本文整理匯總了Golang中mig/client.Client.GetAPIResource方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Golang Client.GetAPIResource方法的具體用法?Golang Client.GetAPIResource怎麽用?Golang Client.GetAPIResource使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類mig/client.Client
示例1: runSearchQuery
// runSearchQuery executes a search string against the API
func runSearchQuery(sp searchParameters, cli client.Client) (items []cljs.Item, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("runSearchQuery() -> %v", e)
fmt.Println("Search query:", sp.query)
target := sp.query
resource, err := cli.GetAPIResource(target)
if err != nil {
items = resource.Collection.Items
示例2: printInvestigatorLastActions
func printInvestigatorLastActions(iid float64, limit int, cli client.Client) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("printInvestigatorLastActions() -> %v", e)
target := fmt.Sprintf("search?type=action&investigatorid=%.0f&limit=%d", iid, limit)
resource, err := cli.GetAPIResource(target)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("------- ID ------- + -------- Action Name ------- + ----------- Target ---------- + ---- Date ---- + -- Status --\n")
for _, item := range resource.Collection.Items {
for _, data := range item.Data {
if data.Name != "action" {
a, err := client.ValueToAction(data.Value)
if err != nil {
name := a.Name
if len(name) < 30 {
for i := len(name); i < 30; i++ {
name += " "
if len(name) > 30 {
name = name[0:27] + "..."
target := a.Target
if len(target) < 30 {
for i := len(target); i < 30; i++ {
target += " "
if len(target) > 30 {
target = target[0:27] + "..."
fmt.Printf("%.0f %s %s %s %s\n", a.ID, name, target,
a.StartTime.Format(time.RFC3339), a.Status)
示例3: searchCommands
func searchCommands(aid float64, show string, cli client.Client) (cmds []mig.Command, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("searchCommands() -> %v", e)
base := fmt.Sprintf("search?type=command&actionid=%.0f", aid)
switch show {
case "found":
base += "&foundanything=true"
case "notfound":
base += "&foundanything=false"
offset := 0
// loop until all results have been retrieved using paginated queries
for {
target := fmt.Sprintf("%s&limit=50&offset=%d", base, offset)
resource, err := cli.GetAPIResource(target)
// because we query using pagination, the last query will return a 404 with no result.
// When that happens, GetAPIResource returns an error which we do not report to the user
if resource.Collection.Error.Message == "no results found" {
err = nil
} else if err != nil {
for _, item := range resource.Collection.Items {
for _, data := range item.Data {
if data.Name != "command" {
cmd, err := client.ValueToCommand(data.Value)
if err != nil {
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
// else increase limit and offset and continue
offset += 50
示例4: searchFoundAnything
func searchFoundAnything(a mig.Action, wantFound bool, cli client.Client) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("searchFoundAnything() -> %v", e)
target := "search?type=command&limit=1000000&actionid=" + fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", a.ID)
if wantFound {
target += "&foundanything=true"
} else {
target += "&foundanything=false"
resource, err := cli.GetAPIResource(target)
if err != nil {
agents := make(map[float64]mig.Command)
for _, item := range resource.Collection.Items {
for _, data := range item.Data {
if data.Name != "command" {
cmd, err := client.ValueToCommand(data.Value)
if err != nil {
agents[cmd.Agent.ID] = cmd
if wantFound {
fmt.Printf("%d agents have found things\n", len(agents))
} else {
fmt.Printf("%d agents have not found anything\n", len(agents))
if len(agents) > 0 {
fmt.Println("---- Command ID ---- ---- Agent Name & ID----")
for agtid, cmd := range agents {
fmt.Printf("%20.0f %s [%.0f]\n", cmd.ID, cmd.Agent.Name, agtid)
示例5: printStatus
func printStatus(cli client.Client) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("printStatus() -> %v", e)
st, err := cli.GetAPIResource("dashboard")
if err != nil {
var onlineagt, idleagt []string
actout := make([]string, 2)
actout[0] = "Latest Actions:"
actout[1] = "---- ID ---- + ---- Name ---- + -Sent- + ---- Date ---- + ---- Investigators ----"
var onlineagents, onlineendpoints, idleagents, idleendpoints, newendpoints, doubleagents, disappearedendpoints, flappingendpoints float64
for _, item := range st.Collection.Items {
for _, data := range item.Data {
switch data.Name {
case "action":
idstr, name, datestr, invs, sent, err := actionPrintShort(data.Value)
if err != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %6d %s %s", idstr, name, sent, datestr, invs)
actout = append(actout, str)
case "online agents":
onlineagents = data.Value.(float64)
case "online endpoints":
onlineendpoints = data.Value.(float64)
case "idle agents":
idleagents = data.Value.(float64)
case "idle endpoints":
idleendpoints = data.Value.(float64)
case "new endpoints":
newendpoints = data.Value.(float64)
case "endpoints running 2 or more agents":
doubleagents = data.Value.(float64)
case "disappeared endpoints":
disappearedendpoints = data.Value.(float64)
case "flapping endpoints":
flappingendpoints = data.Value.(float64)
case "online agents by version":
bData, err := json.Marshal(data.Value)
if err != nil {
var sum []mig.AgentsVersionsSum
err = json.Unmarshal(bData, &sum)
if err != nil {
for _, asum := range sum {
s := fmt.Sprintf("* version %s: %.0f agent", asum.Version, asum.Count)
if asum.Count > 1 {
s += "s"
onlineagt = append(onlineagt, s)
case "idle agents by version":
bData, err := json.Marshal(data.Value)
if err != nil {
var sum []mig.AgentsVersionsSum
err = json.Unmarshal(bData, &sum)
if err != nil {
for _, asum := range sum {
s := fmt.Sprintf("* version %s: %.0f agent", asum.Version, asum.Count)
if asum.Count > 1 {
s += "s"
idleagt = append(idleagt, s)
fmt.Printf("\x1b[31;1m| Agents & Endpoints summary:\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f online agents on %.0f endpoints\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f idle agents on %.0f endpoints\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f endpoints are running 2 or more agents\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f endpoints appeared over the last 7 days\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f endpoints disappeared over the last 7 days\n"+
"\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m * %.0f endpoints have been flapping\n",
onlineagents, onlineendpoints, idleagents, idleendpoints, doubleagents, newendpoints,
disappearedendpoints, flappingendpoints)
fmt.Println("\x1b[31;1m| Online agents by version:\x1b[0m")
for _, s := range onlineagt {
fmt.Println("\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m " + s)
fmt.Println("\x1b[31;1m| Idle agents by version:\x1b[0m")
for _, s := range idleagt {
fmt.Println("\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m " + s)
for _, s := range actout {
fmt.Println("\x1b[31;1m|\x1b[0m " + s)
if len(actout) < 2 {