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Java Java.io.SequenceInputStream用法及代碼示例

SequenceInputStream 類允許您連接多個InputStream。它一一讀取流的數據。它從輸入流的有序集合開始,從第一個輸入流讀取,直到到達文件末尾,然後從第二個輸入流讀取,依此類推,直到最後一個包含的輸入流到達文件末尾。


  • 序列輸入流(枚舉e):初始化一個新創建的SequenceInputStream,它必須是一個生成類型為InputStream的對象的Enumeration。
  • 序列輸入流(輸入流 s1,InputStream s2):通過記住兩個參數來初始化新創建的SequenceInputStream,這兩個參數將按順序讀取,首先是 s1,然後是 s2。


  • read :從此輸入流讀取下一個數據字節。
    public int read()
             throws IOException 
    返回: the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
    Throws: IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
  • 讀取(字節[] b,int關閉,int長度):從此輸入流中讀取最多 len 個字節的數據到數組中
    public int read(byte[] b,
           int off,
           int len)
             throws IOException
    Overrides: read in class InputStream
    b - the buffer into which the data is read.
    off - the start offset in array b at which the data is written.
    len - the maximum number of bytes read.
    Returns: int the number of bytes read.
    NullPointerException - If b is null.
    IndexOutOfBoundsException - If off is negative, len is negative, 
    or len is greater than b.length - off
    IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
  • available :返回可以從當前基礎輸入流中讀取(或跳過)的字節數的估計值,而不會被當前基礎輸入流的方法的下一次調用所阻塞。
    Syntax :
    public int available()
                  throws IOException 
    Overrides: available in class InputStream
    返回:an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) 
    from the current underlying input stream without blocking or 0 if this input stream
    has been closed by invoking its close() method
    IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
  • close:關閉此輸入流並釋放與該流關聯的所有係統資源。
    Syntax :
    public void close()
               throws IOException
    Overrides: close in class InputStream
    IOException - if an I/O error occurs.

以下是 SequenceInputStream 類的示例,它實現了一些重要的方法。

//Java program to demonstrate SequenceInputStream 
import java.io.*; 
import java.util.*; 
class SequenceISDemp 
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException 
        //creating the FileInputStream objects for all the following files 
        FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("file1.txt"); 
        FileInputStream fin2=new FileInputStream("file2.txt"); 
        FileInputStream fin3=new FileInputStream("file3.txt"); 
        //adding fileinputstream obj to a vector object 
        Vector v = new Vector(); 
        //creating enumeration object by calling the elements method 
        Enumeration enumeration = v.elements(); 
        //passing the enumeration object in the constructor 
        SequenceInputStream sin = new SequenceInputStream(enumeration); 
        // determine how many bytes are available in the first stream 
        System.out.println("" + sin.available()); 
        // Estimating the number of bytes that can be read  
        // from the current underlying input stream  
        System.out.println( sin.available()); 
        int i = 0; 
        while((i = sin.read())! = -1) 


This is first file This is second file This is third file

注意:該程序不會在在線 IDE 上運行,因為沒有與其關聯的文件。


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自佚名大神的英文原創作品 Java.io.SequenceInputStream in Java。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。