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Java Java.io.Writer用法及代碼示例

java.io.Writer 類是一個抽象類。它用於寫入字符流。

Java 中 Writer 類的聲明

public abstract class Writer
  extends Object
    implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable

Java Writer 類的構造函數

  • 受保護Writer():創建一個新的字符流,它本身可以在編寫器上同步。
  • 受保護的作家(對象 obj):創建一個新的字符流,它本身可以在給定對象上同步 - ‘obj’。

Java Writer 類的方法

有一些與 Java Writer 類相關的方法,如下所述:



append(char SW) 向 writer 追加一個字符
追加(CharSequence char_sq) 將指定的字符序列附加到 writer
追加(CharSequence char_sq,int開始,int結束) 將字符序列的指定部分附加到 writer



write(int char) 將單個字符寫入字符流。
write(string str) 將字符串寫入字符流。
write(string str, int offset , int maxlen) 將字符串的某些部分寫入字符串。
寫(char[] 載體) 將字符數組寫入字符流。
write(char[] carray, int 偏移量, int maxlen) 將字符數組的某些部分寫入字符流。
close() 關閉字符串緩衝區。因為,關閉字符流,首先刷新它。

1. 寫(int char)

java.io.Writer.write(int char) 將單個字符寫入字符流。正在寫入的字符包含在 ‘char’ 整數值的 16 個低位中,其餘 16 個高位將被該方法忽略。

Syntax: public void write(int char)

Parameters : 
char : int value of the character to be written.

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.

2. 寫入(字符串str):

java.io.Writer.write(String str) 將字符串寫入字符流。

Syntax: public void write(String str)

Parameters : 
str : string to be written to the character stream.

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.

3. 寫入(字符串str,int偏移量,int maxlen)

java.io.Writer.write(String str, int offset, int maxlen) 將字符串的某些部分寫入字符流。

Syntax: public void write(String str, int offset, int maxlen)

Parameters : 
str : string to be written to the character stream.
offset : start position of the String
maxlen : maximum length upto which string has to written

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.
-> IndexOutOfBoundsException : if offset is -ve or offset + maxlen = -ve || > maxlen 

4. write(char[] 數組)

java.io.Writer.write(char[] carray) 將字符數組寫入字符流。

Syntax: public void write(char[] carray)

Parameters : 
carray : character array to be written to the character stream

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs. 

5. write(char[] carray, int 偏移量, int maxlen)

java.io.Writer.write(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen) 將字符數組的某些部分寫入字符流。

Syntax: public abstract void write(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen)

Parameters : 
carray : character to be written to the character stream
offset : start position of the character array
maxlen : maximum no. of the character of the carray has to written

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.


java.io.Writer.close() 關閉字符流,首先刷新它。

Syntax: public abstract void close()

Parameters : 

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs. 


java.io.Writer.flush() 刷新 Writer 流。刷新一個流調用將刷新鏈中的所有其他緩衝區。

Syntax: public void flush()

Parameters : 

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.

8. 追加(char Sw)

java.io.Writer.append(char Sw) 將單個字符追加到 Writer 中。

Syntax: public Writer append(char Sw)

Parameters : 
Sw : character to be append

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.

9. 追加(CharSequence char_sq)

java.io.Writer.append(CharSequence char_sq) 將指定的字符序列附加到 Writer 中。

Syntax: public Writer append(CharSequence char_sq)

Parameters : 
char_sq : Character sequence to append. 

Return  :
Writer, if char sequence is null, then NULL appends to the Writer.

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs. 

10.追加(CharSequence char_sq,int開始,int結束)

java.io.Writer.append(CharSequence char_sq, int 開始, int 結束)將字符序列的指定部分附加到 Writer。

Syntax: public Writer append(CharSequence char_sq, int start, int end)

Parameters : 
char_sq : Character sequence to append.
start : start of character in the Char Sequence
end : end of character in the Char Sequence

Return  :

Exception :
-> IOException : if in case I/O error occurs.
-> IndexOutOfBoundsException : if start or end are -ve or start > end or 
                                  end > char_sq.length

Java Writer 類示例

示例 1:


// Java program illustrating the working of Writer class
// methods write(int char), write(String str), close()
// write(String str, int offset, int maxlen), flush()
// write(char[] carray, int offset, int maxlen),
// write(char[] carray)
import java.io.*;
public class NewClass {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        char[] carray = { 'G', 'E', 'E', 'K', 'S' };
        // Initializing Writer
        Writer geek_writer1 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer2 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer3 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer4 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer5 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        // Use of write(int char) : to write a character
        // Use of flush() method
        System.out.print("Using write(int char[]) : ");
        String str = "Hello Geeks";
        // Use of write(String str) : to write string
        // Value written by write(String str)
        System.out.print("\nUsing write(String str) : ");
        // Use of write(String str, int offset, int maxlen)
        //: to write part of string
        geek_writer3.write(str, 2, 4);
        geek_writer3.write(str, 5, 6);
        // Value written by write(String str, int offset,
        // int maxlen)
            "\nUsing write(str, offset, maxlen) : ");
        System.out.print("\nUsing write(char[] carray) : ");
        // Use of write(char[] carray, int offset, int
        // maxlen): to write part of char array
        geek_writer5.write(carray, 1, 3);
        // Value written by write(String str, int offset,
        // int maxlen)
            "\nUsing write(carray, offset, maxlen) : ");
        // Use of close() method
Using write(int char[]) : GFG
Using write(String str) : Hello Geeks
Using write(str, offset, maxlen) : llo  Geeks
Using write(char[] carray) : GEEKS
Using write(carray, offset, maxlen) : EEK

示例 2:


// Java program illustrating the working of Writer class
// methods append(CharSequence char_sq), append(char Sw)
// append(CharSequence char_sq, int start,int end)
// flush()
import java.io.*;
public class NewClass {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        // Initializing String Writer
        Writer geek_writer1 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer2 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        Writer geek_writer3 = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        // Use of write(int char) : to write a character
        // Use of append(char Sw)
        System.out.print("append(char Sw) : ");
        // Initializing Character Sequence
        CharSequence char_sq1 = "1 Hello 1";
        CharSequence char_sq2 = " : 2 Geeks 2";
        // Use of append(CharSequence char_sq)
        System.out.print("\nappend(char_sq) : ");
        // Use of append(CharSequence char_sq,int start,int
        // end)
        geek_writer3.append(char_sq1, 0, 3);
        geek_writer3.append(char_sq2, 3, 6);
        System.out.print("\nappend(char_sq,start,end) : ");
append(char Sw) : GGGGG
append(char_sq) : 1 Hello 1 : 2 Geeks 2
append(char_sq,start,end) : 1 H2 G


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自佚名大神的英文原創作品 Java.io.Writer Class in Java。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。