餘數=數字-rquot *十進製
long double remquo(long double a, long double b, int* q); double remquo(double a, double b, int* q); float remquo(float a, float b, int* q);
- ab是分子和分母的值。 q是將在其中存儲商的指針。
- 它返回四舍五入到最接近的分子/分母的浮點餘數,並將商存儲在q中。
- 必須提供所有三個參數,否則將給調用“ remquo”的匹配函數帶來錯誤。
- 必須將第三個參數傳遞給指針,因為它存儲了商的地址,否則將給出錯誤“ remquo(double&,double&,int&)”
Input:remquo(12.5, 2.2, &q) Output:-0.7 and q=6
Input:remquo(-12.5, 2.2, &q) Output:0.7 and q=-6
// CPP implementation of the above
// function
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int q;
double a = 12.5, b = 2.2;
// it will return remainder
// and stores quotient in q
double answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/"
<< b << " is " << answer << endl;
cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/"
<< b << " is " << q << endl
<< endl;
a = -12.5;
// it will return remainder
// and stores quotient in q
answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << answer << endl;
cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << q << endl
<< endl;
b = 0;
// it will return remainder
// and stores quotient in q
answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << answer << endl;
cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << q << endl
<< endl;
return 0;
Remainder of 12.5/2.2 is -0.7 Quotient of 12.5/2.2 is 6 Remainder of -12.5/2.2 is 0.7 Quotient of -12.5/2.2 is -6 Remainder of -12.5/0 is -nan Quotient of -12.5/0 is -6
// CPP implementation of the
// above function
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int q;
double a = 12.5;
int b = 2;
// it will return remainder
// and stores quotient in q
double answer = remquo(a, b, &q);
cout << "Remainder of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << answer << endl;
cout << "Quotient of " << a << "/" << b
<< " is " << q << endl
<< endl;
return 0;
Remainder of 12.5/2 is 0.5 Quotient of 12.5/2 is 6
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自pawan_asipu大神的英文原創作品 remquo() in C++。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。