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PHP SplFileObject fflush()用法及代碼示例

SplFileObject::fflush()function 是 PHP 標準 PHP 庫 (SPL) 中的內置函數,用於刷新文件的輸出緩衝區。


public SplFileObject::fflush():bool


返回值: SplFileObject::fflush()如果函數成功刷新文件的輸出緩衝區,則函數返回“true”,否則,該函數將返回“false”。

程序1:下麵的程序演示了SplFileObject::flush()函數。 “output.txt” 應位於同一文件夾中。


$file = new SplFileObject("output.txt", "w"); 
$data = "This is some data that will be written to the file.\n"; 
// Flush the data to the file immediately 
if ($file->fflush()) { 
    echo "Data flushed successfully to the file."; 
} else { 
    echo "Failed to flush data to the file."; 


Data flushed successfully to the file.

程序2:下麵的程序演示了SplFileObject::flush()函數。 “output.txt” 應位於同一文件夾中。


$file = new SplFileObject("output.txt", "w"); 
$dataLines = [ 
    "Line 1: This is the first line of data.\n", 
    "Line 2: This is the second line of data.\n", 
    "Line 3: This is the third line of data.\n", 
foreach ($dataLines as $line) { 
    // Write the line to the file 
    // Flush the data to the file 
    // immediately after writing each line 
    if ($file->fflush()) { 
        echo "Data flushed successfully for line: " . $line; 
    } else { 
        echo "Failed to flush data for line: " . $line; 


Data flushed successfully for line: Line 1: This is the first line of data.
Data flushed successfully for line: Line 2: This is the second line of data.
Data flushed successfully for line: Line 3: This is the third line of data.



注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自neeraj3304大神的英文原創作品 PHP SplFileObject fflush() Function。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。