unordered_multimap::swap()是C++ STL中的內置函數,該函數交換兩個unordered_multimap容器的內容。兩個容器的尺寸可能不同。
// C++ program to illustrate the
// unordered_multimap::swap()
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// declaration
unordered_multimap<int, int> sample1, sample2;
// inserts key and element
// in sample1
sample1.insert({ 10, 100 });
sample1.insert({ 50, 500 });
// inserts key and element
// in sample1
sample2.insert({ 20, 200 });
sample2.insert({ 30, 300 });
sample2.insert({ 30, 150 });
cout << "Key and Elements of Sample1 before swap are:";
for (auto it = sample1.begin(); it != sample1.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
cout << "\nKey and Elements of Sample2 before swap are:";
for (auto it = sample2.begin(); it != sample2.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
// performs swap of two
// unordered_multimaps
cout << "\n\nKey and Elements of Sample1 after swap are:";
for (auto it = sample1.begin(); it != sample1.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
cout << "\nKey and Elements of Sample2 after swap are:";
for (auto it = sample2.begin(); it != sample2.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
return 0;
Key and Elements of Sample1 before swap are:{50, 500} {10, 100} Key and Elements of Sample2 before swap are:{20, 200} {30, 150} {30, 300} Key and Elements of Sample1 after swap are:{20, 200} {30, 150} {30, 300} Key and Elements of Sample2 after swap are:{50, 500} {10, 100}
// C++ program to illustrate the
// unordered_multimap::swap()
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// declaration
unordered_multimap<char, char> sample1, sample2;
// inserts key and element
// in sample1
sample1.insert({ 'a', 'A' });
sample1.insert({ 'g', 'G' });
// inserts key and element
// in sample1
sample2.insert({ 'b', 'B' });
sample2.insert({ 'c', 'C' });
sample2.insert({ 'd', 'D' });
cout << "Key and Elements of Sample1 before swap are:";
for (auto it = sample1.begin(); it != sample1.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
cout << "\nKey and Elements of Sample2 before swap are:";
for (auto it = sample2.begin(); it != sample2.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
// performs swap of two
// unordered_multimaps
cout << "\n\nKey and Elements of Sample1 after swap are:";
for (auto it = sample1.begin(); it != sample1.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
cout << "\nKey and Elements of Sample2 after swap are:";
for (auto it = sample2.begin(); it != sample2.end(); it++) {
cout << "{" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "} ";
return 0;
Key and Elements of Sample1 before swap are:{g, G} {a, A} Key and Elements of Sample2 before swap are:{d, D} {b, B} {c, C} Key and Elements of Sample1 after swap are:{d, D} {b, B} {c, C} Key and Elements of Sample2 after swap are:{g, G} {a, A}
- C++ valarray swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ unordered_multiset swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ unordered_set swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ multimap swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ set::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ map::at()、map::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ list::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ queue::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ priority_queue::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ forward_list::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ multimap::swap()用法及代碼示例
- C++ unordered_multiset swap()用法及代碼示例
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自gopaldave大神的英文原創作品 unordered_multimap swap() function in C++ STL。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。