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C++ atof()用法及代碼示例

C++ 中的atof() 函數將字符串的內容解釋為浮點數並將其值作為雙精度值返回。


double atof(const char* str);

它在<cstdlib> 頭文件中定義。


  • str- 具有浮點數表示的字符串。


atof() 函數返回:

  • 一個雙精度值(從字符串轉換而來)。
  • 如果無法執行有效轉換,則為 0.0。


示例 1:atof() 函數如何工作?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()
	char numberString[] = "-32.40"; 
	double numberInDouble;
	cout << "Number in  String = " << numberString << endl;

	numberInDouble = atof(numberString);
	cout << "Number in Double = " << numberInDouble;
	return 0;


Number in  String = -32.40
Number in Double = -32.4

atof() 函數的有效浮點值包含可選的 + 或 - 符號,後跟以下集合之一:

  • 對於十進製浮點值:
    • 一組十進製數字(0-9), 可選地包含一個小數點 (.)。例如:9.056、-0.013 等。
    • 可選的 index 部分(eE)後跟可選的 + 或 - 符號和非空的十進製數字序列。例如:1.23455e+009、5.23e-018等。
  • 對於十六進製浮點值:
    • 0x0X 開頭的字符串,後跟一個非空的十六進製數字序列,可以選擇包含小數點 (.)。例如:0xf1b、-0xb1b.51 等。
    • 可選的 index 部分(pP)後跟可選的 + 或 - 符號和非空的十六進製數字序列。例如:0x51c.23p5、-0x2a.3p-3 等。
  • Infinity:
    • INFINFINITY(忽略大小寫)。例如:-iNf、INfINiT 等。
  • NaN(不是數字):
    • NANNANsequence(忽略大小寫),其中 sequence 是僅由字母數字字符或下劃線 (_) 組成的字符序列。結果是安靜的 NaN。例如:Nan、NaN12 等。

示例 2:atof() 如何與 index 和十六進製一起使用?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()

	cout << "-44.01e-3" << " to Double = " << atof("-44.01e-0") << endl;
	cout << "-44.01e-3" << " to Double = " << atof("-44.01e-3") << endl;
	cout << "0xf1bc" << " to Double = " << atof("0xf1bc") << endl;
	cout << "0xf1bc.51" << " to Double = " << atof("0xf1bc.51") << endl;
	return 0;


-44.01e-3 to Double = -44.01
-44.01e-3 to Double = -0.04401
0xf1bc to Double = 61884
0xf1bc.51 to Double = 61884.3

示例 3:INFINITY 和 NaN 的 atof 案例

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()
	cout << "INFINITY" << " to Double = " << atof("INFINITY") << endl;
	cout << "Inf" << " to Double = " << atof("Inf") << endl;

	cout << "Nan" << " to Double = " << atof("Nan") << endl;
	cout << "NAN" << " to Double = " << atof("NAN") << endl;
	return 0;


INFINITY to Double = inf
Inf to Double = inf
Nan to Double = nan
NAN to Double = nan

通常,atof() 函數的有效浮點參數具有以下形式:

[whitespace] [- | +] [digits] [.digits] [ {e | E }[- | +]digits]

atof() 函數會忽略所有前導空白字符,直到找到主要的非空白字符。


示例 4:帶有空格和尾隨字符的 atof() 函數

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "25.5" << " to Double = " << atof("  25.5") << endl;
    cout << "25.5    " << " to Double = " << atof("  25.5   ") << endl;
    cout << "25.5abcd" << " to Double = " << atof("25.5abcd") << endl;

    // Returns 0 because of invalid conversion
    cout << "abcd25.5" << " to Double = " << atof("abcd25.5") << endl;

    // Rules for whitespace and trailing character also apply for infinity and Nan
    cout << "INFINITYabcd" << " to Double = " << atof("INFINITYabcd") << endl;
    cout << "INFINITY" << " to Double = " << atof("  INFINITY") << endl;
    cout << "Nanlll" << " to Double = " << atof("Nanlll") << endl;

    return 0;


25.5 to Double = 25.5
25.5     to Double = 25.5
25.5abcd to Double = 25.5
abcd25.5 to Double = 0
INFINITYabcd to Double = inf
INFINITY to Double = inf
Nanlll to Double = nan


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自 C++ atof()。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。