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Java Character digit()用法及代碼示例

Java字符數字(char ch, int radix)方法

字符類的 digit(char ch, int radix) 方法返回字符的數值。如果基數不在 MIN_RADIX<=radix<=MAX_RADIX 範圍內,或者如果 ch 的值不是特定基數中的有效數字,則返回 1。如果至少滿足以下一項,則字符是有效數字。

  • 方法 digit() 對字符為真,Unicode 小數點小於指定的基數。在這種情況下,返回十進製數字值。
  • 如果字符是大寫拉丁字母 'A' 到 'Z' 之一並且其代碼小於基數,則對於 + 'A',返回 -10,對於 ?'A',返回 +10。
  • 如果字符是小寫拉丁字母 'a' 到 'z' 之一,並且其代碼小於基數,則對於 + 'a',返回 -10,對於 -'a',返回 +10。



public static int digit(char ch, int radix)



  1. 需要轉換的字符
  2. 基數


digit(char ch, int radix) 方法返回由指定基數中的字符表示的數值。


import java.util.Scanner;
   public class JavaCharacterDigitExample1 {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
	 // Ask the user for the input
	    System.out.print("Enter the input of your choice:");
       // Use scanner to get the user input
           Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
	    	char[] value = s.nextLine().toCharArray();
      // ask for radix input
             System.out.print("Enter the radix:");
     // get the radix
	      int radix = s.nextInt();
    // close the scanner object
	   for (char charval:value) {
		int digit = Character.digit(charval, radix);
	// print the result
     System.out.println("The numeric value of the character is returned"+" as:" + digit);


Enter the input of your choice:4
Enter the radix:6
The numeric value of the character is returned as:4


public class JavaCharacterDigitExample2 {
   public static void main(String[] args) { 
     //Create two character_primitives char1 and char2.
	   char char1, char2;
    // assign values to ch1, ch2
	   char1 = '9';
	   char2 = '5';
   // create 2 int primitives a and b.
	   int a, b;
  // assign numeric value of ch1, ch2 to i1, i2 using radix
	   a = Character.digit(char1, 4);
	   b = Character.digit(char2, 8);
       System.out.println("The numeric value of " + char1 + " in radix 4 is:"+a);
       System.out.println("The numeric value of " + char2  + " in radix 8 is:"+b); 


The numeric value of 9 in radix 4 is:-1
The numeric value of 5 in radix 8 is:5


public class JavaCharacterDigitExample3 {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
     // Initialize the array
	char a[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }; 
    // Create the object obj
	 Character obj = new Character('a'); 
	 int digit = obj.digit(3, 6); 
	 System.out.println("The numerical value for the alphabets:'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' is given as "+digit);
	 char char1 = '5';
	 int store = Character.digit(char1, 6);
        System.out.println("The numeric value of " + char1 + " in radix 4 is:"+store);


The numerical value for the alphabets:'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' is given as -1
The numeric value of 5 in radix 4 is:5

Java字符數字(int codePoint, int radix)方法

字符類的 digit(int codePoint, int radix) 方法返回字符的數值。如果基數不在 MIN_RADIX<=radix<=MAX_RADIX 範圍內,或者如果 ch 的值不是特定基數中的有效數字,則返回 -1。如果至少滿足以下一項,則字符是有效數字。

  • 方法 digit() 對字符為真,Unicode 小數點小於指定的基數。在這種情況下,返回十進製數字值。
  • 如果字符是大寫拉丁字母 'A' 到 'Z' 之一,並且其代碼小於基數,則對於 + 'A',返回 -10,對於 -'A',返回 +10。
  • 如果字符是小寫拉丁字母 'a' 到 'z' 之一,並且其代碼小於基數,則對於 + 'a',返回 -10,對於 -'a',返回 +10。


public static int digit(int codePoint, int radix)



  • codePoint 是需要轉換的字符
  • 基數


digit(int codePoint, int radix) 方法返回由指定索引中的字符表示的數值。

示例 4

public class JavaCharacterdigit_Example1 {	
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Initialize a codepoint
	    int codepoint = 86;
     // Initialize the radix
	    int radix = 20;		
    // Conversion of codepoint to char
	    char ch = (char) codepoint;			
	    int digit = Character.digit(codepoint,radix);
	System.err.println("The character" + " has a numeric value as "+ digit+" using the radix "+radix);


The character has a numeric value as -1 using the radix 20

例 5

public class JavaCharacterdigit_Example2 {	
    public static void main(String[] args) {
	   // Initialize a codepoint
		int codepoint1 = 86;
		int codepoint2 = 15;
	  // Initialize the radix
		int radix1 = 69;
		int radix2 = 18;
	  // Conversion of codepoint to char
		char ch1 = (char) codepoint1;	
		char ch2 = (char) codepoint2;	
		int digit1 = Character.digit(codepoint1,radix1);
		int digit2 = Character.digit(codepoint2,radix2);
  System.out.println("The character" + " has a numeric value as "+ digit1+" using the radix "+radix1);
  System.out.println("The character" + " has a numeric value as "+ digit2+" using the radix "+radix2);


The character has a numeric value as -1 using the radix 69
The character has a numeric value as -1 using the radix 18


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自 Java Character digit() Method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。