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Java Runtime maxMemory()用法及代碼示例

在裏麵運行Java 的類,maxMemory()方法返回為 Java 虛擬機 (JVM) 設計的最大內存。換句話說,我們可以說它返回JVM可以使用的最大內存量。該方法返回一個‘長的'表示 JVM 可以使用的最大內存量的值。我們可以使用maxMemory()方法根據可用內存做出運行時決策。它通常返回以字節為單位的值。如果我們的程序嘗試分配比返回值更多的內存maxMemory(),它會拋出一個內存不足錯誤。在本文中,我們將 deep-diving 引入到用例中maxMemory()具有正確代碼演示的方法。


  • 它總是返回一個值數據類型。
  • 它始終以字節為單位返回可用內存。
  • 它不需要任何參數。




我們將討論一些演示 Runtime maxMemory 方法用法的代碼片段。我們還將看到它的一些用例。

示例 1:基本用法



// Java Program to implement 
// Runtime maxMemory() 
class GFG { 
    // Defining the main function 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        System.out.println("This is a Simple Java Code....."); 
        // Invoking the maxMemory() method 
        long av_memory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); 
        // Displaying the available memory in Bytes 
        System.out.println("Available Memory in Bytes: " + av_memory); 
        // Displaying the available memory in Kilo Bytes 
        System.out.println("Available Memory in Kilo bytes(KB): " + av_memory / 1024); 
        // Displaying the available memory in Mega Bytes 
        System.out.println( "Available Memory in Mega bytes(MB): " + av_memory / (1024 * 1024)); 
This is a Simple Java Code.....
Available Memory in Bytes: 259522560
Available Memory in Kilo bytes(KB): 253440
Available Memory in Mega bytes(MB): 247


In the above program, We can clearly see the method maxMemory() returns the maximum available memory Java Virtual Machine (JVM) . It return the value in Bytes. This code provides a way to check and display the available memory in different units (bytes, KB, MB) within the JVM. We can further do same for other units too.

1 KB = 1024 bytes
1 MB = 1024 KB




// Java Program to demonstrate Memory Calculation  
// using Runtime maxMemory Method 
import java.io.*; 
// Driver Class 
class GFG 
    //Defining Assign Array function 
    public static void assignArray(){ 
        int i; 
        int[] arr = new int[10]; 
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
            arr[i] = i; 
    //Defining the memory function 
    public static void memory(){ 
        //Calculating used memory 
        long usedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); 
        //Calculating free memory 
        long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() - usedMemory; 
          //Displaying Used Memory 
        System.out.println("Used Memory : " + usedMemory/(1024*1024) + " MB"); 
          //Displaying free Memory 
        System.out.println("Total Free Memory : " + freeMemory/(1024*1024)+ " MB"); 
    //Driver Code 
    public static void main(String[] args){ 
        System .out.println("System Memory Before assigning array of 10 elements"); 
          //Invoking assignArray method 
        System .out.println(" "); 
        System .out.println("System Memory Before assigning array of 10 elements"); 
System Memory Before assigning array of 10 elements
Used Memory : 0 MB
Total Free Memory : 246 MB
System Memory Before assigning array of 10 elements
Used Memory : 1 MB
Total Free Memory : 246 MB


The above code is used to analyze memory usage. In arrayAssign method an integer array is initialized with 10 elements from 0 to 9. In memory method we display memory related information such as used memory and total free memory in JVM. In memory function function we have used freeMemory() , totalMemory() and maxMemory() methods to demonstrate memory related information. We have invoked memory method , arrayAssign method and again memory method to show the usage of memory by our program.


在本文中,我們嘗試通過適當且簡短的示例來涵蓋與 maxMemory() 方法相關的所有基本和中間實現。 Java Runtime maxMemory() 方法返回為 Java 虛擬機 (JVM) 設計的最大內存。我們已經了解了如何查看 Java 虛擬機 (JVM) 內存使用情況。這將進一步允許對內存優化做出決定。我們已經看到了兩個例子,它們都有清晰的解釋。我們已經看到了 maxMemory() 方法的兩個主要屬性,例如:

  • 它始終返回long類型的值。
  • 它始終以字節為單位返回可用內存。



注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自vishuvaishnav3001大神的英文原創作品 Java Runtime maxMemory() Method with Examples。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。