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Java RDFNode.equals方法代碼示例

如果您正苦於以下問題:Java RDFNode.equals方法的具體用法?Java RDFNode.equals怎麽用?Java RDFNode.equals使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的代碼示例或許能為您提供幫助。


示例1: objectsOfProperty

import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public static List<RDFNode> objectsOfProperty(Model model, Property property, Resource subject,
    RDFNode objectToIgnore) {
  List<RDFNode> objects = new ArrayList<>();

  NodeIterator iterator = model.listObjectsOfProperty(subject, property);
  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    RDFNode node = iterator.next();
    if (!node.equals(objectToIgnore)) {

  return objects;

示例2: isNodeInTarget

import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public boolean isNodeInTarget(RDFNode focusNode, Dataset dataset, Resource executable, SHParameterizableTarget parameterizableTarget) {
    for(RDFNode target : executeTarget(dataset, executable, parameterizableTarget)) {
        if(focusNode.equals(target)) {
            return true;
    return false;

示例3: exportPropertyDefinition

import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
    private void exportPropertyDefinition(
            Property property,
            Resource domain,
            Resource range,
            boolean isObjectProperty,
            Integer min,
            Integer max) {
        property.addProperty(RDF.type, isObjectProperty ? OWL.ObjectProperty : OWL.DatatypeProperty);
        // TODO: double check if domains and ranges are really needed
        property.addProperty(RDFS.domain, domain);
        property.addProperty(RDFS.range, range);		

        if (max != null && max == 1 && owlProfileList.supportsStatement(RDF.type, OWL.FunctionalProperty)) {			
            // TODO: detect when FunctionalDataProperty is supported
            property.addProperty(RDF.type, isObjectProperty ? OWL.FunctionalProperty : RdfVocabulary.OWL.FunctionalDataProperty);

//		jenaModel.add(attributeResource, RDF.type, Ifc2RdfVocabulary.EXPRESS.EntityProperty);						

        if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(RDF.type, OWL.Restriction)) {

            // write constraint about property type
            if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.allValuesFrom, null)) {
                exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.allValuesFrom, range);
            RDFNode minNode = min != null ? jenaModel.createTypedLiteral(min) : null;
            RDFNode maxNode = max != null ? jenaModel.createTypedLiteral(max) : null;
            if (minNode != null) {
                if (minNode.equals(maxNode)) {
                    if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.cardinality, minNode)) {
                        exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.cardinality, minNode);
                        minNode = null;
                        maxNode = null;
                } else {
                    if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.minCardinality, minNode)) {
                        exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.minCardinality, minNode);
                        minNode = null;
            if (maxNode != null) {
                if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.maxCardinality, maxNode)) {
                    exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.maxCardinality, maxNode);
                    minNode = null;

示例4: convertPropertyRestrictions

import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
private void convertPropertyRestrictions(
            Property property,
            Resource domain,
            Resource range,
            boolean isObjectProperty,
            Integer min,
            Integer max,
            Model jenaModel) {
        property.addProperty(RDF.type, isObjectProperty ? OWL.ObjectProperty : OWL.DatatypeProperty);
        // TODO: double check if domains and ranges are really needed
        property.addProperty(RDFS.domain, domain);
        property.addProperty(RDFS.range, range);		

        if (max != null && max == 1 && owlProfileList.supportsStatement(RDF.type, OWL.FunctionalProperty)) {			
            // TODO: detect when FunctionalDataProperty is supported
            property.addProperty(RDF.type, isObjectProperty ? OWL.FunctionalProperty : RdfVocabulary.OWL.FunctionalDataProperty);

//		jenaModel.add(attributeResource, RDF.type, Ifc2RdfVocabulary.EXPRESS.EntityProperty);						

        if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(RDF.type, OWL.Restriction)) {

            // write constraint about property type
            if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.allValuesFrom, null)) {
                exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.allValuesFrom, range, jenaModel);
            RDFNode minNode = min != null ? jenaModel.createTypedLiteral(min) : null;
            RDFNode maxNode = max != null && max != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? jenaModel.createTypedLiteral(max) : null;
            if (minNode != null) {
                if (minNode.equals(maxNode)) {
                    if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.cardinality, minNode)) {
                        exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.cardinality, minNode, jenaModel);
                        minNode = null;
                        maxNode = null;
                } else {
                    if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.minCardinality, minNode)) {
                        exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.minCardinality, minNode, jenaModel);
                        minNode = null;
            if (maxNode != null) {
                if (owlProfileList.supportsStatement(OWL.maxCardinality, maxNode)) {
                    exportPropertyRestriction(domain, property, OWL.maxCardinality, maxNode, jenaModel);
                    minNode = null;

示例5: toXML

import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public boolean toXML(Node xml, RDFNode rdf, Context ctx) {
    Element e;
    Model m = ctx.getModel();
    Document doc = (Document) ((xml instanceof Document)?xml:xml.getOwnerDocument());

    // the element may be defined locally or globally
    element def = getDefinition(ctx.getModel(),ctx);
    schema xs = (schema) def.get_owner();

    if (isQualified()) {
        e = doc.createElementNS(xs.getTargetNamespace(), def.getName());
        // if the default ns is undefined use this tns (unprefixed)
        // (this element may already be in the default namespace)
        String dns = expandPrefix("", xml,null,ctx.getModel());
        // use prefixes where there may be unqualified elements and this is qualified
        if ((dns==null && (xs.getElementFormDefault().equals("unqualified")))
        || (dns!=null && !xs.getTargetNamespace().equals(dns)) // if dns defined and this isn't in it
        || (xs.getElementFormDefault().equals("unqualified")))
    } else {
        // don't define the element in the (target) namespace
        e = doc.createElement(getElementName());
    // nil
    if (def.is_nillable()) {
        if (rdf instanceof Resource 
         && (rdf.equals(RDF.nil) || ((Resource)rdf).hasProperty(RDF.value,RDF.nil))) {
            e.setAttributeNS(schema.XSI, "xsi:nil", "true");
    String type = expandQName(ctx.getDefaultNS(),def.getType(),m);
    XMLBean t = def.get_type(ctx);	
    if (type!=null && type.startsWith(schema.XSD_URI)) {
        try {
            if (type.endsWith("#ID") || 
                type.endsWith("#IDREF") || 
                type.endsWith("#IDREFS") || 
                type.endsWith("#NMTOKENS") ||
                type.endsWith("#ENTITY") ||
                type.endsWith("#QName")) {
                e.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(xs.toXMLValue(e, rdf, type, ctx)));
            else if (type.endsWith("#duration") && !rdf.isLiteral()) {
                // sum of all durations
                Duration duration = null;
                Resource r = (Resource) rdf;
                for (StmtIterator si = r.listProperties(RDF.value); si.hasNext(); ) {
                    Duration d = schema.getDuration(si.nextStatement().getString());
                    duration = duration==null?d:duration.add(d);
                if (duration!=null)
            else addXMLValue(rdf, e, doc);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            Gloze.logger.warn("missing value for: " + getElementName());
    else if (t instanceof complexType) {
        Set<Statement> pending = unsequenced((Resource) rdf);
        int index = ((complexType) t).toXML(e, (Resource) rdf, 0, pending, ctx);
        // search for matching extensions
        produceMixed(ctx.getModel().getSeq((Resource) rdf),index,e);
    else if (t instanceof simpleType) {
        ((simpleType) t).toXML(e, rdf,ctx);
    else { // untyped
    return true;
