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Java Java.lang.Enum用法及代碼示例

枚舉類存在於 java.lang 包中。它是所有Java語言枚舉類型的公共基類。有關枚舉的信息,請參閱enum in java

Class Declaration

public abstract class Enum<E extends Enum>
extends Object
implements Comparable, Serializable

正如我們所看到的,Enum 是一個Abstract類,所以我們不能創建 Enum 類的對象。

Methods in Enum Class

Enum 類提供了 10 個有用的方法。其中大多數是從 Object 類覆蓋的。這些方法在 Enum 類中聲明為 Final,因此程序員無法修改任何枚舉常量。

  1. 最終字符串name():此方法返回此枚舉常量的名稱,該名稱與其枚舉聲明中的聲明完全相同。
    Syntax : 
    public final String name()
    Parameters : 
    the name of this enum constant
    // Java program to demonstrate name() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.RED; 
            System.out.print("Name of enum constant: "); 
            // name method 


    Name of enum constant: RED
  2. 最終int ordinal():該方法返回該枚舉常量的索引。
    Syntax : 
    public final int ordinal()
    Parameters : 
    the ordinal of this enumeration constant
    // Java program to demonstrate ordinal() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.GREEN; 
            System.out.print("ordinal of enum constant "+c1.name()+" : "); 
            // ordinal method 


    ordinal of enum constant GREEN : 1
  3. 字符串toString():此方法返回表示此枚舉常量的 String 對象。此方法與name()方法相同。
    Syntax : 
    public String toString()
    Parameters : 
    a string representation of this enumeration constant
    Overrides :
    toString in class Object
    // Java program to demonstrate toString() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.GREEN; 
            // getting string representation of enum 
            // using toString() method 
            String str = c1.toString(); 


  4. 最終布爾值 equals(Object obj):如果指定的對象等於此枚舉常量,則此方法返回 true,否則返回 false。
    Syntax : 
    public final boolean equals(Object obj)
    Parameters : 
    obj - the object too be compared for equality with this enum.
    true if the specified object is equal to this enum constant. 
    false otherwise
    Overrides :
    equals in class Object
    // Java program to demonstrate equals() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.RED; 
            Color c2 = Color.GREEN; 
            Color c3 = Color.RED; 
            // checking equality between enums 
            // using equals() method 
            boolean b1 = c1.equals(c2); 
            boolean b2 = c1.equals(c3); 
            boolean b3 = c2.equals(null); 
            System.out.println("is c1 equal to c2 : " + b1); 
            System.out.println("is c1 equal to c3 : " + b2); 
            System.out.println("is c2 equal to null : " + b3); 


    is c1 equal to c2 : false
    is c1 equal to c3 : true
    is c2 equal to null : false
  5. 最終int hashCode():此方法返回此枚舉常量的哈希碼。實際上這個方法隻包含一條語句,即“return super.hashCode()”,該語句又調用了Object類的hashCode()方法。
    Syntax : 
    public final int hashCode()
    Parameters : 
    a hash code for this enum constant.
    Overrides :
    hashCode in class Object
    // Java program to demonstrate hashCode() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.RED; 
            System.out.print("hashcode of enum constant "+ c1.name() +" : "); 
            // hashcode method 
            Color c2 = Color.GREEN; 
            System.out.print("hashcode of enum constant "+ c2.name() +" : "); 
            // hashcode method 


    hashcode of enum constant RED : 366712642
    hashcode of enum constant GREEN : 1829164700
  6. 最終intcompareTo(E obj):這個方法“compares”這個枚舉與指定對象為次序。枚舉常量隻能與相同枚舉類型的其他枚舉常量進行比較。
    Syntax : 
    public int compareTo(E obj)
    Parameters : 
    obj - the object to be compared.
    a negative integer if this object is at less ordinal than the specified object
    zero if this object is at equal ordinal than the specified object
    a positive integer if this object is at greater ordinal than the specified object
    Throws :
    NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    // Java program to demonstrate compareTo() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            Color c1 = Color.RED; 
            Color c2 = Color.GREEN; 
            Color c3 = Color.RED; 
            Color c4 = Color.BLUE; 
            System.out.print("Comparing "+c1.name()+" with "+ c2.name() +" : "); 
            // compareTo method 
            System.out.print("Comparing "+c1.name()+" with "+ c3.name() +" : "); 
            // compareTo method 
            System.out.print("Comparing "+c4.name()+" with "+ c2.name() +" : "); 
            // compareTo method 
            // The following statement throw NullPointerException 
            // as argument of compareTo method is null 
            // System.out.println(c4.compareTo(null)); 


    Comparing RED with GREEN : -1
    Comparing RED with RED : 0
    Comparing BLUE with GREEN : 1
  7. static <T extends Enum> T valueOf(類枚舉類型,字符串名稱):該方法返回具有指定名稱的指定枚舉類型的枚舉常量。該名稱必須與用於聲明此類型的枚舉常量的標識符完全匹配。
    Syntax : 
    public static <T extends Enum> T valueOf(Class enumType,String name)
    TypeParameters : 
    T - The enum type whose constant is to be returned
    Parameters : 
    enumType - the Class object of the enum type from which to return a constant
    name - the name of the constant to return
    the enum constant of the specified enum type with the specified name
    Throws :
    IllegalArgumentException - if the specified enum type has no 
    constant with the specified name or the specified class object
    does not represent an enum type
    NullPointerException - if enumType or name is null
    // Java program to demonstrate valueOf() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            // getting value of enum with specified String 
            // using valueOf method 
            Color c1 = Color.valueOf("RED"); 
            Color c2 = Color.valueOf("GREEN"); 
            // name method 
            // The following statement throw IllegalArgumentException 
            // as GrEEN is not an enum constant 
            //  Color c3 = Color.valueOf("GrEEN"); 
            // The following statement throw NullPointerException 
            // as argument of valueOf method is null 
           // Color c4 = Color.valueOf(null); 


  8. 最終類<E>getDeclaringClass():該方法返回與該枚舉常量的枚舉類型對應的 Class 對象。任意 如果此方法返回相同的 Class 對象,則兩個枚舉常量 e1 和 e2 具有相同的枚舉類型。
    Syntax : 
    public final Class <E> getDeclaringClass()
    Parameters : 
    the Class object corresponding to this enum constant's enum type
    // Java program to demonstrate getDeclaringClass() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    enum Day 
        MONDAY, TUESDAY ; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            // getting value of enum with specified String 
            // using valueOf method 
            Color c1 = Color.valueOf("RED"); 
            Color c2 = Color.valueOf("GREEN"); 
            Day d1 = Day.valueOf("MONDAY"); 
            Day d2 = Day.valueOf("TUESDAY"); 
            System.out.print("Class corresponding to "+ c1.name() +" : "); 
            // getDeclaringClass method 
            System.out.print("Class corresponding to "+ c2.name() +" : "); 
            // getDeclaringClass method 
            System.out.print("Class corresponding to "+ d1.name() +" : "); 
            // getDeclaringClass method 
            System.out.print("Class corresponding to "+ d2.name() +" : "); 
            // getDeclaringClass method 


    Class corresponding to RED : class Color
    Class corresponding to GREEN : class Color
    Class corresponding to MONDAY : class Day
    Class corresponding to TUESDAY : class Day
  9. 最終對象clone():此方法保證枚舉永遠不會被克隆,這是保留其 “singleton” 狀態所必需的。編譯器在內部使用它來創建 Enum 常量。
    Syntax : 
    public final Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Parameters : 
    Overrides :
    clone in class Object
    Throws :
    CloneNotSupportedException-if the object's class does not support the Cloneable interface.
    // Java program to demonstrate clone() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args)  
                throws CloneNotSupportedException 
            System.out.println("Enums are never cloned"); 
            Test t = new Test() 
                // final clone method 
                protected final Object clone()  
                        throws CloneNotSupportedException  
                    return new CloneNotSupportedException(); 


    Enums are never cloned
  10. 最終無效finalize():該方法保證枚舉類不能有finalize方法。
    Syntax : 
    protected final void finalize()
    Parameters : 
    Overrides :
    finalize in class Object
    // Java program to demonstrate finalize() method 
    enum Color 
        RED, GREEN, BLUE; 
    public class Test 
        // Driver method 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable  
            System.out.println("enum classes cannot have finalize methods"); 
            Test t = new Test() 
                // final finalize method 
                protected final void finalize() throws Throwable  
                       // empty implementation 


    enum classes cannot have finalize methods


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自佚名大神的英文原創作品 Java.lang.Enum Class in Java。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。