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Python numpy.frompyfunc()用法及代碼示例

numpy.frompyfunc(func,nin,nout)函數允許創建一個任意的Python函數作為Numpy ufunc(通用函數)。

func: [A python function object ] An arbitrary python function
nin:[int] Number of input arguments to that function.
nout:[int] Number of objects returned by that function.

返回: A Numpy universal function object.

例如,abs_value = numpy.frompyfunc(abs,1,1)將創建一個ufunc,該ufunc將返回數組元素的絕對值。


# Python code to demonstrate the  
# use of numpy.frompyfunc  
import numpy as np 
# create an array of numners 
a = np.array([34, 67, 89, 15, 33, 27]) 
# python str function as ufunc 
string_generator = np.frompyfunc(str, 1, 1) 
print("Original array-", a) 
print("After conversion to string-", string_generator(a))
Original array- [34 67 89 15 33 27]
After conversion to string- ['34' '67' '89' '15' '33' '27']


# Python code to demonstrate  
# user-defined function as ufunc 
import numpy as np 
# create an array of numbers 
a = np.array([345, 122, 454, 232, 334, 56, 66]) 
# user-defined function to check 
# whether a no. is palindrome or not 
def fun(x):
    s = str(x) 
    return s[::-1]== s 
# 'check_palindrome' as universal function  
check_palindrome = np.frompyfunc(fun, 1, 1)  
print("Original array-", a) 
print("Checking of number as palindrome-",  
Original array- [345 122 454 232 334  56  66]
Checking of number as palindrome- [False False True True False False True]

注意:此自定義ufunc使用frompyfunc 始終接受ndarray作為輸入參數,並返回ndarray對象作為輸出。


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Tanvi_Garg大神的英文原創作品 numpy.frompyfunc() in Python。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。