本文整理匯總了PHP中setvar函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:PHP setvar函數的具體用法?PHP setvar怎麽用?PHP setvar使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: adminLogin
function adminLogin()
$reservename = getvar('username', 'post');
$pass = getvar('pass', 'post');
if (strlen($reservename) >= 5 && strlen($pass) > 5) {
$admin = new Admin();
$row = $admin->findOne($reservename, md5($pass));
if ($row) {
setvar('admin', $row['username']);
if (getvar('rememberme', 'post')) {
setcookie('username', $reservename, time() + 3600 * 24 * 7);
} else {
} else {
示例2: index
function index()
global $smarty, $viewhelper, $tpl_dir;
$smarty->setTemplateDir(PHPB2B_ROOT . $tpl_dir . DS, 'pages');
$conditions = array();
$tpl_file = "pages/default";
!empty($_GET) && ($_GET = clear_html($_GET));
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$conditions[] = "id=" . $id;
} elseif (!empty($_GET['name'])) {
$conditions[] = "name='" . trim($_GET['name']) . "' OR title='" . trim($_GET['name']) . "'";
} elseif (!empty($_GET['title'])) {
$conditions[] = "title='" . trim($_GET['title']) . "' OR name='" . trim($_GET['title']) . "'";
$result = $this->userpage->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->userpage->table_prefix}userpages " . $this->userpage->getCondition());
if (!empty($result)) {
$title = $result['title'];
if (!empty($result['templet_name'])) {
$tpl_file = "pages/" . $result['templet_name'];
} elseif ($viewhelper->tpl_exists($smarty->template_dir . "pages/" . $result['name'] . $smarty->tpl_ext)) {
$tpl_file = "pages/" . $result['name'];
setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($result));
} else {
setvar("item", array());
$smarty->assign('position', $viewhelper->getPosition());
$smarty->assign('page_title', $viewhelper->getTitle());
$smarty->display($tpl_file . $smarty->tpl_ext);
示例3: detail
function detail()
global $G;
using("area", "industry");
$area = new Areas();
$industry = new Industries();
$tpl_file = "company/detail";
$this->viewhelper->setTitle(L("yellow_page", "tpl"));
$this->viewhelper->setPosition(L("yellow_page", "tpl"), "index.php?do=company");
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$result = $area->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT * FROM {$area->table_prefix}companies WHERE id='" . $id . "'");
if (!empty($result)) {
$login_check = 1;
//default open
if (isset($G['setting']['company_logincheck'])) {
$login_check = $G['setting']['company_logincheck'];
$result['tel'] = pb_hidestr(preg_replace('/\\((.+?)\\)/i', '', $result['tel']));
$result['fax'] = pb_hidestr(preg_replace('/\\((.+?)\\)/i', '', $result['fax']));
$result['mobile'] = pb_hidestr($result['mobile']);
$result['industry_names'] = $industry->disSubNames($result['industry_id'], null, true, "company");
$result['area_names'] = $area->disSubNames($result['area_id'], null, true, "company");
setvar("item", $result);
setvar("LoginCheck", $login_check);
render($tpl_file, 1);
示例4: lists
function lists()
global $viewhelper, $pos;
using("industry", "area");
$area = new Areas();
$industry = new Industries();
$conditions[] = "Job.status=1";
$viewhelper->setTitle(L("hr_information", "tpl"));
$viewhelper->setPosition(L("hr_information", "tpl"), "index.php?do=job&action=" . __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$title = trim($_GET['q']);
$conditions[] = "Job.name like '%" . $title . "%'";
if (!empty($_GET['data']['salary_id'])) {
$conditions[] = "Job.salary_id=" . intval($_GET['data']['salary_id']);
if (!empty($_GET['data']['area_id'])) {
$conditions[] = "Job.area_id=" . intval($_GET['data']['area_id']);
if (isset($_GET['industryid'])) {
$industry_id = intval($_GET['industryid']);
$tmp_info = $industry->setInfo($industry_id);
if (!empty($tmp_info)) {
$conditions[] = "Job.industry_id=" . $tmp_info['id'];
$viewhelper->setPosition($tmp_info['name'], "index.php?do=job&action=" . __FUNCTION__ . "&industryid=" . $tmp_info['id']);
if (isset($_GET['areaid'])) {
$area_id = intval($_GET['areaid']);
$tmp_info = $area->setInfo($area_id);
if (!empty($tmp_info)) {
$conditions[] = "Job.area_id=" . $tmp_info['id'];
$viewhelper->setPosition($tmp_info['name'], "index.php?do=job&action=" . __FUNCTION__ . "&areaid=" . $tmp_info['id']);
$amount = $this->job->findCount(null, $conditions, "Job.id");
$result = $this->job->findAll("Job.*,Job.cache_spacename AS userid,Job.created AS pubdate,(select Company.name from " . $this->job->table_prefix . "companies Company where Company.id=Job.id) AS companyname", null, $conditions, "Job.id DESC", $pos, $this->displaypg);
$viewhelper->setTitle(L("search", "tpl"));
$viewhelper->setPosition(L("search", "tpl"));
setvar("items", $result);
setvar("paging", array('total' => $amount));
render("job/list", 1);
示例5: detail
function detail()
global $viewhelper;
$tpl_file = "help/detail";
$viewhelper->setTitle(L("help_center", "tpl"));
$viewhelper->setPosition(L("help_center", "tpl"), "index.php?do=help");
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$help_result = $this->help->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->help->table_prefix}helps WHERE id=" . $id);
if (!empty($help_result)) {
$title = pb_lang_split($help_result['title']);
setvar("item", $help_result);
示例6: redirect
function redirect($code = null)
global $smarty, $theme_name;
$codes = array(100 => "Continue", 101 => "Switching Protocols", 200 => "OK", 201 => "Created", 202 => "Accepted", 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 204 => "No Content", 205 => "Reset Content", 206 => "Partial Content", 300 => "Multiple Choices", 301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 304 => "Not Modified", 305 => "Use Proxy", 307 => "Temporary Redirect", 400 => "Bad Request", 401 => "Unauthorized", 402 => "Payment Required", 403 => "Forbidden", 404 => "Not Found", 405 => "Method Not Allowed", 406 => "Not Acceptable", 407 => "Proxy Authentication Required", 408 => "Request Time-out", 409 => "Conflict", 410 => "Gone", 411 => "Length Required", 412 => "Precondition Failed", 413 => "Request Entity Too Large", 414 => "Request-URI Too Large", 415 => "Unsupported Media Type", 416 => "Requested range not satisfiable", 417 => "Expectation Failed", 500 => "Internal Server Error", 501 => "Not Implemented", 502 => "Bad Gateway", 503 => "Service Unavailable", 504 => "Gateway Time-out");
$dir = $smarty->template_dir . $theme_name . DS;
$msg = !empty($this->message) ? $this->message : $codes[$this->code];
@header("HTTP/1.1 " . $this->code . " " . $msg);
if (strpos($qs, '404;') !== false) {
$qs = str_replace('404;', '', $qs);
$qs = substr($qs, strpos($qs, ':80') + 3);
setvar("url", $qs);
setvar("msg", $code . " " . urldecode($msg));
if (file_exists($dir . $this->code . $smarty->tpl_ext)) {
render($code, true);
} else {
render("error", true);
示例7: updateBreathe
function updateBreathe($id)
global $smarty;
$result = $this->read("*", $id);
if (!empty($result) && $result['style'] == 1) {
$tmp_arr = array();
$xml_template = DATA_PATH . "examples" . DS . "breathe.xml";
$cache_datafile = DATA_PATH . "appcache/breathe-" . $id . ".xml";
$ad_result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_prefix . "adses WHERE status='1' AND state='1' AND adzone_id=" . $id . " ORDER BY priority ASC");
if (!empty($ad_result)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ad_result); $i++) {
$tmp_arr[$i]['link'] = !empty($ad_result[$i]['target_url']) ? $ad_result[$i]['target_url'] : URL;
$tmp_arr[$i]['image'] = $ad_result[$i]['source_url'];
$data = $tmp_arr;
setvar("Items", $data);
$xml_data = $smarty->fetch("file:" . $xml_template);
file_put_contents($cache_datafile, $xml_data);
示例8: lists
function lists()
global $viewhelper, $pos;
$conditions = array();
$viewhelper->setPosition(L("dictionary", "tpl"), "index.php?do=dict");
$viewhelper->setTitle(L("dictionary", "tpl"));
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$conditions[] = "word like '%" . $_GET['q'] . "%'";
if (isset($_GET['typeid'])) {
$type_id = intval($_GET['typeid']);
$conditions[] = "dicttype_id='" . $type_id . "'";
$amount = $this->dict->findCount(null, $conditions);
$result = $this->dict->findAll("Dict.*,dp.name AS typename", array("LEFT JOIN {$this->dict->table_prefix}dicttypes dp ON dp.id=Dict.dicttype_id"), $conditions, "Dict.id DESC", $pos, $this->displaypg);
if (!empty($result)) {
setvar("items", $result);
setvar("paging", array('total' => $amount));
render("dict/list", true);
示例9: reactive
function reactive()
global $G;
if (!empty($_GET['em'])) {
//check em
$email = $_GET['em'];
$result = $this->member->checkUserExistsByEmail($email);
if (!$result) {
flash("member_not_exists", null, 0);
} else {
$member_reg_auth = $G['setting']['new_userauth'];
$id = $this->member->field("id", "email='" . $email . "'");
$member_info = $this->member->getInfoById($id);
require LIB_PATH . "sendmail.inc.php";
require CACHE_LANG_PATH . "lang_emails.php";
if ($member_reg_auth == 1) {
$if_need_check = true;
$exp_time = $this->member->timestamp + 86400;
$tmp_username = $member_info['username'];
$hash = authcode("{$tmp_username}\t" . $exp_time, "ENCODE");
//$hash = str_replace(array("+", "|"), array("|", "_"), $hash);
$hash = rawurlencode($hash);
setvar("hash", $hash);
setvar("expire_date", date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime("+1 day")));
$sended = pb_sendmail(array($email, $member_info['username']), $member_info['username'] . "," . $arrTemplate["_pls_active_your_account"], "activite");
if (empty($G['setting']['reg_filename'])) {
$gopage = URL . 'register.php?action=done&em=' . urlencode($email);
} else {
$gopage = URL . $G['setting']['reg_filename'] . '?action=done&em=' . urlencode($email);
pheader("location:" . $gopage);
} else {
flash("invalid_request", null, 0);
示例10: flash
if (!$result) {
if (isset($_POST['del']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) {
$result = $goods->del($_POST['id']);
if (isset($_GET['do'])) {
$do = trim($_GET['do']);
if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
if ($do == "del" && !empty($id)) {
$result = $goods->del($_GET['id']);
if ($do == "edit") {
if (!empty($id)) {
$result = $goods->read("*", $id);
setvar("item", $result);
$tpl_file = "goods.edit";
$amount = $goods->findCount();
$result = $goods->findAll("*", null, $conditions, "id desc", $page->firstcount, $page->displaypg);
setvar("Items", $result);
setvar("ByPages", $page->pagenav);
示例11: array
$header_style = array('bold' => 1, 'size' => '10', 'color' => '#FFFFFF', 'bgcolor' => '#4F81BD');
$excel->add_style('header', $header_style);
$table_name = PbController::pluralize($_POST['tb_name']);
$record_amount = intval($_POST['record_amount']);
if (empty($record_amount)) {
$record_amount = 1000;
$result = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $tb_prefix . $table_name . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$record_amount};");
$xml = simplexml_to_array(simplexml_load_file(DATA_PATH . "exchange" . DS . $_POST['tb_name'] . ".xml", "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA));
$rows = array_keys($xml['items']);
$excel->add_row($xml['items'], 'header');
foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
foreach ($rows as $key1 => $val1) {
$cols[$val1] = htmlspecialchars($val[$val1]);
$excel->download($_POST['tb_name'] . date("YmdH") . '.xls');
if (!empty($_PB_CACHE['companytype'])) {
setvar("sorts", implode("\r\n", $_PB_CACHE['companytype']));
if (!empty($items)) {
setvar("FileItems", array_map_recursive("pb_lang_split", $items));
示例12: array
case "query":
$tpl_file = "db.query";
case "restore":
$smarty->register_modifier('get_custom_size', 'size_info');
$narray = array();
$dir = DATA_PATH . "backup_" . $backupdir . DS;
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$backed_dir = dir($dir);
$i = -1;
while ($entry = $backed_dir->read()) {
if (!in_array($entry, array('.', '..', '.svn'))) {
$narray[] = array('name' => $entry, 'directory' => DATA_PATH . "backup_" . $backupdir . DS . $entry, 'filemtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($dir . DS . $entry)), 'filesize' => @filesize($dir . DS . $entry));
uasort($narray, 'filemtimesort');
if (!empty($narray)) {
setvar("Items", $narray);
$tpl_file = "db.restore";
$lastbackup_time = $pdb->GetOne("SELECT valued FROM {$tb_prefix}settings WHERE variable='last_backup'");
if ($lastbackup_time) {
setvar("LastbackupTime", date("Y-m-d H:i", $lastbackup_time));
示例13: explode
$fields = "id,username,CONCAT(mf.first_name,mf.last_name) AS NickName,mf.reg_ip,last_ip,points,credits,membergroup_id,status,created AS pubdate,last_login,trusttype_ids";
$amount = $member->findCount(null, $conditions);
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$tb_prefix}memberfields mf ON Member.id=mf.member_id";
$result = $member->findAll($fields, $joins, $conditions, "Member.id DESC ", $page->firstcount, $page->displaypg);
if (!empty($result)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
$tmp_img = null;
if ($result[$i]['id'] != $administrator_id) {
$result[$i]['candelete'] = 1;
} else {
$result[$i]['candelete'] = 0;
if (!empty($result[$i]['trusttype_ids'])) {
$tmp_str = explode(",", $result[$i]['trusttype_ids']);
foreach ($tmp_str as $key => $val) {
$tmp_img .= "<img src='" . URL . STATICURL . "images/icon/" . $G['trusttype'][$val]['avatar'] . "' alt='" . $G['trusttype'][$val]['name'] . "' />";
$result[$i]['trust_image'] = $tmp_img;
if (!empty($result[$i]['membergroup_id'])) {
$result[$i]['group_image'] = URL . STATICURL . "images/group/" . $member_groups[$result[$i]['membergroup_id']]['avatar'];
setvar("Items", $result);
uaAssign(array("MemberStatus" => $typeoption->get_cache_type("check_status"), "ByPages" => $page->pagenav));
示例14: trim
if (isset($_GET['newstype']['name'])) {
$conditions[] = "Newstype.name like '%" . trim($_GET['newstype']['name']) . "%'";
if ($do == "del" && !empty($id)) {
if ($do == "edit") {
setvar("NewstypeOptions", $newstype->getTypeOptions());
if (!empty($id)) {
$res = $newstype->read("*", $id);
setvar("item", $res);
$tpl_file = "newstype.edit";
$amount = $newstype->findCount(null, $conditions);
$sql = "SELECT nt.*,(SELECT count(n.id)) AS news_amount FROM " . $tb_prefix . "newstypes nt LEFT JOIN " . $tb_prefix . "newses n ON n.type_id=nt.id GROUP BY nt.id ORDER BY nt.id DESC LIMIT {$page->firstcount},{$page->displaypg}";
$newstype_list = $pdb->GetArray($sql);
setvar("Items", $newstype_list);
uaAssign(array("ByPages" => $page->pagenav));
if (isset($_POST['del']) && is_array($_POST['id'])) {
$deleted = $newstype->del($_POST['id']);
if (!$deleted) {
示例15: define
define('CURSCRIPT', 'index');
require "../libraries/common.inc.php";
require "../share.inc.php";
require CACHE_PATH . "cache_industry.php";
require CACHE_PATH . 'cache_type.php';
$index_latest_industry_ids = 10;
$data = array();
uses("product", "industry");
$product = new Products();
$industry = new Industries();
$ProductSorts = $_PB_CACHE['productsort'];
$result = $product->GetArray($sql = "SELECT distinct industry_id AS iid FROM {$tb_prefix}products WHERE status=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,{$index_latest_industry_ids}");
if (!empty($result)) {
foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
$data[$val['iid']]['id'] = $val['iid'];
if (isset($_PB_CACHE['industry'][1][$val['iid']])) {
$data[$val['iid']]['name'] = $_PB_CACHE['industry'][1][$val['iid']];
$tmp_result = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT id,name,picture,sort_id,industry_id FROM {$tb_prefix}products WHERE status=1 AND industry_id=" . $val['iid'] . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,5");
if (!empty($tmp_result)) {
foreach ($tmp_result as $key1 => $val1) {
$data[$val['iid']]['sub'][$val1['id']]['id'] = $val1['id'];
$data[$val['iid']]['sub'][$val1['id']]['name'] = $val1['name'];
$data[$val['iid']]['sub'][$val1['id']]['sort'] = $ProductSorts[$val1['sort_id']];
$data[$val['iid']]['sub'][$val1['id']]['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($val1['picture'], '', 'small');
setvar("IndustryProducts", $data);