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Python os.path.splitdrive()用法及代碼示例

Python中的OS模塊提供了與操作係統進行交互的函數。操作係統屬於Python的標準實用程序模塊。該模塊提供了使用依賴於操作係統的函數的便攜式方法。 os.path模塊是Python中OS模塊的子模塊,用於通用路徑名操作。




     path name                         drive                  tail
On Windows
If path contains drive letter
C:\User\Documents\file.txt               C:           C:\User\Documents\file.txt

If the path contains UNC path 
\\host\computer\dir\file.txt       \\host\computer          \dir\file.txt

On Unix
/home/User/Documents/file.txt         {empty}        /home/User/Documents/file.txt   
用法: os.path.splitdrive(path)

path:代表文件係統路徑的path-like對象。 path-like對象是表示路徑的str或bytes對象。


# Python program to explain os.path.splitdrive() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# Path Containing a drive letter  
path = R"C:\User\Documents\file.txt"
# Split the path in  
# drive and tail pair 
drive_tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) 
# print drive and tail 
# of the given path 
print("Drive of path '%s:'" %path, drive_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of path '%s:'" %path, drive_tail[1], "\n") 
# Path representing a UNC path  
path = R"\\host\computer\dir\file.txt"
# Split the path in  
# drive and tail pair 
drive_tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) 
# print drive and tail 
# of the given path 
print("Drive of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[1], "\n") 
# Path representing a relative path  
path = R"\dir\file.txt"
# Split the path in  
# drive and tail pair 
drive_tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) 
# print drive and tail 
# of the given path 
print("Drive of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[1])
Drive of path 'C:\User\Documents\file.txt': C:
Tail of path 'C:\User\Documents\file.txt': \User\Documents\file.txt 

Drive of path '\\host\computer\dir\file.txt': \\host\computer 
Tail of path '\\host\computer\dir\file.txt': \dir\file.txt 

Drive of path '\dir\file.txt':  
Tail of path '\dir\file.txt': \dir\file.txt 


# Python program to explain os.path.splitdrive() method  
# importing os module  
import os 
# Path 
path = "/home/User/Documents/file.txt"
# Split the path in  
# drive and tail pair 
drive_tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) 
# print drive and tail 
# of the given path 
print("Drive of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[0]) 
print("Tail of path '%s':" %path, drive_tail[1]) 
# os.path.splitdrive() method 
# will return drive as empty everytime 
# as UNIX do not use 
# drive specification
Drive of path '/home/User/Documents/file.txt': 
Tail of path '/home/User/Documents/file.txt': /home/User/Documents/file.txt

參考: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自ihritik大神的英文原創作品 Python | os.path.splitdrive() method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。