lastIndexOf()方法有四種變體。本文對它們進行了介紹,具體如下: 1. lastIndexOf():該方法返回字符序列中最後一次出現該字符的索引。
用法: int lastIndexOf(int ch) 參數: ch :a character. 返回值: This method returns the index.
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf()
public class L_index1 {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initialising String
String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");
System.out.print("Found Last Index of g at:");
// Last index of 'g' will print
// prints 19
Found Last Index of g at:19
2. lastIndexOf(int ch, int beg):該方法返回該對象所代表的字符序列中最後一次出現小於等於beg的字符的索引,如果該字符之前沒有出現則返回-1那一點。
用法: public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int beg) 參數: ch:a character. beg:the index to start the search from. Returned Value: This method returns the index.
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf()
public class L_index2 {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initialising String
String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");
System.out.print("Found Last Index of g at:");
// Last index of 'g' before 15 will print
// prints 11
System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf('g', 15));
Found Last Index of g at:11
3. lastIndexOf(String str):該方法接受一個String作為參數,如果該字符串參數作為該對象內的一個子串出現一次或多次,則返回最後一個這樣的子串的第一個字符的索引。如果它不是作為子字符串出現,則返回 -1。
用法: public int lastIndexOf(String str) 參數: str:a string. Returned Value: This method returns the index.
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf(String str)
public class L_index3 {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initialising String
String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");
System.out.print("Found substring geeks at:");
// start index of last occurrence of "geeks'
// prints 19
Found substring geeks at:19
4. lastIndexOf(String str, int beg):該方法返回指定子字符串最後一次出現在該字符串內的索引,從指定索引開始向後搜索。
用法: public int lastIndexOf(String str, int beg) 參數 beg:the index to start the search from. str:a string. Return Value This method returns the index.
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf(String str, int beg)
public class L_index4 {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initialising String
String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");
System.out.print("Found substring geeks at:");
// start index of last occurrence of "geeks'
// before 15
// prints 11
System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf("geeks", 15));
Found substring geeks at:11
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自GeeksforGeeks大神的英文原創作品 Java.lang.String.lastIndexOf() Method。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。