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Python os.pwrite()用法及代碼示例



文件描述符是一個小整數值,對應於當前進程已打開的文件。它用於執行各種較低級別的I /O操作,例如讀取,寫入,發送等。


用法: os.pwrite(fd, str, offset) 


返回類型:此方法返回一個整數值,表示實際寫入的字節數。 。


C, C++, Java, C#, PHP
# Python program to explain os.pwrite() method 
# Importing os module 
import os 
# Filename 
filename = "file.txt"
# Open the file and get the 
# file descriptor associated  
# with it using os.open method 
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR) 
# String to be written in the file 
s = "Python, "
# converting string to bytestring 
text = s.encode("utf-8") 
# Position from where 
# file writing will start  
offset = 0
# As offset is 0, bytestring 
# will be written in the  
# beginning of the file 
# Write the bytestring 
# to the file indicated by  
# file descriptor at  
# specified position 
bytesWritten = os.pwrite(fd, text, offset) 
print("Number of bytes actually written:", bytesWritten) 
# Print the content of the file 
with open(filename) as f:
# String to be written in the file 
s = "Javascript, "
# converting string to bytestring 
text = s.encode("utf-8") 
# Position from where 
# file writing will start  
# os.stat(fd).st_size will return 
# file size in bytes 
# so bytestring will be written  
# at the end of the file 
offset = os.stat(fd).st_size 
# Write the bytestring 
# to the file indicated by  
# file descriptor at  
# specified position 
bytesWritten = os.pwrite(fd, text, offset) 
print("\nNumber of bytes actually written:", bytesWritten) 
# Print the content of the file 
with open(filename) as f:
# String to be written in the file 
s = "R Programming, "
# converting string to bytestring 
text = s.encode("utf-8") 
# Position from where 
# file writing will start 
offset = 10
# Write the bytestring 
# to the file indicated by  
# file descriptor at  
# specified position 
bytesWritten = os.pwrite(fd, text, offset) 
print("\nNumber of bytes actually written:", bytesWritten) 
# Print the content of the file 
with open(filename) as f:
Number of bytes actually written:8
Python, Java, C#, PHP

Number of bytes actually written:12
Python, Java, C#, PHP

Number of bytes actually written:15
Python, JaR Programming, ascript, 


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自ihritik大神的英文原創作品 Python | os.pwrite() method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。