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Python numpy.allclose()用法及代碼示例

numpy.allclose()函數用於查找兩個數組在公差內是否按元素相等。公差值是正的,通常很小。將相對差(rtol * abs(arr2))和絕對差atol相加,以與arr1和arr2之間的絕對差進行比較。如果任一數組包含一個或多個NaN,則返回False。如果兩個數組中的inf位於相同位置且具有相同符號,則將它們視為相等。

absolute(arr1 - arr2) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(arr2))

用法: numpy.allclose(arr1, arr2, rtol, atol, equal_nan=False)

arr1 :[數組]輸入第一個數組。
arr2 :[數組]輸入第二個數組。
rtol :[float]相對公差參數。
atol :[float]絕對公差參數。
equal_nan :[bool]是否將NaN進行比較。如果為True,則將在輸出數組中將arr1中的NaN等同於arr2中的NaN。

Return :[bool]如果兩個數組在給定的公差範圍內相等,則返回True,否則返回False。


# Python program explaining 
# allclose() function 
import numpy as geek 
# input arrays 
in_arr1 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, 4.000004e6]) 
print ("1st Input array:", in_arr1)  
in_arr2 = geek.array([5.00001e5, 1e-7, 4e6]) 
print ("2nd Input array:", in_arr2)  
# setting the absolute and relative tolerance 
rtol = 1e-05
atol = 1e-08
res = geek.allclose(in_arr1, in_arr2, rtol, atol) 
print ("Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:\t", res)
1st Input array: [  5.00000000e+05   1.00000000e-07   4.00000400e+06]
2nd Input array: [  5.00001000e+05   1.00000000e-07   4.00000000e+06]
Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:     True


# Python program explaining 
# allclose() function 
import numpy as geek 
# input arrays 
in_arr1 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, 4.000004e6]) 
print ("1st Input array:", in_arr1)  
in_arr2 = geek.array([5.00001e5, 1e-7, 4e6]) 
print ("2nd Input array:", in_arr2)  
# setting the absolute and relative tolerance 
rtol = 1e-06
atol = 1e-09
res = geek.allclose(in_arr1, in_arr2, rtol, atol) 
print ("Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:\t", res)
1st Input array: [5000000.0, 1e-07, 40000004.0]
2nd Input array: [5000001.0, 1e-07, 40000000.0]
Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:     True


# Python program explaining 
# allclose() function 
import numpy as geek 
# input arrays 
in_arr1 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, geek.nan]) 
print ("1st Input array:", in_arr1)  
in_arr2 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, geek.nan]) 
print ("2nd Input array:", in_arr2)  
# setting the absolute and relative tolerance 
rtol = 1e-06
atol = 1e-09
res = geek.allclose(in_arr1, in_arr2, rtol, atol) 
print ("Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:\t", res)
1st Input array: [500000.0, 1e-07, nan]
2nd Input array: [500000.0, 1e-07, nan]
Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:     False


# Python program explaining 
# allclose() function 
import numpy as geek 
# input arrays 
in_arr1 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, geek.nan]) 
print ("1st Input array:", in_arr1)  
in_arr2 = geek.array([5e5, 1e-7, geek.nan]) 
print ("2nd Input array:", in_arr2)  
# setting the absolute and relative tolerance 
rtol = 1e-06
atol = 1e-09
res = geek.allclose(in_arr1, in_arr2, rtol, atol,  
                                equal_nan = True) 
print ("Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:\t", res)
1st Input array: [500000.0, 1e-07, nan]
2nd Input array: [500000.0, 1e-07, nan]
Are the two arrays are equal within the tolerance:     True


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自jana_sayantan大神的英文原創作品 numpy.allclose() in Python。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。