java.net.InetAddress 類提供了獲取任何主機名的 IP 地址的方法。 IP地址由32位或128位無符號數表示。 InetAddress 可以處理 IPv4 和 IPv6 地址。
地址有 2 種類型:
- 單播 —單個接口的標識符。
- 組播 —一組接口的標識符。
InetAddress - 工廠方法:
InetAddress類用於封裝數字 IP 地址和該地址的域名。 InetAddress 類沒有可見的構造函數。 InetAddress 類無法直接創建對象,因此工廠方法用於該目的。工廠方法是類中返回該類的對象的靜態方法。
InetAddress 類中有 5 個工廠方法可用 -
方法 | 說明 |
公共靜態InetAddress getLocalHost()拋出UnknownHostException | 此方法返回包含本地主機名和地址的 InetAddress 實例。 |
公共靜態InetAddress getByName(字符串主機)拋出UnknownHostException | 此方法返回 InetAddress 的實例,其中包含由以下表示的主機的 IP 和主機名主持人爭論。 |
公共靜態 InetAddress[] getAllByName( String 主機名 )拋出UnknownHostException | 此方法返回包含 IP 地址的 InetAddress 類實例的數組。 |
公共靜態 InetAddress getByAddress( 字節 IPAddress[] )拋出UnknownHostException | 此方法返回從原始 IP 地址創建的 InetAddress 對象。 |
公共靜態 InetAddress getByAddress( String 主機名, byte IPAddress[] )拋出UnknownHostException | 此方法根據提供的主機名和 IP 地址創建並返回 InetAddress。 |
下麵是InetAddress類的Java實現,演示工廠方法的使用 -
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws UnknownHostException
// To get and print InetAddress of Local Host
InetAddress address1 = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
System.out.println("InetAddress of Local Host : "
+ address1);
// To get and print InetAddress of Named Host
InetAddress address2
= InetAddress.getByName("");
System.out.println("InetAddress of Named Host : "
+ address2);
// To get and print ALL InetAddresses of Named Host
InetAddress address3[]
= InetAddress.getAllByName("");
for (int i = 0; i < address3.length; i++) {
"ALL InetAddresses of Named Host : "
+ address3[i]);
// To get and print InetAddresses of
// Host with specified IP Address
byte IPAddress[] = { 125, 0, 0, 1 };
InetAddress address4
= InetAddress.getByAddress(IPAddress);
"InetAddresses of Host with specified IP Address : "
+ address4);
// To get and print InetAddresses of Host
// with specified IP Address and hostname
byte[] IPAddress2
= { 105, 22, (byte)223, (byte)186 };
InetAddress address5 = InetAddress.getByAddress(
"gfg.com", IPAddress2);
"InetAddresses of Host with specified IP Address and hostname : "
+ address5);
InetAddress of Local Host : localhost/ InetAddress of Named Host : / ALL InetAddresses of Named Host : / InetAddresses of Host with specified IP Address : / InetAddresses of Host with specified IP Address and hostname : gfg.com/
InetAddress — 實例方法:
InetAddress 類有大量可以使用對象調用的實例方法。實例方法是 -
方法 | 說明 |
equals(Object obj) | 此函數將此對象與指定對象進行比較。 |
getAddress() | 此方法返回此 InetAddress 對象的原始 IP 地址(以字節為單位)。 |
getCanonicalHostName() | 此方法返回此 IP 地址的完全限定域名。 |
getHostAddress() | 該方法獲取字符串形式的IP地址。 |
getHostName() | 此方法返回此 IP 地址的主機名。 |
hashCode() | 此方法獲取此 IP 地址的哈希碼。 |
isAnyLocalAddress() | 此方法實用程序檢查InetAddress是否是不可預測的地址。 |
isLinkLocalAddress() | 此方法實用程序檢查該地址是否未鏈接到本地單播地址。 |
isLoopbackAddress() | 該方法用於檢查InetAddress是否代表環回地址。 |
isMCGlobal() | 該方法實用程序檢查該地址是否具有全局範圍的多播地址。 |
isMCLinkLocal() | 該方法實用程序檢查該地址是否具有link-local範圍的多播地址。 |
isMCNodeLocal() | 該方法實用程序檢查多播地址是否具有節點範圍。 |
isMCOrgLocal() | 該方法實用程序檢查多播地址是否具有組織範圍。 |
isMCSiteLocal() | 此方法實用程序檢查多播地址是否具有站點範圍。 |
isMulticastAddress() | 此方法檢查站點是否有多個服務器。 |
isReachable(int 超時) | 此方法測試該地址是否可達。 |
isReachable(網絡接口 netif, int ttl, int 超時) | 此方法測試該地址是否可達。 |
isSiteLocalAddress() | 該方法實用程序檢查InetAddress是否是site-local地址。 |
toString() | 該方法轉換並返回字符串形式的IP地址。 |
下麵是 InetAddress 類的 Java 實現,演示實例方法的使用 -
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws UnknownHostException
InetAddress address1
= InetAddress.getByName("");
InetAddress address2
= InetAddress.getByName("");
InetAddress address3
= InetAddress.getByName("");
// true, as clearly seen above
"Is Address-1 equals to Address-2? : "
+ address1.equals(address2));
// false
"Is Address-1 equals to Address-3? : "
+ address1.equals(address3));
// returns IP address
System.out.println("IP Address : "
+ address1.getHostAddress());
// returns host name,
// which is same as IP
// address in this case
"Host Name for this IP Address : "
+ address1.getHostName());
// returns address in bytes
System.out.println("IP Address in bytes : "
+ address1.getAddress());
// false, as the given site
// has only one server
System.out.println("Is this Address Multicast? : "
+ address1.isMulticastAddress());
System.out.println("Address in string form : "
+ address1.toString());
// returns fully qualified
// domain name for this IP address.
"Fully qualified domain name for this IP address : "
+ address1.getCanonicalHostName());
// hashcode for this IP address.
System.out.println("Hashcode for this IP address : "
+ address1.hashCode());
// to check if the InetAddress is
// an unpredictable address..
"Is the InetAddress an unpredictable address? : "
+ address1.isAnyLocalAddress());
Is Address-1 equals to Address-2? : true
Is Address-1 equals to Address-3? : false
IP Address :
Host Name for this IP Address :
IP Address in bytes : [B@579bb367
Is this Address Multicast? : false
Address in string form :
Fully qualified domain name for this IP address :
Hashcode for this IP address : 756424231
Is the InetAddress an unpredictable address? : false
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自vanshitatwr620大神的英文原創作品 java.net.InetAddress Class in Java。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。