- atol():此函數將作為參數傳遞給函數調用的C-type字符串轉換為長整數。它解析C-string str,將其內容解釋為整數,並作為long int類型的值返回。該函數丟棄出現在字符串開頭的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符為止。如果C-string str中的非空白字符序列不是有效的整數,或者由於str為空或僅包含空白字符而不存在這樣的序列,則不執行任何轉換並返回零。
long int atol ( const char * str )
返回值:該函數將轉換後的整數返回為long int。如果無法執行有效的轉換,則返回零。
// CPP program to illustrate // working of atol() function. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { // char array of numbers char str1[] = "5672345"; // Function calling to convert to a long int long int num1 = atol(str1); cout << "Number is " << num1 << "\n"; // char array of numbers of spaces char str2[] = "10000002 0"; // Function calling to convert to a long int long int num2 = atol(str2); cout << "Number is " << num2 << "\n"; return 0; }
輸出:Number is 5672345 Number is 10000002
- atoll():此函數將作為參數傳遞給函數調用的C-type字符串轉換為long long整數。它解析C-string str,將其內容解釋為整數,並作為long long int類型的值返回。該函數丟棄出現在字符串開頭的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符為止。
如果C-string str中的非空白字符序列不是有效的整數,或者由於str為空或僅包含空白字符而不存在這樣的序列,則不執行任何轉換並返回零。用法:
long long int atoll ( const char * str )
返回值:該函數將轉換後的整數返回為long long int。如果無法執行有效的轉換,則返回零。
// CPP program to illustrate // working of atol() function. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { // char array of numbers char big_num1[] = "8239206483232728"; // Function calling to convert to a long int long long int num1 = atoll(big_num1); cout << "Number is " << num1 << "\n"; // char array of numbers of spaces char big_num2[] = "100000 9 1324100"; // Function calling to convert to a long int long long int num2 = atoll(big_num2); cout << "Number is " << num2 << "\n"; return 0; }
輸出:Number is 8239206483232728 Number is 100000
- atof()函數:此函數將作為參數傳遞給函數調用的C-type字符串轉換為雙精度。它解析C-string str,將其內容解釋為浮點數,該浮點數作為double類型的值返回。該函數丟棄出現在字符串開頭的空白字符,直到找到非空白字符為止。如果C-string str中的非空白字符序列不是有效的浮點數,或者由於str為空或僅包含空白字符而不存在這樣的序列,則不執行任何轉換並返回0.0。
double atol ( const char * str )
// CPP program to illustrate // working of atol() function. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { // char array char pi[] = "3.1415926535"; // Calling function to convert to a double double pi_val = atof(pi); // prints the double value cout << "Value of pi = " << pi_val << "\n"; // char array char acc_g[] = "9.8"; // Calling function to convert to a double double acc_g_val = atof(acc_g); // prints the double value cout << "Value of acceleration due to gravity = " << acc_g_val << "\n"; return 0; }
輸出:Value of pi = 3.14159 Value of acceleration due to gravity = 9.8
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自nik1996大神的英文原創作品 atol(), atoll() and atof() functions in C/C++。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。