Input: Octal Number = 513 Output: Binary equivalent value is:101001011 Explanation: Binary equivalent value of 5:101 Binary equivalent value of 1:001 Binary equivalent value of 3:011
八進製數字係統是一種位置數字係統,其基數或基數為 8,並使用 0 到 7 八個不同的數字。
二進製數是以 2 為底的二進製數字係統表示的數字,它僅使用兩個符號:0 和 1。
八進製到二進製轉換表:八進製 二進製 0 000 1 001 2 010 3 011 4 100 5 101 6 110 7 111
// Java program to convert
// Octal number to Binary
class OctalToBinary {
// function to convert octal number
// to its binary equivalent value
static String converter(String octalValue)
// integer variable to iterate
// the input octal string
int i = 0;
// string to store the result
String binaryValue = "";
// iterating the complete length
// of octal string and assigning
// the equivalent binary value
// for each octal digit
while (i < octalValue.length()) {
// storing character according
// to the number of iteration
char c = octalValue.charAt((int)i);
// switch case to check all
// possible 8 conditions
switch (c) {
case '0':
binaryValue += "000";
case '1':
binaryValue += "001";
case '2':
binaryValue += "010";
case '3':
binaryValue += "011";
case '4':
binaryValue += "100";
case '5':
binaryValue += "101";
case '6':
binaryValue += "110";
case '7':
binaryValue += "111";
"\nInvalid Octal Digit "
+ octalValue.charAt((int)i));
// returning the final result
return binaryValue;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Octal to Binary Conversion\n");
// octal number which is to be converted
String octalNumber = "315";
System.out.println("Octal number:" + octalNumber);
// calling the converter method and
// storing the result in a string variable
String result = converter(octalNumber);
System.out.println("Binary equivalent value is:"
+ result);
Octal to Binary Conversion Octal number:315 Binary equivalent value is:011001101
// Java program to convert
// Octal number to Binary
public class OctalToBinary {
// function to convert octal number
// to its binary equivalent value
public static int converter(int octalValue)
// declaring all variable
// to store the intermediate results
int i = 0;
int decimalValue = 0;
int binaryValue = 0;
// converting octal number
// into its decimal equivalent
while (octalValue != 0) {
+= (octalValue % 10) * Math.pow(8, i);
octalValue /= 10;
i = 1;
// converting generated decimal number
// to its binary equivalent
while (decimalValue != 0) {
binaryValue += (decimalValue % 2) * i;
decimalValue /= 2;
i *= 10;
// returning the final result
return binaryValue;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Octal to Binary Conversion\n");
// octal number which is to be converted
int octalNumber = 315;
System.out.println("Octal number:" + octalNumber);
// calling the converter method and
// storing the result in a string variable
int result = converter(octalNumber);
// printing the binary equivalent value
System.out.println("Binary equivalent value is:"
+ result);
Octal to Binary Conversion Octal number:315 Binary equivalent value is:11001101
Integer.parseInt() 是 Java 中的內置函數,用於將字符串解析為由基數值(方法的第二個參數)指定的數字係統。在這種方法中,八進製數的輸入將被視為一個字符串。八進製字符串將被解析為八進製數字係統的整數值。此外,八進製數將使用另一個內置方法 Integer.toBinaryString() 轉換為其二進製等效值。結果值也將是字符串數據類型。下麵是實現。
// Java program to convert
// Octal number to Binary
class OctalToBinary {
// function to convert octal number
// to its binary equivalent value
public static String converter(String octalValue)
// parsing the string value
// by following octal number system
int octal = Integer.parseInt(octalValue, 8);
// converting octal number to binary
// and storing as a string
String binaryValue = Integer.toBinaryString(octal);
// returning the resultant string
return binaryValue;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Octal to Binary Conversion\n");
// octal number which is to be converted
String octalNumber = "315";
System.out.println("Octal number:" + octalNumber);
// calling the converter method and
// storing the result in a string variable
String result = converter(octalNumber);
// printing the binary equivalent value
System.out.println("Binary equivalent value is:"
+ result);
Octal to Binary Conversion Octal number:315 Binary equivalent value is:11001101
- Java Binary轉Octal用法及代碼示例
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自RISHU_MISHRA大神的英文原創作品 Java Program to Convert Octal to Binary。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。