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C++ list erase()用法及代碼示例

list::erase()是C++ STL中的內置函數,用於從列表容器中刪除元素。此函數可用於從指定的列表容器中刪除單個元素或一係列元素。


iterator list_name.erase(iterator position)


iterator list_name.erase(iterator first, iterator last)


  • position:當該函數用於刪除單個元素時,使用此參數。此參數表示一個迭代器,該迭代器指向需要從列表容器中刪除的元素。
  • first,last:當列表用於擦除範圍內的元素時,將使用這兩個參數。參數first指向該範圍內第一個元素的迭代器,參數last指向該範圍內需要刪除的最後一個元素的迭代器。這將擦除範圍中的所有元素,包括第一個由迭代器指向的元素,但排除最後一個由迭代器指向的元素。




// CPP program to illustrate the 
// list::erase() function 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
    // Creating a list 
    list<int> demoList; 
    // Add elements to the List 
    // Printing elements of list before deleting 
    // first element 
    cout << "List before deleting first element: "; 
    for (auto itr = demoList.begin(); 
         itr != demoList.end(); itr++) { 
        cout << *itr << " "; 
    // Creating iterator to point to first 
    // element in the list 
    list<int>::iterator itr = demoList.begin(); 
    // deleting the first element 
    // Printing elements of list after deleting 
    // first element 
    cout << "\nList after deleting first element:"; 
    for (auto itr = demoList.begin(); 
         itr != demoList.end(); itr++) { 
        cout << *itr << " "; 
    return 0; 
List before deleting first element: 10 20 30 40 50 
List after deleting first element:20 30 40 50


// CPP program to illustrate the 
// list::erase() function 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
int main() 
    // Creating a list 
    list<int> demoList; 
    // Add elements to the List 
    // Printing elements of list before deleting 
    // any element 
    cout << "List before deleting any element: "; 
    for (auto itr = demoList.begin(); 
         itr != demoList.end(); itr++) { 
        cout << *itr << " "; 
    // Creating iterators of the list 
    list<int>::iterator itr1, itr2; 
    itr1 = demoList.begin(); 
    itr2 = demoList.begin(); 
    // Incrementing itr2 by 3 positions 
    advance(itr2, 3); 
    // deleting range of elements from index [0, 3) 
    demoList.erase(itr1, itr2); 
    // Printing elements of list after deleting 
    // range of elements from [0, 3) 
    cout << "\nList after deleting first three elements: "; 
    for (auto itr = demoList.begin(); 
         itr != demoList.end(); itr++) { 
        cout << *itr << " "; 
    return 0; 
List before deleting any element: 10 20 30 40 50 
List after deleting first three elements: 40 50



注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自barykrg大神的英文原創作品 list erase() function in C++ STL。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。