此方法用於返回當前實例的Type。在這裏,類型表示類型聲明,即類類型,接口類型,數組類型,值類型,枚舉類型,類型參數,泛型類型定義以及打開或關閉的構造泛型類型。 System.Object類是.NET Framework類型係統中存在的所有類型的基類。本質上,此方法返回代表所有.NET Framework類型的Type對象。
.NET Framework可識別以下五類類型:
- 類,它們是從System.Object派生的。
- 值類型,它們是從System.ValueType派生的。
- 介麵,它們從.NET Framework 2.0開始從System.Object派生。
- 枚舉,它們是從System.Enum派生的。
- 代表們,它們是從System.MulticastDelegate派生的。
public Type GetType ();
// C# program to demonstrate
// Object.GetType() Method
using System;
// Base class
public class G {
// Derived class
public class X:G {
// Driver Class
class GFG {
// Main method
public static void Main()
// Creating and initializing objects
X obj = new X();
G obj1 = new G();
Object obj2 = obj;
// Find the type of objects
// using GetType() method
Console.WriteLine("The X class object type is:"
+ obj.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("The G class object type is:"
+ obj1.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("The obj2 object type is:"
+ obj2.GetType());
The X class object type is:X The G class object type is:G The obj2 object type is:X
// C# program to demonstrate
// Object.GetType() Method
using System;
public class Author {
public string A_Name;
public string P_Name;
public int n;
public Author(string A_Name,
string P_Name, int n)
this.A_Name = A_Name;
this.P_Name = P_Name;
this.n = n;
public void Show()
Console.WriteLine("Author Name:" + A_Name);
Console.WriteLine("Article Name:" + P_Name);
Console.WriteLine("Article No:" + n);
public void type()
Console.WriteLine("Type of Author Name:"
+ A_Name.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Type of Article Name:"
+ P_Name.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Type of Article No:"
+ n.GetType());
// Driver Class
class GFG {
// Main method
public static void Main()
// Creating and initializing
// the object of Author class
Author obj = new Author("Kirti",
"GetType() method", 3);
Console.WriteLine("Author details:");
// Display the type
Console.WriteLine("Type of Author class object:"
+ obj.GetType());
Author details: Author Name:Kirti Article Name:GetType() method Article No:3 Type of Author Name:System.String Type of Article Name:System.String Type of Article No:System.Int32 Type of Author class object:Author
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注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Kirti_Mangal大神的英文原創作品 C# | Object.GetTypeCode() Method with Examples。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。