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Python numpy.bmat()用法及代碼示例

numpy.bmat(obj,l_dict = None,g_dict = None):從可以是string-like或array-like的嵌套對象返回專用的二維矩陣。

object : array-like or string 
l_dict  : (dict, optional) replaces local operands,
A dictionary that replaces local operands in current frame
g_dict  : (dict, optional) replaces global operands, 
A dictionary that replaces global operands in current frame. 


2-D matrix from nested objects
# Python Program illustrating 
# numpy.bmat 
import numpy as geek 
A = geek.mat('4 1; 22 1') 
B = geek.mat('5 2; 5 2') 
C = geek.mat('8 4; 6 6') 
# array like igeekut 
a = geek.bmat([[A, B], [C, A]]) 
print("Via bmat array like input : \n", a, "\n\n") 
# string like igeekut 
s = geek.bmat('A, B; A, A') 
print("Via bmat string like input : \n", s)


Via bmat array like input : 
 [[ 4  1  5  2]
 [22  1  5  2]
 [ 8  4  4  1]
 [ 6  6 22  1]] 

Via bmat string like input : 
 [[ 4  1  5  2]
 [22  1  5  2]
 [ 4  1  4  1]
 [22  1 22  1]]


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