給定一個字符,任務是將其轉換為ASCII 字符轉換為 C# 中的一個字節。
Input: chr = 'a'
Output: 97
Input: chr = 'H'
Output: 72
方法 1:簡單方法
Step 1: Get the character.
Step 2: Convert the character using the Byte struct
byte b = (byte) chr;Step 3:Return or perform the operation on the byte
// C# program to convert
// ascii char to byte.
using System;
public class GFG{
static public void Main ()
char ch = 'G';
// Creating byte
byte byt;
// converting character into byte
byt = (byte)ch;
// printing character with byte value
Console.WriteLine("Byte of char \'" + ch + "\' : " + byt);
Byte of char 'G' : 71
方法二:使用Convert.ToByte(String, IFormatProvider)() 方法:此方法是 Convert 類方法。它用於將其他基本數據類型轉換為字節數據類型。
byte byt = Convert.ToByte(char);
// C# program to convert
// ascii char to byte.
using System;
public class GFG{
static public void Main ()
char ch = 'G';
// Creating byte
byte byt;
// converting character into byte
// using Convert.ToByte() method
byt = Convert.ToByte(ch);
// printing character with byte value
Console.WriteLine("Byte of char \'" +
ch + "\' : " + byt);
Byte of char 'G' : 71
方法三:使用BitConverter()[0] 方法:Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() 方法用於接受字符串作為參數並獲取字節數組。因此GetBytes()[0]用於將字符轉換為字符串後獲取字節。
byte byt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string str)[0];
Step 1: Get the character.
Step 2: Convert the character into string using ToString() method.
Step 3: Convert the string into byte using the GetBytes()[0] Method and store the converted string to the byte.
Step 4:Return or perform the operation on the byte.
// C# program to convert
// ascii char to byte.
using System;
using System.Text;
public class GFG{
static public void Main ()
char ch = 'G';
// convert to string
// using the ToString() method
string str = ch.ToString();
// Creating byte
byte byt;
// converting character into byte
// using GetBytes() method
byt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str)[0];
// printing character with byte value
Console.WriteLine("Byte of char \'" +
ch + "\' : " + byt);
Byte of char 'G' : 71
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自SHUBHAMSINGH10大神的英文原創作品 How to Convert ASCII Char to Byte in C#?。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。