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PHP mb_str_split函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中mb_str_split函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP mb_str_split函数的具体用法?PHP mb_str_split怎么用?PHP mb_str_split使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: split1

function split1($s)
    $l = 0;
    $r = [""];
    $j = strlen($s);
    $m = false;
    foreach (mb_str_split($s) as $c) {
        /* TODO optimize */
        if ($c == "\\" and !$m) {
            $m = true;
        if ($m and $c != "\\") {
            $m = false;
            if ($c == "|" and $l == 0) {
                $r[] = "";
            if ($c == "(" or $c == "[" or $c == "{") {
                $l += 1;
            } else {
                if ($c == "}" or $c == "]" or $c == ")") {
                    $l -= 1;
            $c = "\\{$c}";
        array_push($r, array_pop($r) . $c);
    return $r;

示例2: calculateAttributes

  * Calculates word's attributes.
 private function calculateAttributes()
     $this->letterList = mb_str_split($this->word);
     $this->length = mb_strlen($this->word, 'UTF-8');
     $this->firstLetter = $this->letterList[0];
     $this->lastLetter = $this->letterList[$this->length - 1];

示例3: test_mb_str_split

 function test_mb_str_split()
     $this->assertEquals(array('b', 'ö', 'b'), mb_str_split('böb'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('bö', 'b'), mb_str_split('böb', 2));
     for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $this->assertEquals(str_split('bob', $i), mb_str_split('bob', $i));
     $this->assertEquals(str_split('bobby'), mb_str_split('bobby'));
     $this->assertEquals(str_split(''), mb_str_split(''));

示例4: createRecords

  * Create records from a data string.
  * @param string $data
  * @return array(Record)
 public function createRecords($data)
     $records = array();
     $size = $this->settings->get('recordSize');
     $compression = $this->settings->get('compression');
     $dataEntries = mb_str_split($data, $size);
     for ($i = 0, $len = sizeof($dataEntries); $i < $len; ++$i) {
         $records[$i] = new Record($dataEntries[$i]);
     return $records;

示例5: mb_ucwords

  * Multibyte version of ucwords().
  * @param string $str
  * @param string $delimiters
  * @param null|string $encoding
  * @return mixed|string
 function mb_ucwords($str, $delimiters = " \t\r\n\f\v", $encoding = null)
     $encoding = Std::coalesce($encoding, mb_internal_encoding());
     $delimitersArray = mb_str_split($delimiters, 1, $encoding);
     $upper = true;
     $result = '';
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < mb_strlen($str, $encoding); $ii++) {
         $char = mb_substr($str, $ii, 1, $encoding);
         if ($upper) {
             $char = mb_convert_case($char, MB_CASE_UPPER, $encoding);
             $upper = false;
         } elseif (ArrayList::of($delimitersArray)->includes($char)) {
             $upper = true;
         $result .= $char;
     return $result;

示例6: file_matrix_1_6

 * 1.6 style file matrix
 * @param string $filename The filename
 * @return string
function file_matrix_1_6($filename)
    $invalid_fs_chars = '*\'\\/"!$%^&*.%(){}[]#~?<>;|¬`@-+=';
    $matrix = "";
    $name = $filename;
    $filename = mb_str_split($filename);
    if (!$filename) {
        return false;
    $len = count($filename);
    if ($len > 5) {
        $len = 5;
    for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) {
        // Prevent a matrix being formed with unsafe characters
        $char = $filename[$n];
        if (strpos($invalid_fs_chars, $char) !== false) {
            $char = '_';
        $matrix .= $char . "/";
    return $matrix . $name . "/";

示例7: trim

$text_size = 30;
# Limpio Lista de Glyphs
$made_from = trim($made_from);
// Trim
$made_from = mb_strtolower($made_from, 'UTF-8');
// Paso a Minusculas
$made_from = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $made_from);
// Borro Espacios en blanco
# Creo un Array limpito, con Frecuencia Zero
function mb_str_split($string)
    return preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $string);
// Modo UTF-8
$made_from = array_unique(mb_str_split($made_from));
$made_from = array_flip($made_from);
foreach ($made_from as $key => $value) {
    $made_from_as_array[$key] = 0;
# Funcion para buscar values que contengan una determinada string dentro de un array
function my_array_find($needle, $haystack)
    foreach ($haystack as $item) {
        if (strpos($item, $needle) !== FALSE) {
            return $item;

示例8: abs

     $toprefix = "si";
 //  echo "s: " . $prefix_sci[$startprefix] ." t: ".$prefix_sci[$toprefix]. " | ";
 if ((int) $prefix_sci[$startprefix] < (int) $prefix_sci[$toprefix]) {
     //  echo " [s < t] ". ($round+1) ."<br>";
     $operation = "-";
     $sumprefix = abs($prefix_sci[$startprefix] - $prefix_sci[$toprefix]);
 if ((int) $prefix_sci[$startprefix] > (int) $prefix_sci[$toprefix]) {
     //  echo " [s > t] ". ($round+1) ."<br>";
     $operation = "+";
     $sumprefix = abs($prefix_sci[$toprefix] - $prefix_sci[$startprefix]);
 //  echo $sumprefix. "..  ";
 //convert the start value to sci value
 $startValueArr = mb_str_split($value);
 //echo $value. " - ";
 if ($value > 9) {
     //  echo "bigger than 9 } ";
     while ((int) $value > 9) {
         $value = $value / 10;
         //  echo $value. " - ";
 } else {
     //  echo "less than 1 } ";
     while ((int) $value < 1) {
         $value = $value * 10;
         //echo $value. " - ";

示例9: mysql_query

    echo ' <table border="1" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%; margin-top:10px;">';
    $datos = mysql_query("SELECT a.nombre,a.id FROM horario h INNER JOIN materia m ON h.materia=m.id INNER JOIN area a ON m.area=a.id  WHERE h.grupo='{$grupo}' AND h.anio='{$anio}' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.nombre");
    while ($reg = mysql_fetch_array($datos)) {
        $area = $reg['id'];
        $nomArea = $reg['nombre'];
        echo '
			  <td class="tdsAreas">
        $nomArea = mb_strtoupper($nomArea, 'UTF-8');
        $porciones = mb_str_split($nomArea);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($porciones); $i++) {
            echo $porciones[$i] . "<br>";
        echo '</td>
			  <td class="tdsInfoAreas">
				<table cellspacing="0" border="1" style="width:100%;">';
        $acomuladaArea = 0;
        $datos2 = mysql_query("SELECT m.id,m.nombre, m.porcentaje FROM horario h INNER JOIN materia m ON h.materia=m.id INNER JOIN area a ON m.area=a.id  WHERE h.grupo='{$grupo}' AND h.anio='{$anio}' AND a.id='{$area}' GROUP BY h.materia ORDER BY m.nombre");
        while ($reg2 = mysql_fetch_array($datos2)) {
            $materia = $reg2['id'];
            $nomMateria = $reg2['nombre'];
            $porcentajeMat = $reg2['porcentaje'];
            $faltas = 0;
            $datos3 = mysql_query("SELECT sum(falta) falta FROM faltas WHERE matricula='{$estInf}' AND materia='{$materia}' AND anio='{$anio}' ");
            while ($reg3 = mysql_fetch_array($datos3)) {

示例10: split

 public static function split($string, $at = '')
     if (empty($at)) {
         if (String::$multibyte) {
             return new Arr(mb_str_split($string));
         return new Arr(str_split($string));
     return new Arr(explode($at, $string));

示例11: money_format

  * Money format
  * @param mixed $amount
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 public static function money_format($amount, $options = [])
     $format = array_merge_hard(self::$options['locale_options'], $options['locale_options'] ?? []);
     $options['decimals'] = $options['decimals'] ?? 2;
     // sometimes symbols contain decimal point, we change it to thousands_sep
     if (!empty($options['symbol'])) {
         $options['symbol'] = str_replace($format['mon_decimal_point'], $format['mon_thousands_sep'], $options['symbol']);
     } else {
         $options['symbol'] = '';
     // convert to string
     if (!is_string($amount)) {
         $amount = $amount . '';
     $negative = strpos($amount, '-') !== false;
     $amount = ltrim($amount, '-');
     // if the number portion has been formatted
     if (empty($options['amount_partially_formatted'])) {
         $temp = explode('.', $amount);
         $number = $temp[0];
         $fraction = $temp[1] ?? '';
         // process number
         if (empty($number)) {
             $number = '0';
         if ($format['mon_thousands_sep'] . '' !== '' && !empty($format['mon_grouping'])) {
             $counter = 0;
             $mon_grouping = [];
             $symbols = array_reverse(mb_str_split($number), true);
             $number = '';
             foreach ($symbols as $k => $v) {
                 // grab group size
                 if ($counter == 0) {
                     if (empty($mon_grouping)) {
                         $mon_grouping = $format['mon_grouping'];
                     if (count($mon_grouping) > 1) {
                         $counter = array_shift($mon_grouping);
                     } else {
                         $counter = $mon_grouping[0];
                 // skip number of characters
                 $number = $v . $number;
                 if ($counter == 0 && $k > 0) {
                     $number = $format['mon_thousands_sep'] . $number;
         // left precision
         if (!empty($options['digits'])) {
             if (strlen($number) < $options['digits']) {
                 $number = str_pad($number, $options['digits'], ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         // right precision
         if ($options['decimals'] > 0) {
             $fraction = substr(str_pad($fraction, $options['decimals'], '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT), 0, $options['decimals']);
             $number = $number . $format['mon_decimal_point'] . $fraction;
     } else {
         $number = $amount;
     // translate characters
     $number = self::number_to_from_native_language($number, $options);
     // format based on settings
     $cs_precedes = $negative ? $format['n_cs_precedes'] : $format['p_cs_precedes'];
     $sep_by_space = $negative ? $format['n_sep_by_space'] : $format['p_sep_by_space'];
     $sign_posn = $negative ? $format['n_sign_posn'] : $format['p_sign_posn'];
     // if accounting formatting
     if (!empty($options['accounting'])) {
         // if we have currency symbol we added it based on settings
         if (!empty($options['symbol'])) {
             $number = ($cs_precedes ? $options['symbol'] . ($sep_by_space === 1 ? ' ' : '') : '') . $number . (!$cs_precedes ? ($sep_by_space === 1 ? ' ' : '') . $options['symbol'] : '');
         if ($negative) {
             $number = '(' . $number . ')';
         } else {
             $number = ' ' . $number . ' ';
     } else {
         $positive_sign = $format['positive_sign'];
         $negative_sign = $format['negative_sign'];
         $sign = $negative ? $negative_sign : $positive_sign;
         $other_sign = $negative ? $positive_sign : $negative_sign;
         $sign_padding = '';
         if ($sign_posn) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($other_sign) - strlen($sign); $i++) {
                 $sign_padding .= ' ';
         $temp_value = '';

示例12: substr_count

    $cuenta = substr_count($analizertwo, $letra);
    if ($cuenta == 0) {
        echo '<p style="color:red;">-</p>';
    } else {
        $frequency = round($cuenta * 100 / $total_letters, 1);
        if ($frequency < 1) {
            echo '<p style="color:red;">' . $frequency . '%</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p>' . $frequency . '%</p>';
echo '</td>';
echo '<td valign="top">';
# Creo un Array limpito, con Frecuencia Zero
$made_from = array_unique(mb_str_split($analizertwo));
$new = my_array_find(' ', $made_from);
if (($key = array_search($new, $made_from)) !== false) {
$made_from = array_flip($made_from);
foreach ($made_from as $key => $value) {
    $made_from_as_array[$key] = 0;
foreach ($made_from_as_array as $letra => $occurencias) {
    $made_from_as_array[$letra] = substr_count($analizertwo, $letra);
echo '<pre>';

示例13: DOMDocument

 if ($user != 1 || $error == 1) {
     $reason = "Error!";
     $message = "There was an issue with your account... Please Login and try again";
     $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
     $XML = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('error'));
     $XML->setAttribute("xmlns:sql", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql");
     $info = $XML->appendChild($dom->createElement('info'));
     $info->setAttribute("code", "526.14");
     $info->setAttribute("reason", $reason);
     $info->setAttribute("message", $message);
     $info->setAttribute("action", "None");
 } else {
     //Loads Armor String
     $armors = $char['strArmor'];
     //Converts string into Array
     $split = mb_str_split($armors, 1);
     //Sets New Value
     $split[$index] = $newval;
     //Combines Values
     $i = 0;
     while ($i <= 50) {
         $newastr = $newastr . $split[$i];
     //Saves String to DB
     $savestring = mysql_query("UPDATE df_characters SET strArmor='" . $newastr . "' WHERE ID='" . $char_id . "' LIMIT 1") or $error = 1;
     if ($error == 1) {
         $reason = "Error!";
         $message = "Cannot save Armor Data.";
         $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
         $XML = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('error'));

示例14: split

  * Split the string into smaller chunks.
  * @param int $splitLength
  * @return string[]
  * @throws \Exception
 public function split($splitLength = 1)
     return mb_str_split($this->contents, $splitLength, $this->encoding);

示例15: mb_strlen

	<div style="float:right;">
		<a href='player_games.php'><button class='btn btn-default btn-lg'>Δες όλα τα παιχνίδια</button></a>

// αν δεν υπάρχει το $_SESSION['word'], τότε διαλέγει λέξη και βάζει το επίπεδο δυσκολίας που επιλέχθηκε
if (!isset($_SESSION['word'])) {
    include_once 'connect.php';
    include_once 'choose_word.php';
    $_SESSION['tries_left'] = $_SESSION['lives'];
    $len = mb_strlen($word);
    $_SESSION['word_array'] = mb_str_split($word);
    //μετατροπή λέξης σε πίνακα χαρακτήρων
    $print_word = array();
    // ο παίκτης θα δει μόνο το πρώτο και το τελευταίο γράμμα της λέξης, τα ενδιάμεσα αντικαθίστανται από παύλες
    $print_word[0] = $_SESSION['word_array'][0];
    for ($i = 1; $i < $len - 1; $i++) {
        $print_word[$i] = "_";
    $print_word[$len - 1] = $_SESSION['word_array'][$len - 1];
    $_SESSION['print_word'] = $print_word;
    // δημιουργείται ο πίνακας με τα χρησιμοποιημένα γράμματα
    $_SESSION['used'] = array();
if (isset($_POST['letter'])) {
    // έλεγχος γράμματος
    $_SESSION['used'][] = $_POST['letter'];
