本文整理匯總了C#中OpenSim.Framework.AgentCircuitData.UnpackAgentCircuitData方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:C# AgentCircuitData.UnpackAgentCircuitData方法的具體用法?C# AgentCircuitData.UnpackAgentCircuitData怎麽用?C# AgentCircuitData.UnpackAgentCircuitData使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類OpenSim.Framework.AgentCircuitData
示例1: OnGenericEvent
protected object OnGenericEvent(string FunctionName, object parameters)
if (FunctionName == "NewUserConnection")
ICapsService service = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface<ICapsService>();
if (service != null)
OSDMap param = (OSDMap)parameters;
AgentCircuitData circuit = new AgentCircuitData();
service.CreateCAPS(circuit.AgentID, CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(circuit.CapsPath),
m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle, !circuit.child, circuit);
IClientCapsService clientCaps = service.GetClientCapsService(circuit.AgentID);
if (clientCaps != null)
IRegionClientCapsService regionCaps = clientCaps.GetCapsService(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle);
if (regionCaps != null)
else if (FunctionName == "UserStatusChange")
UserInfo info = (UserInfo)parameters;
if (!info.IsOnline) //Logging out
ICapsService service = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface<ICapsService>();
if (service != null)
return null;
示例2: DoAgentPost
protected virtual void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = RegionClient.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 400;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "false";
// retrieve the regionhandle
ulong regionhandle = 0;
bool authorize = false;
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_handle"))
UInt64.TryParse(args["destination_handle"].AsString(), out regionhandle);
if (args.ContainsKey("authorize_user")) // not implemented on the sending side yet
bool.TryParse(args["authorize_user"].AsString(), out authorize);
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[REST COMMS]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
// This is the meaning of POST agent
bool result = m_localBackend.SendCreateChildAgent(regionhandle, aCircuit, authorize, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 200;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例3: DoAgentPost
protected void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = Utils.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
// retrieve the input arguments
int x = 0, y = 0;
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
string regionname = string.Empty;
uint teleportFlags = 0;
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_x") && args["destination_x"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_x"].AsString(), out x);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_x");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_y") && args["destination_y"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_y"].AsString(), out y);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_y");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_uuid") && args["destination_uuid"] != null)
UUID.TryParse(args["destination_uuid"].AsString(), out uuid);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_name") && args["destination_name"] != null)
regionname = args["destination_name"].ToString();
if (args.ContainsKey("teleport_flags") && args["teleport_flags"] != null)
teleportFlags = args["teleport_flags"].AsUInteger();
GridRegion destination = new GridRegion();
destination.RegionID = uuid;
destination.RegionLocX = x;
destination.RegionLocY = y;
destination.RegionName = regionname;
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
// This is the meaning of POST agent
//bool result = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason);
bool result = CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// Let's also send out the IP address of the caller back to the caller (HG 1.5)
resp["your_ip"] = OSD.FromString(GetCallerIP(request));
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.OK;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例4: RetrieveAgent
public bool RetrieveAgent(GridRegion destination, UUID id, bool agentIsLeaving, out AgentData agent,
out AgentCircuitData circuitData)
agent = null;
// Try local first
if (m_localBackend.RetrieveAgent(destination, id, agentIsLeaving, out agent, out circuitData))
return true;
// else do the remote thing
if (!m_localBackend.IsLocalRegion(destination.RegionHandle))
// Eventually, we want to use a caps url instead of the agentID
string uri = MakeUri(destination, true) + id + "/" + destination.RegionID.ToString() + "/" +
agentIsLeaving.ToString() + "/";
OSDMap result = WebUtils.GetFromService(uri, true, false, false);
if (result["Success"].AsBoolean())
OSDMap r = (OSDMap) OSDParser.DeserializeJson(result["_RawResult"]);
if (r["Result"] == "Not Found")
return false;
agent = new AgentData();
if (!r.ContainsKey("AgentData"))
return false; //Disable old simulators
agent.Unpack((OSDMap) r["AgentData"]);
circuitData = new AgentCircuitData();
circuitData.UnpackAgentCircuitData((OSDMap) r["CircuitData"]);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[REMOTE SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: UpdateAgent failed with exception: " + e);
return false;
return false;
示例5: DoAgentPost
protected void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = Utils.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
// retrieve the input arguments
int x = 0, y = 0;
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
string regionname = string.Empty;
string gatekeeper_host = string.Empty;
int gatekeeper_port = 0;
if (args.ContainsKey("gatekeeper_host") && args["gatekeeper_host"] != null)
gatekeeper_host = args["gatekeeper_host"].AsString();
if (args.ContainsKey("gatekeeper_port") && args["gatekeeper_port"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["gatekeeper_port"].AsString(), out gatekeeper_port);
GridRegion gatekeeper = new GridRegion();
gatekeeper.ExternalHostName = gatekeeper_host;
gatekeeper.HttpPort = (uint)gatekeeper_port;
gatekeeper.InternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_x") && args["destination_x"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_x"].AsString(), out x);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_x");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_y") && args["destination_y"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_y"].AsString(), out y);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_y");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_uuid") && args["destination_uuid"] != null)
UUID.TryParse(args["destination_uuid"].AsString(), out uuid);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_name") && args["destination_name"] != null)
regionname = args["destination_name"].ToString();
GridRegion destination = new GridRegion();
destination.RegionID = uuid;
destination.RegionLocX = x;
destination.RegionLocY = y;
destination.RegionName = regionname;
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[HOME AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
bool result = m_UserAgentService.LoginAgentToGrid(aCircuit, gatekeeper, destination, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.OK;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例6: OnMessageReceived
protected OSDMap OnMessageReceived(OSDMap message)
if (!message.ContainsKey("Method"))
return null;
UUID AgentID = message["AgentID"].AsUUID();
ulong requestingRegion = message["RequestingRegion"].AsULong();
ICapsService capsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICapsService>();
if (capsService == null)
//m_log.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Failed OnMessageReceived ICapsService is null");
return new OSDMap();
IClientCapsService clientCaps = capsService.GetClientCapsService(AgentID);
IRegionClientCapsService regionCaps = null;
if (clientCaps != null)
regionCaps = clientCaps.GetCapsService(requestingRegion);
if (message["Method"] == "LogoutRegionAgents")
else if (message["Method"] == "RegionIsOnline") //This gets fired when the scene is fully finished starting up
//Log out all the agents first, then add any child agents that should be in this region
IGridService GridService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IGridService>();
if (GridService != null)
int x, y;
Util.UlongToInts(requestingRegion, out x, out y);
GridRegion requestingGridRegion = GridService.GetRegionByPosition(UUID.Zero, x, y);
if (requestingGridRegion != null)
else if (message["Method"] == "DisableSimulator")
if (regionCaps == null || clientCaps == null)
return null;
IEventQueueService eventQueue = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueueService> ();
eventQueue.DisableSimulator (regionCaps.AgentID, regionCaps.RegionHandle);
else if (message["Method"] == "ArrivedAtDestination")
if (regionCaps == null || clientCaps == null)
return null;
//Recieved a callback
if (clientCaps.InTeleport) //Only set this if we are in a teleport,
// otherwise (such as on login), this won't check after the first tp!
clientCaps.CallbackHasCome = true;
regionCaps.Disabled = false;
//The agent is getting here for the first time (eg. login)
OSDMap body = ((OSDMap)message["Message"]);
//Parse the OSDMap
int DrawDistance = body["DrawDistance"].AsInteger();
AgentCircuitData circuitData = new AgentCircuitData();
//Now do the creation
EnableChildAgents(AgentID, requestingRegion, DrawDistance, circuitData);
else if (message["Method"] == "CancelTeleport")
if (regionCaps == null || clientCaps == null)
return null;
//Only the region the client is root in can do this
IRegionClientCapsService rootCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService ();
if (rootCaps != null && rootCaps.RegionHandle == regionCaps.RegionHandle)
//The user has requested to cancel the teleport, stop them.
clientCaps.RequestToCancelTeleport = true;
regionCaps.Disabled = false;
else if (message["Method"] == "AgentLoggedOut")
//ONLY if the agent is root do we even consider it
if (regionCaps != null)
if (regionCaps.RootAgent)
else if (message["Method"] == "SendChildAgentUpdate")
if (regionCaps == null || clientCaps == null)
return null;
IRegionClientCapsService rootCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService ();
if (rootCaps != null && rootCaps.RegionHandle == regionCaps.RegionHandle)
示例7: DoAgentPost
protected void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = Utils.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
AgentDestinationData data = CreateAgentDestinationData();
UnpackData(args, data, request);
GridRegion destination = new GridRegion();
destination.RegionID = data.uuid;
destination.RegionLocX = data.x;
destination.RegionLocY = data.y;
destination.RegionName = data.name;
GridRegion gatekeeper = ExtractGatekeeper(data);
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
GridRegion source = null;
if (args.ContainsKey("source_uuid"))
source = new GridRegion();
source.RegionLocX = Int32.Parse(args["source_x"].AsString());
source.RegionLocY = Int32.Parse(args["source_y"].AsString());
source.RegionName = args["source_name"].AsString();
source.RegionID = UUID.Parse(args["source_uuid"].AsString());
if (args.ContainsKey("source_server_uri"))
source.RawServerURI = args["source_server_uri"].AsString();
source.RawServerURI = null;
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
// This is the meaning of POST agent
//bool result = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(destination, aCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason);
bool result = CreateAgent(source, gatekeeper, destination, aCircuit, data.flags, data.fromLogin, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// Let's also send out the IP address of the caller back to the caller (HG 1.5)
resp["your_ip"] = OSD.FromString(GetCallerIP(request));
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.OK;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例8: Handle
public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream request,
OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse)
byte[] result = new byte[0];
UUID agentID;
string action;
ulong regionHandle;
if (!RestHandlerUtils.GetParams(path, out agentID, out regionHandle, out action))
m_log.InfoFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: Invalid parameters for agent message {0}", path);
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
httpResponse.StatusDescription = "Invalid parameters for agent message " + path;
return result;
if (m_AuthenticationService != null)
// Authentication
string authority = string.Empty;
string authToken = string.Empty;
if (!RestHandlerUtils.GetAuthentication(httpRequest, out authority, out authToken))
m_log.InfoFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: Authentication failed for agent message {0}", path);
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
return result;
// TODO: Rethink this
//if (!m_AuthenticationService.VerifyKey(agentID, authToken))
// m_log.InfoFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: Authentication failed for agent message {0}", path);
// httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
// return result;
m_log.DebugFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: Authentication succeeded for {0}", agentID);
OSDMap args = Util.GetOSDMap(request, (int)httpRequest.ContentLength);
if (args == null)
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
httpResponse.StatusDescription = "Unable to retrieve data";
m_log.DebugFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: Unable to retrieve data for post {0}", path);
return result;
// retrieve the regionhandle
ulong regionhandle = 0;
if (args["destination_handle"] != null)
UInt64.TryParse(args["destination_handle"].AsString(), out regionhandle);
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[AgentPostHandler]: exception on unpacking CreateAgent message {0}", ex.Message);
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
httpResponse.StatusDescription = "Problems with data deserialization";
return result;
string reason = string.Empty;
// We need to clean up a few things in the user service before I can do this
//if (m_AllowForeignGuests)
// m_regionClient.AdjustUserInformation(aCircuit);
// Finally!
bool success = m_SimulationService.CreateAgent(regionhandle, aCircuit, out reason);
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(1);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(success);
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp));
示例9: DoAgentPost
protected void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = Utils.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
// retrieve the input arguments
int x = 0, y = 0;
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
string regionname = string.Empty;
string gatekeeper_host = string.Empty;
string gatekeeper_serveruri = string.Empty;
string destination_serveruri = string.Empty;
int gatekeeper_port = 0;
IPEndPoint client_ipaddress = null;
if (args.ContainsKey("gatekeeper_host") && args["gatekeeper_host"] != null)
gatekeeper_host = args["gatekeeper_host"].AsString();
if (args.ContainsKey("gatekeeper_port") && args["gatekeeper_port"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["gatekeeper_port"].AsString(), out gatekeeper_port);
if (args.ContainsKey("gatekeeper_serveruri") && args["gatekeeper_serveruri"] !=null)
gatekeeper_serveruri = args["gatekeeper_serveruri"];
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_serveruri") && args["destination_serveruri"] !=null)
destination_serveruri = args["destination_serveruri"];
GridRegion gatekeeper = new GridRegion();
gatekeeper.ServerURI = gatekeeper_serveruri;
gatekeeper.ExternalHostName = gatekeeper_host;
gatekeeper.HttpPort = (uint)gatekeeper_port;
gatekeeper.InternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_x") && args["destination_x"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_x"].AsString(), out x);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_x");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_y") && args["destination_y"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_y"].AsString(), out y);
m_log.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_y");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_uuid") && args["destination_uuid"] != null)
UUID.TryParse(args["destination_uuid"].AsString(), out uuid);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_name") && args["destination_name"] != null)
regionname = args["destination_name"].ToString();
if (args.ContainsKey("client_ip") && args["client_ip"] != null)
string ip_str = args["client_ip"].ToString();
string callerIP = GetCallerIP(request);
// Verify if this caller has authority to send the client IP
if (callerIP == m_LoginServerIP)
client_ipaddress = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip_str), 0);
else // leaving this for now, but this warning should be removed
m_log.WarnFormat("[HOME AGENT HANDLER]: Unauthorized machine {0} tried to set client ip to {1}", callerIP, ip_str);
m_log.DebugFormat("[HOME AGENT HANDLER]: Exception parsing client ip address from {0}", ip_str);
GridRegion destination = new GridRegion();
destination.RegionID = uuid;
destination.RegionLocX = x;
destination.RegionLocY = y;
destination.RegionName = regionname;
destination.ServerURI = destination_serveruri;
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[HOME AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
bool result = m_UserAgentService.LoginAgentToGrid(aCircuit, gatekeeper, destination, client_ipaddress, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.OK;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例10: DoAgentPost
protected void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
OSDMap args = WebUtils.GetOSDMap((string) request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
// retrieve the input arguments
int x = 0, y = 0;
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
string regionname = string.Empty;
uint teleportFlags = 0;
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_x") && args["destination_x"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_x"].AsString(), out x);
MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_x");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_y") && args["destination_y"] != null)
Int32.TryParse(args["destination_y"].AsString(), out y);
MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat(" -- request didn't have destination_y");
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_uuid") && args["destination_uuid"] != null)
UUID.TryParse(args["destination_uuid"].AsString(), out uuid);
if (args.ContainsKey("destination_name") && args["destination_name"] != null)
regionname = args["destination_name"].ToString();
if (args.ContainsKey("teleport_flags") && args["teleport_flags"] != null)
teleportFlags = args["teleport_flags"].AsUInteger();
AgentData agent = null;
if (args.ContainsKey("agent_data") && args["agent_data"] != null)
OSDMap agentDataMap = (OSDMap) args["agent_data"];
agent = new AgentData();
catch (Exception ex)
MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex);
GridRegion destination = new GridRegion
{RegionID = uuid, RegionLocX = x, RegionLocY = y, RegionName = regionname};
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[AGENT HANDLER]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(3);
string reason = String.Empty;
int requestedUDPPort = 0;
// This is the meaning of POST agent
bool result = CreateAgent(destination, ref aCircuit, teleportFlags, agent, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
resp["reason"] = reason;
resp["requestedUDPPort"] = requestedUDPPort;
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// Let's also send out the IP address of the caller back to the caller (HG 1.5)
resp["your_ip"] = OSD.FromString(GetCallerIP(request));
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = HttpStatusCode.OK;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例11: DoAgentPost
protected virtual void DoAgentPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID id)
if (m_safemode)
// Authentication
string authority = string.Empty;
string authToken = string.Empty;
if (!GetAuthentication(request, out authority, out authToken))
m_log.InfoFormat("[REST COMMS]: Authentication failed for agent message {0}", request["uri"]);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 403;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Forbidden";
return ;
if (!VerifyKey(id, authority, authToken))
m_log.InfoFormat("[REST COMMS]: Authentication failed for agent message {0}", request["uri"]);
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 403;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Forbidden";
return ;
m_log.DebugFormat("[REST COMMS]: Authentication succeeded for {0}", id);
OSDMap args = RegionClient.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);
if (args == null)
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 400;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = "false";
// retrieve the regionhandle
ulong regionhandle = 0;
if (args["destination_handle"] != null)
UInt64.TryParse(args["destination_handle"].AsString(), out regionhandle);
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.InfoFormat("[REST COMMS]: exception on unpacking ChildCreate message {0}", ex.Message);
OSDMap resp = new OSDMap(2);
string reason = String.Empty;
// This is the meaning of POST agent
bool result = m_localBackend.SendCreateChildAgent(regionhandle, aCircuit, out reason);
resp["reason"] = OSD.FromString(reason);
resp["success"] = OSD.FromBoolean(result);
// TODO: add reason if not String.Empty?
responsedata["int_response_code"] = 200;
responsedata["str_response_string"] = OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(resp);
示例12: HandleIn
public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
// if this is a relay node, forward the message
if (pRegionContext.IsSyncRelay)
pRegionContext.SendSpecialUpdateToRelevantSyncConnectors(ConnectorContext.otherSideActorID, this);
// If we receive a new presence that for some reason indicates this region is its "real region" then ignore it.
// Maybe we should even send out a message to remove the avatar from other actors?
if ((string)(((SyncInfoPresence)SyncInfo).CurrentlySyncedProperties[SyncableProperties.Type.RealRegion].LastUpdateValue) == RegionContext.Scene.Name)
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Attempt to handle NewPresence message with RealRegion = {1}", LogHeader, RegionContext.Scene.Name);
return false;
//Add the SyncInfo to SyncInfoManager
pRegionContext.InfoManager.InsertSyncInfo(SyncInfo.UUID, SyncInfo);
// Get ACD and PresenceType from decoded SyncInfoPresence
AgentCircuitData acd = new AgentCircuitData();
// Unset the ViaLogin flag since this presence is being added to the scene by sync (not via login)
acd.teleportFlags &= ~(uint)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
PresenceType pt = (PresenceType)(int)(((SyncInfoPresence)SyncInfo).CurrentlySyncedProperties[SyncableProperties.Type.PresenceType].LastUpdateValue);
// Fake like we're not a user so normal teleport processing will not happen.
// No. If we make the presence an NPC, then we cannot prevent the local scene from rezzing a duplicate set of attachments.
// So, ScenePresence will be added with the original presence type. NPC presences will always get duplicate attachments which will need
// to be fixed to support NPC presences in DSG regions. We can fix that eventually with a DSGAttachmentsModule which will only rez for
// presences added by the local scene. Then, we can go back to all Region Sync Avatars being NPCs.
// PresenceType pt = PresenceType.Npc;
// Add the decoded circuit to local scene
pRegionContext.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.AddNewCircuit(acd.circuitcode, acd);
// Create a client and add it to the local scene at the position of the last update from sync cache
Vector3 currentPos = (Vector3)(((SyncInfoPresence)SyncInfo).CurrentlySyncedProperties[SyncableProperties.Type.AbsolutePosition].LastUpdateValue);
IClientAPI client = new RegionSyncAvatar(acd.circuitcode, pRegionContext.Scene, acd.AgentID, acd.firstname, acd.lastname, currentPos);
SyncInfo.SceneThing = pRegionContext.Scene.AddNewAgent(client, pt);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Exception in AddNewAgent: {1}", LogHeader, e.ToString());
// Maybe this should be the "real" region UUID but I don't think it will matter until we understand better how teleporting in DSG will work
ScenePresence sp = (ScenePresence)SyncInfo.SceneThing;
// m_originRegionID is a private instance member of ScenePresence
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
// Get the field info instance corresponding to m_originRegionID
FieldInfo field = typeof(ScenePresence).GetField("m_originRegionID", flags);
// Set the value to the current scene
field.SetValue(sp, pRegionContext.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionID);
// Now that we have a presence and a client, tell the region sync "client" to finish connecting.
// Might need to trigger something here to send new client messages to connected clients
return true;