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Python Wand Drawing()用法及代碼示例

魔杖的另一個模塊是wand.drawing。該模塊為我們提供了一些非常基本的繪圖函數。 wand.drawing.Drawing對象緩衝用於將形狀繪製為圖像的指令,然後可以將這些形狀繪製為零個或多個圖像。

用法: with Drawing() as draw:

Note:In the above syntax “as draw” is just a nomenclature and can be any string as needed. The Drawing function in Python wand take has no parameter.


# Import important objects from wand library 
from wand.image import Image 
from wand.drawing import Drawing 
from wand.color import Color 
# Create draw object using Drawing() function 
with Drawing() as draw:
    with Image(width = 200, 
               height = 200, 
               background = Color('green')) as img:
        img.save(filename ='empty.gif')




# Import important objects from wand library 
from wand.image import Image 
from wand.drawing import Drawing 
from wand.color import Color 
# Create draw object using Drawing() function 
with Drawing() as draw:
    draw.stroke_color = Color('black') 
    draw.stroke_width = 2
    draw.line((5, 5), (45, 50)) 
    with Image(width = 200, 
               height = 200, 
               background = Color('green')) as img:
        img.save(filename ='line.gif')



注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自RahulSabharwal大神的英文原創作品 Wand Drawing() function in Python。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。