} else {
if ($count == 1) {
$m .= "(" . _T('texte_compte_element', array('count' => $count)) . ")\n";
} else {
$m .= "(" . _T('texte_vide') . ")\n";
if ($result_repair and $msg = join(" ", (is_resource($result_repair) or is_object($result_repair)) ? sql_fetch($result_repair) : $result_repair) . ' ' and strpos($msg, ' OK ') === false) {
$class = " class='notice'";
$m .= "<br /><tt>" . spip_htmlentities($msg) . "</tt>\n";
} else {
$m .= " " . _T('texte_table_ok');
$res .= "<div{$class}>{$m}</div>";
return $res;
示例15: html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071
function html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
$doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
$connect = '';
$page = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" lang="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '">
<title>[' . interdire_scripts(textebrut(typo($GLOBALS['meta']['nom_site'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . ']</title>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',6,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('styles') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',7,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<body dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' sommaire">
<div id="page" class="sommaire">
<!-- *****************************************************************
Bandeau, titre du site et menu langue
Header and main menu (top and right)
************************************************************* -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',17,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<!-- *****************************************************************
Contenu principal (centre)
Main content (center)
************************************************************* -->
<div id="bloc-contenu">
<div class="edito">
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-sommaire-edito') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',25,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- edito -->
<h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:articles_recents') . '</h2>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-sommaire-articles') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ',
\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . ')), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',29,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- bloc-contenu-->
<!-- *****************************************************************
Menus contextuels (droite)
Contextual menus (right)
************************************************************* -->
<div id="encart">
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-trad') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',40,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-annonces') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',42,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-breves') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',44,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-syndic') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',46,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<!-- Inscription au site -->
' . (($t1 = strval(executer_balise_dynamique('FORMULAIRE_INSCRIPTION', array(), array('squelettes/sommaire.html', 'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071', '', 45, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? '<div class="menu" id="inscription">
<li><b>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:pass_vousinscrire') . '</b>
' . $t1 . '
</div><!-- menu -->' : '') . '
</div><!-- encart -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',53,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',54,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- page-->
return analyse_resultat_skel('html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/sommaire.html');