util.types.isBoxedPrimitive( value )
- value:它是將對裝箱原語進行檢查的值。
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// util.types.isBoxedPrimitive() method
// Import the util module
const util = require('util');
// Checking an unboxed string
let unboxedString = "GeeksforGeeks";
console.log("Value:", unboxedString);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(unboxedString);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking a boxed string
let boxedString = new String("GeeksforGeeks");
console.log("Value:", boxedString);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(boxedString);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking an unboxed integer
let unboxedInteger = 99;
console.log("Value:", unboxedInteger);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(unboxedInteger);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking a boxed integer
let boxedInt = new Number(99);
console.log("Value:", boxedInt);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(boxedInt);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking an unboxed boolean
let unboxedBool = false;
console.log("Value:", unboxedBool);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(unboxedBool);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking a boxed boolean
let boxedBool = new Boolean(false);
console.log("Value:", boxedBool);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(boxedBool);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
Value:GeeksforGeeks Value is a boxed primitive:false Value:[String:'GeeksforGeeks'] Value is a boxed primitive:true Value:99 Value is a boxed primitive:false Value:[Number:99] Value is a boxed primitive:true Value:false Value is a boxed primitive:false Value:[Boolean:false] Value is a boxed primitive:true
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// util.types.isBoxedPrimitive() method
// Import the util module
const util = require('util');
// Checking for the symbol primitive
let symbol = Symbol('geeks');
console.log("Value:", symbol);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(symbol);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
// Checking again after creating a symbol wrapper
let symbolObj = new Object(Symbol('geeks'));
console.log("Value:", symbolObj);
isBoxed = util.types.isBoxedPrimitive(symbolObj);
console.log("Value is a boxed primitive:", isBoxed);
Value:Symbol(geeks) Value is a boxed primitive:false Value:[Symbol:Symbol(geeks)] Value is a boxed primitive:true
參考: https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_types_isboxedprimitive_value
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自sayantanm19大神的英文原創作品 Node.js | util.types.isBoxedPrimitive() Method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。