本文整理匯總了C++中GLevelEditorModeTools函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:C++ GLevelEditorModeTools函數的具體用法?C++ GLevelEditorModeTools怎麽用?C++ GLevelEditorModeTools使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: FrustumSelect
/** @return true if something was selected/deselected, false otherwise. */
bool FModeTool_GeometryModify::FrustumSelect( const FConvexVolume& InFrustum, bool InSelect /* = true */ )
bool bResult = false;
if( GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive( FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry ) )
FEdModeGeometry* mode = (FEdModeGeometry*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode( FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry );
for( FEdModeGeometry::TGeomObjectIterator Itor( mode->GeomObjectItor() ) ; Itor ; ++Itor )
FGeomObjectPtr go = *Itor;
FTransform ActorToWorld = go->GetActualBrush()->ActorToWorld();
// Check each vertex to see if its inside the frustum
for( int32 v = 0 ; v < go->VertexPool.Num() ; ++v )
FGeomVertex& gv = go->VertexPool[v];
if( InFrustum.IntersectBox( ActorToWorld.TransformPosition( gv.GetMid() ), FVector::ZeroVector ) )
gv.Select( InSelect );
bResult = true;
return bResult;
示例2: BoxSelect
/** @return true if something was selected/deselected, false otherwise. */
bool FModeTool_GeometryModify::BoxSelect( FBox& InBox, bool InSelect )
bool bResult = false;
if( GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive( FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry ) )
FEdModeGeometry* mode = (FEdModeGeometry*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode( FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry );
for( FEdModeGeometry::TGeomObjectIterator Itor( mode->GeomObjectItor() ) ; Itor ; ++Itor )
FGeomObjectPtr go = *Itor;
FTransform ActorToWorld = go->GetActualBrush()->ActorToWorld();
// Only verts for box selection
for( int32 v = 0 ; v < go->VertexPool.Num() ; ++v )
FGeomVertex& gv = go->VertexPool[v];
if( FMath::PointBoxIntersection( ActorToWorld.TransformPosition( gv.GetMid() ), InBox ) )
gv.Select( InSelect );
bResult = true;
return bResult;
示例3: EditorExit
void EditorExit()
GLevelEditorModeTools().DeactivateAllModes(); // this also activates the default mode
// Save out any config settings for the editor so they don't get lost
// Clean up the actor folders singleton
// Save out default file directories
// Allow the game thread to finish processing any latent tasks.
// Some editor functions may queue tasks that need to be run before the editor is finished.
// Cleanup the misc editor
if( GLogConsole )
GLogConsole->Show( false );
delete GDebugToolExec;
GDebugToolExec = NULL;
示例4: GLevelEditorModeTools
void SLevelEditorModeContent::HandleParentClosed( TSharedRef<SDockTab> TabBeingClosed )
if ( GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive(EditorMode->GetID()) )
示例5: check
bool FModeTool_InterpEdit::InputDelta(FEditorViewportClient* InViewportClient, FViewport* InViewport, FVector& InDrag, FRotator& InRot, FVector& InScale)
check( GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_InterpEdit) );
FEdModeInterpEdit* mode = (FEdModeInterpEdit*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_InterpEdit);
bool bShiftDown = InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::LeftShift) || InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::RightShift);
FVector InputDeltaDrag( InDrag );
// If we are grabbing a 'handle' on the movement curve, pass that info to Matinee
mode->InterpEd->Move3DHandle( DragGroup, DragTrackIndex, DragKeyIndex, bDragArriving, InputDeltaDrag * (1.f/CurveHandleScale) );
return 1;
// If shift is downOnly do 'move initial position' if dragging the widget
else if(bShiftDown && InViewportClient->GetCurrentWidgetAxis() != EAxisList::None)
mode->InterpEd->MoveInitialPosition( InputDeltaDrag, InRot );
return 1;
return 0;
示例6: GLevelEditorModeTools
bool FCreateLandscapeCommand::Update()
//Switch to the Landscape tool
FEdModeLandscape* LandscapeEdMode = (FEdModeLandscape*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Landscape);
//Modify the "Section size"
LandscapeEdMode->UISettings->NewLandscape_QuadsPerSection = 7;
//Create the landscape
TSharedPtr<FLandscapeEditorDetailCustomization_NewLandscape> Customization_NewLandscape = MakeShareable(new FLandscapeEditorDetailCustomization_NewLandscape);
if (LandscapeEdMode->CurrentToolTarget.LandscapeInfo.IsValid())
UE_LOG(LogLandscapeAutomationTests, Display, TEXT("Created a new landscape"));
UE_LOG(LogLandscapeAutomationTests, Error, TEXT("Failed to create a new landscape"));
return true;
示例7: SAssignNew
void SToolkitDisplay::Construct( const FArguments& InArgs, const TSharedRef< class ILevelEditor >& OwningLevelEditor )
OnInlineContentChangedDelegate = InArgs._OnInlineContentChanged;
SAssignNew( VBox, SVerticalBox )
// Register with the mode system to find out when a mode is entered or exited
GLevelEditorModeTools().OnEditorModeChanged().AddSP( SharedThis( this ), &SToolkitDisplay::OnEditorModeChanged );
// Find all of the current active modes and toolkits and add those right away. This widget could have been created "late"!
TArray< FEdMode* > ActiveModes;
GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveModes( ActiveModes );
for( auto EdModeIt = ActiveModes.CreateConstIterator(); EdModeIt; ++EdModeIt )
// We don't care about the default editor mode. Just ignore it.
if( (*EdModeIt)->GetID() != FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Default && !(*EdModeIt)->UsesToolkits() )
AddEditorMode( *EdModeIt );
const TArray< TSharedPtr< IToolkit > >& HostedToolkits = OwningLevelEditor->GetHostedToolkits();
for( auto HostedToolkitIt = HostedToolkits.CreateConstIterator(); HostedToolkitIt; ++HostedToolkitIt )
OnToolkitHostingStarted( ( *HostedToolkitIt ).ToSharedRef() );
示例8: EditorExit
void EditorExit()
GLevelEditorModeTools().DeactivateAllModes(); // this also activates the default mode
// Save out any config settings for the editor so they don't get lost
// Clean up the actor folders singleton
// Save out default file directories
// Cleanup the misc editor
if( GLogConsole )
GLogConsole->Show( false );
delete GDebugToolExec;
GDebugToolExec = NULL;
示例9: check
const FGeomObjectPtr FGeomBase::GetParentObject() const
check( GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry) );
check( ParentObjectIndex > INDEX_NONE );
const FEdModeGeometry* mode = (FEdModeGeometry*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry);
return mode->GetGeomObject( ParentObjectIndex );
示例10: GLevelEditorModeTools
void FEdModeTexture::Enter()
const bool bGetRawValue = true;
SaveCoordSystem = GLevelEditorModeTools().GetCoordSystem(bGetRawValue);
示例11: GetLevelObjectList
void FLevelCollectionModel::UnloadLevels(const FLevelModelList& InLevelList)
if (InLevelList.Num() == 0)
// If matinee is opened, and if it belongs to the level being removed, close it
if (GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_InterpEdit))
TArray<ULevel*> LevelsToRemove = GetLevelObjectList(InLevelList);
const FEdModeInterpEdit* InterpEditMode = (const FEdModeInterpEdit*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_InterpEdit);
if (InterpEditMode && InterpEditMode->MatineeActor && LevelsToRemove.Contains(InterpEditMode->MatineeActor->GetLevel()))
else if(GLevelEditorModeTools().IsModeActive(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Landscape))
// Remove each level!
// Take a copy of the list rather than using a reference to the selected levels list, as this will be modified in the loop below
const FLevelModelList LevelListCopy = InLevelList;
for (auto It = LevelListCopy.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
TSharedPtr<FLevelModel> LevelModel = (*It);
ULevel* Level = LevelModel->GetLevelObject();
if (Level != NULL && !LevelModel->IsPersistent())
// Unselect all actors before removing the level
// This avoids crashing in areas that rely on getting a selected actors level. The level will be invalid after its removed.
for (auto ActorIt = Level->Actors.CreateIterator(); ActorIt; ++ActorIt)
Editor->SelectActor((*ActorIt), /*bInSelected=*/ false, /*bSelectEvenIfHidden=*/ false);
FUnmodifiableObject ImmuneWorld(CurrentWorld.Get());
Editor->ResetTransaction( LOCTEXT("RemoveLevelTransReset", "Removing Levels from World") );
// Collect garbage to clear out the destroyed level
示例12: GLevelEditorModeTools
bool ALandscapePlaceholder::TeleportTo(const FVector& DestLocation, const FRotator& DestRotation, bool bIsATest /*= false*/, bool bNoCheck /*= false*/)
bool bResult = Super::TeleportTo(DestLocation, DestRotation, bIsATest, bNoCheck);
FEdModeLandscape* EdMode = (FEdModeLandscape*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Landscape);
EdMode->UISettings->NewLandscape_Location = GetActorLocation();
EdMode->UISettings->NewLandscape_Rotation = GetActorRotation();
return bResult;
示例13: GLevelEditorModeTools
void UVREditorMode::CycleTransformGizmoHandleType()
EGizmoHandleTypes NewGizmoType = (EGizmoHandleTypes)( (uint8)WorldInteraction->GetCurrentGizmoType() + 1 );
if( NewGizmoType > EGizmoHandleTypes::Scale )
NewGizmoType = EGizmoHandleTypes::All;
// Set coordinate system to local if the next gizmo will be for non-uniform scaling
if ( NewGizmoType == EGizmoHandleTypes::Scale )
const ECoordSystem CurrentCoordSystem = WorldInteraction->GetTransformGizmoCoordinateSpace();
if ( CurrentCoordSystem == COORD_World )
GLevelEditorModeTools().SetCoordSystem( COORD_Local );
// Remember if coordinate system was in world space before scaling
bWasInWorldSpaceBeforeScaleMode = true;
else if ( CurrentCoordSystem == COORD_Local )
bWasInWorldSpaceBeforeScaleMode = false;
else if ( WorldInteraction->GetCurrentGizmoType() == EGizmoHandleTypes::Scale && bWasInWorldSpaceBeforeScaleMode )
// Set the coordinate system to world space if the coordinate system was world before scaling
WorldInteraction->SetTransformGizmoCoordinateSpace( COORD_World );
WorldInteraction->SetGizmoHandleType( NewGizmoType );
示例14: UpdatePivotLocationForSelection
void UUnrealEdEngine::NoteSelectionChange()
// The selection changed, so make sure the pivot (widget) is located in the right place
UpdatePivotLocationForSelection( true );
// Clear active editing visualizer on selection change
TArray<FEdMode*> ActiveModes;
GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveModes( ActiveModes );
for( int32 ModeIndex = 0; ModeIndex < ActiveModes.Num(); ++ModeIndex )
const bool bComponentSelectionChanged = GetSelectedComponentCount() > 0;
USelection* Selection = bComponentSelectionChanged ? GetSelectedComponents() : GetSelectedActors();
if (!bComponentSelectionChanged)
//whenever selection changes, recompute whether the selection contains a locked actor
bCheckForLockActors = true;
//whenever selection changes, recompute whether the selection contains a world info actor
bCheckForWorldSettingsActors = true;
示例15: PreCreateTrack
bool UMatineeTrackVectorPropHelper::PreCreateTrack( UInterpGroup* Group, const UInterpTrack *TrackDef, bool bDuplicatingTrack, bool bAllowPrompts ) const
bool bResult = true;
if( bAllowPrompts && bDuplicatingTrack == false )
bResult = false;
// For Property tracks - pop up a dialog to choose property name.
TrackAddPropName = NAME_None;
FEdModeInterpEdit* Mode = (FEdModeInterpEdit*)GLevelEditorModeTools().GetActiveMode( FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_InterpEdit );
check(Mode != NULL);
IMatineeBase* InterpEd = Mode->InterpEd;
check(InterpEd != NULL);
UInterpGroupInst* GrInst = InterpEd->GetMatineeActor()->FindFirstGroupInst(Group);
AActor* Actor = GrInst->GetGroupActor();
if ( Actor != NULL )
TArray<FName> PropNames;
FMatineeUtils::GetInterpVectorPropertyNames(Actor, PropNames);
bResult = ChooseProperty(PropNames);
return bResult;