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Java Character.isWhitespace()用法及代碼示例


  • 它是Unicode空格字符(SPACE_SEPARATOR,LINE_SEPARATOR或PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR),但也不是不間斷空格(“ \ u00A0”,“ \ u2007”,“ \ u202F”)。
  • U + 0009水平製表符是“ \ t”。
  • 它是“ \ n”,U + 000A LINE FEED。
  • 它是“ \ u000B”,U + 000B垂直製表符。
  • U + 000C FORM FEED是“ \ f”。
  • 是'\ r',U + 000D回車。
  • 它是“ \ u001C”,U + 001C文件分隔符。
  • 它是U \ 001D組分隔符“ \ u001D”。
  • 它是“ \ u001E”,U + 001E記錄分隔符。
  • 它是“ \ u001F”,U + 001F單位分隔符。


public static boolean isWhitespace(datatype character)



以下示例程序旨在說明Character.isWhitespace(char ch)方法:


// Java program to illustrate the Character.isWhitespace() 
// method when the passed parameter is a character 
import java.lang.*; 
public class gfg { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // create 2 char primitives c1, c2 
        char c1 = '*', c2 = '\f'; 
        boolean b1 = Character.isWhitespace(c1); 
        boolean b2 = Character.isWhitespace(c2); 
        String str1 = "c1 is a Java whitespace character is " + b1; 
        String str2 = "c2 is a Java whitespace character is " + b2; 
        // print b1, b2 values 


c1 is a Java whitespace character is false
c2 is a Java whitespace character is true


// Java program to demonstrate the Character.isWhitespace() 
// method when the passed parameter is a character 
import java.lang.*; 
public class gfg { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // create 2 char primitives c1, c2 
        char c1 = '/', c2 = '\f'; 
        boolean b1 = Character.isWhitespace(c1); 
        boolean b2 = Character.isWhitespace(c2); 
        String str1 = "c1 is a Java whitespace character is " + b1; 
        String str2 = "c2 is a Java whitespace character is " + b2; 
        // print b1, b2 values 


c1 is a Java whitespace character is false
c2 is a Java whitespace character is true


// Java program to demonstrate the 
// Character.isWhitespace() 
// method when the passed parameter 
// is a character 
import java.lang.*; 
public class gfg { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // create 2 int primitives c1, c2 
        int c1 = 0x451c, c2 = 0x4abc; 
        boolean b1 = Character.isWhitespace(c1); 
        boolean b2 = Character.isWhitespace(c2); 
        String str1 = "c1 represents Java whitespace character is " + b1; 
        String str2 = "c2 represents Java whitespace character is " + b2; 
        // print b1, b2 values 


c1 represents Java whitespace character is false
c2 represents Java whitespace character is false


// Java program to demonstrate the Character.isWhitespace() 
// method when the passed parameter is a character 
import java.lang.*; 
public class gfg { 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // create 2 int primitives c1, c2 
        int c1 = 0x001c, c2 = 0x1bbc; 
        boolean b1 = Character.isWhitespace(c1); 
        boolean b2 = Character.isWhitespace(c2); 
        String str1 = "c1 represents Java whitespace character is " + b1; 
        String str2 = "c2 represents Java whitespace character is " + b2; 
        // print b1, b2 values 


c1 represents Java whitespace character is true
c2 represents Java whitespace character is false


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Twinkl Bajaj大神的英文原創作品 Character.isWhitespace() method in Java with examples。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。