Perl 中的 cmp 運算符是字符串相等比較運算符,用於比較該運算符左右兩個字符串是否等於或小於另一個。
用法: string1 cmp string2
返回:如果 string1 小於,則為 -1;如果等於,則為 0;如果大於 string2,則為 1。
示例 1:當 String1 小於 String2 時
# Initializing strings
$a = "Geeks";
$b = "Welcome";
# Comparing strings
$c = $a cmp $b;
# Printing the comparison result
print("Comparison of \$a and \$b returns $c");
Comparison of $a and $b returns -1
示例 2:當 String1 等於 String2 時
# Initializing strings
$a = "Welcome";
$b = "Welcome";
# Comparing strings
$c = $a cmp $b;
# Printing the comparison result
print("Comparison of \$a and \$b returns $c");
Comparison of $a and $b returns 0
示例 3:當 String1 大於 String2 時
# Initializing strings
$a = "Welcome";
$b = "Geeks";
# Comparing strings
$c = $a cmp $b;
# Printing the comparison result
print("Comparison of \$a and \$b returns $c");
Comparison of $a and $b returns 1
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Code_Mech大神的英文原創作品 Perl | cmp Operator。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。