將文件內容轉換為字節數組PHP是一種適用於各種應用程序的有用技術,包括文件操作、數據處理以及處理圖像或 PDF 等二進製文件。 PHP 提供了多種讀取文件內容並將其轉換為字節數組的方法,提供了有效處理不同場景的靈活性。
使用file_get_contents()和unpack() 函數
在 PHP 中將文件內容轉換為字節數組的最簡單方法之一是使用file_get_contents()將文件內容讀取為字符串,然後使用unpack()將字符串轉換為字節數組。
$filePath = 'https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/20190602174645/hello.txt';
$fileContent = file_get_contents($filePath);
// Convert the file content to a byte array
$byteArray = unpack('C*', $fileContent);
// Output the byte array
Array ( [1] => 60 [2] => 115 [3] => 118 [4] => 103 [5] => 32 [6] => 120 [7] => 109 [8] => 108 [9] => 110 [10] => 115 [11] => 61 [12] => 34 [13] => 1...
使用fread()和unpack() 函數
$filePath = 'gfg.txt';
$fileHandle = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
$fileSize = filesize($filePath);
$fileContent = fread($fileHandle, $fileSize);
$byteArray = unpack('C*', $fileContent);
Array ( [1] => 87 [2] => 101 [3] => 108 [4] => 99 [5] => 111 [6] => 109 [7] => 101 [8] => 32 [9] => 116 [10] => 111 [11] => 32 [12] => 71 [13] => 101 [14] => 101 [15] => 107 [16] => 115 [17] => 102 [18] => 111 [19] => 114 [20] => 71 [21] => 101 [22] => 101 [23] => 107 [24] => 115 [25] => 13 [26] => 10 [27] => 87 [28] => 101 [29] => 108 [30] => 99 [31] => 111 [32] => 109 [33] => 101 [34] => 32 [35] => 116 [36] => 111 [37] => 32 [38] => 71 [39] => 101 [40] => 101 [41] => 107 [42] => 115 [43] => 102 [44] => 111 [45] => 114 [46] => 71 [47] => 101 [48] => 101 [49] => 107 [50] => 115 [51] => 13 [52] => 10 [53] => 72 [54] => 101 [55] => 108 [56] => 108 [57] => 111 [58] => 32 [59] => 87 [60] => 101 [61] => 108 [62] => 99 [63] => 111 [64] => 109 [65] => 101 )
這裏,fopen以二進製讀取模式打開文件(‘rb’),filesize獲取文件的大小,fread根據提供的大小讀取文件內容。 unpack 然後將此內容轉換為字節數組。
$filePath = 'gfg.txt';
$lines = file($filePath, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
// Convert each line's characters to bytes
// and merge into one byte array
$byteArray = array_merge([], ...array_map(function($line) {
return array_map('ord', str_split($line));
}, $lines));
// Output the byte array
Array ( [0] => 87 [1] => 101 [2] => 108 [3] => 99 [4] => 111 [5] => 109 [6] => 101 [7] => 32 [8] => 116 [9] => 111 [10] => 32 [11] => 71 [12] => 101 [13] => 101 [14] => 107 [15] => 115 [16] => 102 [17] => 111 [18] => 114 [19] => 71 [20] => 101 [21] => 101 [22] => 107 [23] => 115 [24] => 87 [25] => 101 [26] => 108 [27] => 99 [28] => 111 [29] => 109 [30] => 101 [31] => 32 [32] => 116 [33] => 111 [34] => 32 [35] => 71 [36] => 101 [37] => 101 [38] => 107 [39] => 115 [40] => 102 [41] => 111 [42] => 114 [43] => 71 [44] => 101 [45] => 101 [46] => 107 [47] => 115 [48] => 72 [49] => 101 [50] => 108 [51] => 108 [52] => 111 [53] => 32 [54] => 87 [55] => 101 [56] => 108 [57] => 99 [58] => 111 [59] => 109 [60] => 101 )
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自vkash8574大神的英文原創作品 How to Convert File Content to Byte Array in PHP ?。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。