本文整理匯總了C++中AddText函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:C++ AddText函數的具體用法?C++ AddText怎麽用?C++ AddText使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: ShowModuleInfo
VOID ShowModuleInfo(HWND hwnd, PCTSTR pszModulePath) {
SetWindowText(hwnd, TEXT("")); // Clear the output box
CToolhelp thProcesses(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS);
PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { sizeof(pe) };
BOOL fOk = thProcesses.ProcessFirst(&pe);
AddText(hwnd, TEXT("Pathname: %s\r\n\r\n"), pszModulePath);
AddText(hwnd, TEXT("Process Information:\r\n"));
AddText(hwnd, TEXT(" PID %-*s Process\r\n"),
s_cchAddress, TEXT("BaseAddr"));
for (; fOk; fOk = thProcesses.ProcessNext(&pe)) {
CToolhelp thModules(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pe.th32ProcessID);
MODULEENTRY32 me = { sizeof(me) };
BOOL fOk = thModules.ModuleFirst(&me);
for (; fOk; fOk = thModules.ModuleNext(&me)) {
if (_tcscmp(me.szExePath, pszModulePath) == 0) {
AddText(hwnd, TEXT(" %08X %p %s\r\n"),
pe.th32ProcessID, me.modBaseAddr, pe.szExeFile);
示例2: AddText
LRESULT CAddTaskLinksEdit::OnDocUrlModified(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (0 == lParam)
return 0;
BOOL bCheck = (BOOL) wParam;
CString strUrl = (LPCTSTR) lParam;
if (bCheck)
return 0;
示例3: ParseWordList
void ParseWordList (TraverseCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pElement)
int i;
// Parse all attributes
for (i = 0; i < pElement->GetAttributeCount(); i++)
AddText(Ctx, pElement->GetAttribute(i));
// If this has sub-elements, then recurse
if (pElement->GetContentElementCount())
for (i = 0; i < pElement->GetContentElementCount(); i++)
ParseWordList(Ctx, pElement->GetContentElement(i));
// Otherwise, add the content
AddText(Ctx, pElement->GetContentText(0));
示例4: IngameWindow
iwTrade::iwTrade(const nobBaseWarehouse& wh, const GameWorldViewer& gwv, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory)
: IngameWindow(wh.CreateGUIID(), (unsigned short) - 2, (unsigned short) - 2, 400, 194, _("Trade"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
wh(wh), gwv(gwv), gcFactory(gcFactory), possibleSrcWarehouses(gwv.GetPlayer().GetWarehousesForTrading(wh))
// Get title of the player
SetTitle(_("Trade with %s") + gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(wh.GetPlayer()).name);
// Gebäudebild und dessen Schatten
AddImage( 0, 100, 144, LOADER.GetNationImage(wh.GetNation(), 250 + 5 * wh.GetBuildingType()));
const unsigned left_column = 200;
this->AddComboBox(4, left_column, 84, 160, 18, TC_GREY, NormalFont, 90); // Ware/Figure names
this->AddText(1, left_column, 30, "Deal in:", COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_LEFT, NormalFont);
ctrlComboBox* box = this->AddComboBox(2, left_column, 44, 160, 18, TC_GREY, NormalFont, 200); // Ware or figure?
this->AddText(3, left_column, 70, "Type:", COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_LEFT, NormalFont);
// Create possible wares, figures
for(unsigned i = 0; i < WARE_TYPES_COUNT; ++i)
// Only add one shield type
if(GoodType(i) != ConvertShields(GoodType(i)))
// Don't add nothing or empty water
for(unsigned i = 0; i < JOB_TYPES_COUNT; ++i)
// Can't trade boat carriers
AddImage(5, left_column + 20, 130, NULL, _("Ware you like to trade"));
AddEdit(6, left_column + 34, 120, 39 , 20, TC_GREY, NormalFont)->SetNumberOnly(true);
AddText(7, left_column + 75, 125, "/ 20", COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_LEFT, NormalFont);
AddTextButton(8, left_column, 150, 150, 22, TC_GREEN2, _("Send"), NormalFont);
// Choose wares at first
Msg_ComboSelectItem(2, 0);
示例5: IngameWindow
iwPostWindow::iwPostWindow(GameWorldViewer& gwv)
: IngameWindow(CGI_POSTOFFICE, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 254, 295, _("Post office"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)), gwv(gwv)
AddImageButton( 0, 18, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 190)); // Viewer: 191 - Papier
AddImageButton( 1, 56, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 30)); // Viewer: 31 - Soldat
AddImageButton( 2, 91, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 20)); // Viewer: 21 - Geologe
AddImageButton( 3, 126, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 28)); // Viewer: 29 - Wage
AddImageButton( 4, 161, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 189)); // Viewer: 190 - Neue Nachricht
AddImageButton( 5, 199, 25, 35, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 79)); // Viewer: 80 - Notiz
AddImage( 6, 126, 151, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 228));
AddImageButton( 7, 18, 242, 30, 35, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 225)); // Viewer: 226 - Hilfe
AddImageButton( 8, 51, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 102)); // Viewer: 103 - Schnell zurück
AddImageButton( 9, 81, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 103)); // Viewer: 104 - Zurück
AddImageButton(10, 111, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 104)); // Viewer: 105 - Vor
AddImageButton(11, 141, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 105)); // Viewer: 106 - Schnell vor
gotoButton = AddImageButton(14, 181, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 107)); // Goto, nur sichtbar wenn Nachricht mit Koordinaten da
deleteButton = AddImageButton(15, 211, 246, 30, 26, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 106)); // Mülleimer, nur sichtbar, wenn Nachricht da
postMsgInfos = AddText(18, 127, 228, "", MakeColor(255, 188, 100, 88), glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER | glArchivItem_Font::DF_BOTTOM, SmallFont);
postImage = AddImage(13, 127, 155, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 225));
// Multiline-Teil mit drei leeren Zeilen erzeugen
ctrlMultiline* text = AddMultiline(12, 126, 141, 200, 50, TC_INVISIBLE, NormalFont, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER | glArchivItem_Font::DF_BOTTOM | glArchivItem_Font::DF_NO_OUTLINE);
text->AddString("", COLOR_WINDOWBROWN, false);
text->AddString("", COLOR_WINDOWBROWN, false);
text->AddString("", COLOR_WINDOWBROWN, false);
SetMessageText(_("No letters!"));
acceptButton = AddImageButton(16, 87, 185, 30, 26, TC_GREEN1, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 32)); // Button mit Haken, zum Annehmen von Verträgen
declineButton = AddImageButton(17, 137, 185, 30, 26, TC_RED1, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 40)); // Button mit Kreuz, zum Ablehnen von Verträgen
currentMessage = 0;
lastSize = GameClient::inst().GetPostMessages().size();
示例6: Actor
ActorTip::ActorTip(const gedString *tip)
: Actor(ACTOR_TIP_NAME, NULL, CANVAS, Text::GetDimensions(*tip).Width() + 6, Text::GetDimensions(*tip).Height() + 4, true)
getImage()->SetZDepth(CURSOR_DEPTH - 1);
int x = GameControl::Get()->getMouseX() + 20,
y = GameControl::Get()->getMouseY() + 20,
width = Width(),
height = Height();
if(x + width > GameControl::Get()->Width())
x -= x + width - GameControl::Get()->Width();
if(y + height > GameControl::Get()->Height())
y -= y + height - GameControl::Get()->Height();
getImage()->SetPos(x, y);
KrRGBA *pixels = getCanvasResource()->Pixels(), colorBack, colorBlack;
colorBack.c.red = 255;
colorBack.c.green = 255;
colorBack.c.blue = 225;
colorBack.c.alpha = 255;
colorBlack.Set(0, 0, 0);
//Fill background
int i;
for(i = 0; i < width; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < height; j++)
if(i == 0 || j == 0 || i == width-1 || j == height - 1)
pixels[ j*width + i ] = colorBlack;
pixels[ j*width + i ] = colorBack;
AddText(*tip, 3, 2);
示例7: IngameWindow
* Konstruktor von @p iwBuildingSite.
* @author OLiver
iwBuildingSite::iwBuildingSite(GameWorldViewer *const gwv, const noBuildingSite *const buildingsite)
: IngameWindow(buildingsite->CreateGUIID(), 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE, 226, 194, _(BUILDING_NAMES[buildingsite->GetBuildingType()]), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
gwv(gwv), buildingsite(buildingsite)
// Bild des Gebäudes
AddImage(0, 113, 130, buildingsite->GetBuildingImage());
// Gebäudename
AddText(1, 113, 44, _("Order of building site"), COLOR_YELLOW, glArchivItem_Font::DF_CENTER, NormalFont);
// Hilfe
AddImageButton( 2, 16, 147, 30, 32, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 21));
// Gebäude abbrennen
AddImageButton( 3, 50, 147, 34, 32, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 23));
// "Gehe Zu Ort"
AddImageButton( 4, 179, 147, 30, 32, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 107), _("Go to place"));
示例8: DrawHidden
NODESIZE CNodeHex64::Draw( const PVIEWINFO View, int x, int y )
int tx;
const UCHAR* Data;
if (m_bHidden)
return DrawHidden( View, x, y );
Data = (const UCHAR*)(View->Data + m_Offset);
AddSelection( View, 0, y, g_FontHeight );
AddDelete( View, x, y );
AddTypeDrop( View, x, y );
tx = x + TXOFFSET + 16;
tx = AddAddressOffset( View, tx, y );
if (g_bText)
CStringA AsciiMemory = GetStringFromMemoryA( (const char*)Data, 8 ) + " ";
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrChar, HS_NONE, "%s", AsciiMemory.GetBuffer( ) );
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 0, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[0] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 1, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[1] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 2, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[2] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 3, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[3] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 4, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[4] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 5, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[5] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 6, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[6] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddText( View, tx, y, g_clrHex, 7, _T( "%0.2X" ), Data[7] ) + g_FontWidth;
tx = AddComment( View, tx, y );
DrawSize.x = tx;
DrawSize.y = y + g_FontHeight;
return DrawSize;
示例9: begin_pos
void wxHtmlParser::DoParsing(const wxString::const_iterator& begin_pos_,
const wxString::const_iterator& end_pos)
wxString::const_iterator begin_pos(begin_pos_);
if (end_pos <= begin_pos)
wxHtmlTextPieces& pieces = *m_TextPieces;
size_t piecesCnt = pieces.size();
while (begin_pos < end_pos)
while (m_CurTag && m_CurTag->GetBeginIter() < begin_pos)
m_CurTag = m_CurTag->GetNextTag();
while (m_CurTextPiece < piecesCnt &&
pieces[m_CurTextPiece].m_start < begin_pos)
if (m_CurTextPiece < piecesCnt &&
(!m_CurTag ||
pieces[m_CurTextPiece].m_start < m_CurTag->GetBeginIter()))
// Add text:
begin_pos = pieces[m_CurTextPiece].m_end;
else if (m_CurTag)
if (m_CurTag->HasEnding())
begin_pos = m_CurTag->GetEndIter2();
begin_pos = m_CurTag->GetBeginIter();
wxHtmlTag *t = m_CurTag;
m_CurTag = m_CurTag->GetNextTag();
if (m_stopParsing)
else break;
示例10: braces
bool cbStyledTextCtrl::DoSelectionBraceCompletion(const wxChar& ch)
if (GetLastSelectedText().IsEmpty())
return false; // nothing changed
const wxString braces(wxT("([{<'\")]}>'\""));
const int braceAIdx = braces.Find(ch, true); // from end (so caret is placed after quotes)
if (braceAIdx == wxNOT_FOUND)
return false; // nothing changed
const int braceBIdx = (braceAIdx + (braces.Length() / 2)) % braces.Length();
if (braceAIdx < braceBIdx)
InsertText(GetCurrentPos(), braces[braceAIdx] + GetLastSelectedText() + braces[braceBIdx]);
AddText(braces[braceBIdx] + GetLastSelectedText() + braces[braceAIdx]);
return true; // succeeded
示例11: IngameWindow
iwBuildingSite::iwBuildingSite(GameWorldView& gwv, const noBuildingSite* const buildingsite)
: IngameWindow(buildingsite->CreateGUIID(), IngameWindow::posAtMouse, Extent(226, 194),
_(BUILDING_NAMES[buildingsite->GetBuildingType()]), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
gwv(gwv), buildingsite(buildingsite)
// Bild des Gebäudes
AddImage(0, DrawPoint(113, 130), buildingsite->GetBuildingImage());
// Gebäudename
AddText(1, DrawPoint(113, 44), _("Order of building site"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, NormalFont);
// Hilfe
AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(16, 147), Extent(30, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 225), _("Help"));
// Gebäude abbrennen
AddImageButton(3, DrawPoint(50, 147), Extent(34, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 23), _("Demolish house"));
// "Gehe Zu Ort"
AddImageButton(4, DrawPoint(179, 147), Extent(30, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 107), _("Go to place"));
示例12: va_start
void MPanelItem::printf(LPCWSTR asFormat, ...)
if (!asFormat || !*asFormat)
va_list args;
wchar_t szBuffer[1025]; szBuffer[0] = 0;
int nLen = vswprintf(szBuffer, 1024, asFormat, args);
if (nLen > 0) {
szBuffer[nLen] = 0;
AddText(szBuffer, nLen);
示例13: ReaderThread
DWORD WINAPI ReaderThread(PVOID pvParam) {
int nThreadNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam);
HWND hWndLB = GetDlgItem(g_hWnd, IDC_SERVERS);
for (int nRequestNum = 1; !g_fShutdown; nRequestNum++) {
if (!ConsumeElement(nThreadNum, nRequestNum, hWndLB))
Sleep(2500); // Wait before reading another element
// g_fShutdown has been set during Sleep
// --> Show that the current thread is exiting
AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);
示例14: iwSaveLoad
iwSave::iwSave() : iwSaveLoad(40, _("Save game!"))
AddEdit(1, 20, 390, 510, 22, TC_GREEN2, NormalFont);
AddImageButton(2, 540, 386, 40, 40, TC_GREEN2, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 47));
// Autospeicherzeug
AddText(3, 20, 350, _("Auto-Save every:"), 0xFFFFFF00, 0, NormalFont);
ctrlComboBox* combo = AddComboBox(4, 270, 345, 130, 22, TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 100);
/// Combobox füllen
combo->AddString(_("Disabled")); // deaktiviert
// Last entry is only for debugging
const unsigned numIntervalls = SETTINGS.global.debugMode ? AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS_COUNT : AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS_COUNT - 1;
// Die Intervalle
for(unsigned i = 0; i < numIntervalls; ++i)
char str[64];
sprintf(str, "%u GF", AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS[i]);
// Richtigen Eintrag auswählen
bool found = false;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < numIntervalls; ++i)
if(SETTINGS.interface.autosave_interval == AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS[i])
combo->SetSelection(i + 1);
found = true;
// Ungültig oder 0 --> Deaktiviert auswählen
// Tabelle ausfüllen beim Start
示例15: AddButton
void MenuEditorSystem::OnMouseDown(WPARAM btnState, int x, int y)
// Start a left button drag of an item
if ((btnState & MK_LBUTTON) != 0)
m_leftButtonDown = true;
m_SelectedMousePos.x = x;
m_SelectedMousePos.y = y;
// If applicable, Add a button
if (BetterString(m_SelectedButtonImageName) != "")
// If applicable, Add a text