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Golang vg.Length函數代碼示例

本文整理匯總了Golang中code/google/com/p/plotinum/vg.Length函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Golang Length函數的具體用法?Golang Length怎麽用?Golang Length使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。


示例1: arc

// Approximate a circular arc using multiple
// cubic Bézier curves, one for each π/2 segment.
// This is from:
// 	http://hansmuller-flex.blogspot.com/2011/04/approximating-circular-arc-with-cubic.html
func arc(p *pdf.Path, comp vg.PathComp) {
	x0 := comp.X + comp.Radius*vg.Length(math.Cos(comp.Start))
	y0 := comp.Y + comp.Radius*vg.Length(math.Sin(comp.Start))
	p.Line(pdfPoint(x0, y0))

	a1 := comp.Start
	end := a1 + comp.Angle
	sign := 1.0
	if end < a1 {
		sign = -1.0
	left := math.Abs(comp.Angle)

	// Square root of the machine epsilon for IEEE 64-bit floating
	// point values.  This is the equality threshold recommended
	// in Numerical Recipes, if I recall correctly—it's small enough.
	const epsilon = 1.4901161193847656e-08

	for left > epsilon {
		a2 := a1 + sign*math.Min(math.Pi/2, left)
		partialArc(p, comp.X, comp.Y, comp.Radius, a1, a2)
		left -= math.Abs(a2 - a1)
		a1 = a2

示例2: crosshair

// crosshair draws a plus at the given point.
func crosshair(img draw.Image, x, y int, str string) {
	c := vgimg.NewImage(img)

	// drawPlots here because NewImage
	// clears the canvas.  Instead, the canvas
	// should just be stored instead of being
	// recreated at each redraw.

	c.SetColor(color.RGBA{R: 255, A: 255})

	xc := vg.Inches(float64(x) / c.DPI())
	yc := vg.Inches(float64(y) / c.DPI())
	radius := vg.Points(5)

	var p vg.Path
	p.Move(xc-radius, yc)
	p.Line(xc+radius, yc)

	p = vg.Path{}
	p.Move(xc, yc+radius)
	p.Line(xc, yc-radius)

	c.FillString(font, vg.Length(0), vg.Length(0), str)

示例3: Height

// Height returns the height of the text when using
// the given font.
func (sty TextStyle) Height(txt string) vg.Length {
	nl := textNLines(txt)
	if nl == 0 {
		return vg.Length(0)
	e := sty.Font.Extents()
	return e.Height*vg.Length(nl-1) + e.Ascent

示例4: GlyphBoxes

// GlyphBoxes returns a slice of GlyphBoxes,
// one for each of the labels, implementing the
// plot.GlyphBoxer interface.
func (l *Labels) GlyphBoxes(p *plot.Plot) []plot.GlyphBox {
	bs := make([]plot.GlyphBox, len(l.Labels))
	for i, label := range l.Labels {
		bs[i].X = p.X.Norm(l.XYs[i].X)
		bs[i].Y = p.Y.Norm(l.XYs[i].Y)
		w := l.Width(label)
		h := l.Height(label)
		bs[i].Rect.Min.X = w*vg.Length(l.XAlign) + l.XOffset
		bs[i].Rect.Min.Y = h*vg.Length(l.YAlign) + l.YOffset
		bs[i].Rect.Size.X = w
		bs[i].Rect.Size.Y = h
	return bs

示例5: Plot

func (s *SparkLines) Plot(da plot.DrawArea, plt *plot.Plot) {
	trX, trY := plt.Transforms(&da)

	w := vg.Length(1)


	_, _, ymin, ymax := s.DataRange()

	for _, d := range s.XYs {
		perc := float64(d.Y-ymin) / float64(ymax-ymin)
		c := BrightColorGradient.GetInterpolatedColorFor((perc*-1+1)*0.5 + 0.6)

		// Transform the data x, y coordinate of this bubble
		// to the corresponding drawing coordinate.
		x := trX(d.X)
		y := trY(d.Y * 0.9)

		//rad := vg.Length(10)
		var p vg.Path
		p.Move(x-w, y)
		p.Line(x-w, 0)

		//da.StrokeLine2(*sty, x, 0, x, y)

示例6: Plot

func (pt *Dots) Plot(da plot.DrawArea, plt *plot.Plot) {
	trX, trY := plt.Transforms(&da)


	for i := range pt.Y {
		// Transform the data x, y coordinate of this bubble
		// to the corresponding drawing coordinate.
		x := trX(pt.X[i])
		y := trY(pt.Y[i])

		// Get the radius of this bubble.  The radius
		// is specified in drawing units (i.e., its size
		// is given as the final size at which it will
		// be drawn) so it does not need to be transformed.
		rad := vg.Length(2)

		// Fill a circle centered at x,y on the draw area.
		var p vg.Path
		p.Move(x+rad, y)
		p.Arc(x, y, rad, 0, 2*math.Pi)

示例7: draw

// draw draws the legend to the given DrawArea.
func (l *Legend) draw(da DrawArea) {
	iconx := da.Min.X
	textx := iconx + l.ThumbnailWidth + l.TextStyle.Width(" ")
	xalign := 0.0
	if !l.Left {
		iconx = da.Max().X - l.ThumbnailWidth
		textx = iconx - l.TextStyle.Width(" ")
		xalign = -1
	textx += l.XOffs
	iconx += l.XOffs

	enth := l.entryHeight()
	y := da.Max().Y - enth
	if !l.Top {
		y = da.Min.Y + (enth+l.Padding)*(vg.Length(len(l.entries))-1)
	y += l.YOffs

	icon := &DrawArea{
		Canvas: da.Canvas,
		Rect:   Rect{Min: Point{iconx, y}, Size: Point{l.ThumbnailWidth, enth}},
	for _, e := range l.entries {
		for _, t := range e.thumbs {
		yoffs := (enth - l.TextStyle.Height(e.text)) / 2
		da.FillText(l.TextStyle, textx, icon.Min.Y+yoffs, xalign, 0, e.text)
		icon.Min.Y -= enth + l.Padding

示例8: radius

// radius returns the radius of a bubble by linear interpolation.
func (bs *Bubbles) radius(z float64) vg.Length {
	rng := bs.MaxRadius - bs.MinRadius
	if bs.MaxZ == bs.MinZ {
		return rng/2 + bs.MinRadius
	d := (z - bs.MinZ) / (bs.MaxZ - bs.MinZ)
	return vg.Length(d)*rng + bs.MinRadius

示例9: FillText

// FillText fills lines of text in the draw area.
// The text is offset by its width times xalign and
// its height times yalign.  x and y give the bottom
// left corner of the text befor e it is offset.
func (da *DrawArea) FillText(sty TextStyle, x, y vg.Length, xalign, yalign float64, txt string) {
	txt = strings.TrimRight(txt, "\n")
	if len(txt) == 0 {


	ht := sty.Height(txt)
	y += ht*vg.Length(yalign) - sty.Font.Extents().Ascent
	nl := textNLines(txt)
	for i, line := range strings.Split(txt, "\n") {
		xoffs := vg.Length(xalign) * sty.Font.Width(line)
		n := vg.Length(nl - i)
		da.FillString(sty.Font, x+xoffs, y+n*sty.Font.Size, line)

示例10: partialArc

// Approximate a circular arc of fewer than π/2
// radians with cubic Bézier curve.
func partialArc(p *pdf.Path, x, y, r vg.Length, a1, a2 float64) {
	a := (a2 - a1) / 2
	x4 := r * vg.Length(math.Cos(a))
	y4 := r * vg.Length(math.Sin(a))
	x1 := x4
	y1 := -y4

	const k = 0.5522847498 // some magic constant
	f := k * vg.Length(math.Tan(a))
	x2 := x1 + f*y4
	y2 := y1 + f*x4
	x3 := x2
	y3 := -y2

	// Rotate and translate points into position.
	ar := a + a1
	sinar := vg.Length(math.Sin(ar))
	cosar := vg.Length(math.Cos(ar))
	x2r := x2*cosar - y2*sinar + x
	y2r := x2*sinar + y2*cosar + y
	x3r := x3*cosar - y3*sinar + x
	y3r := x3*sinar + y3*cosar + y
	x4 = r*vg.Length(math.Cos(a2)) + x
	y4 = r*vg.Length(math.Sin(a2)) + y
	p.Curve(pdfPoint(x2r, y2r), pdfPoint(x3r, y3r), pdfPoint(x4, y4))

示例11: arc

// Approximate a circular arc using multiple
// cubic Bézier curves, one for each π/2 segment.
// This is from:
// 	http://hansmuller-flex.blogspot.com/2011/04/approximating-circular-arc-with-cubic.html
func arc(p *pdf.Path, comp vg.PathComp) {
	x0 := comp.X + comp.Radius*vg.Length(math.Cos(comp.Start))
	y0 := comp.Y + comp.Radius*vg.Length(math.Sin(comp.Start))
	p.Line(pdfPoint(x0, y0))

	a1 := comp.Start
	end := a1 + comp.Angle
	sign := 1.0
	if end < a1 {
		sign = -1.0
	left := math.Abs(comp.Angle)
	for left > 0 {
		a2 := a1 + sign*math.Min(math.Pi/2, left)
		partialArc(p, comp.X, comp.Y, comp.Radius, a1, a2)
		left -= math.Abs(a2 - a1)
		a1 = a2

示例12: padX

// padX returns a DrawArea that is padded horizontally
// so that glyphs will no be clipped.
func padX(p *Plot, da DrawArea) DrawArea {
	glyphs := p.GlyphBoxes(p)
	l := leftMost(&da, glyphs)
	xAxis := horizontalAxis{p.X}
	glyphs = append(glyphs, xAxis.GlyphBoxes(p)...)
	r := rightMost(&da, glyphs)

	minx := da.Min.X - l.Min.X
	maxx := da.Max().X - (r.Min.X + r.Size.X)
	lx := vg.Length(l.X)
	rx := vg.Length(r.X)
	n := (lx*maxx - rx*minx) / (lx - rx)
	m := ((lx-1)*maxx - rx*minx + minx) / (lx - rx)
	return DrawArea{
		Canvas: vg.Canvas(da),
		Rect: Rect{
			Min:  Point{X: n, Y: da.Min.Y},
			Size: Point{X: m - n, Y: da.Size.Y},

示例13: padY

// padY returns a DrawArea that is padded vertically
// so that glyphs will no be clipped.
func padY(p *Plot, da DrawArea) DrawArea {
	glyphs := p.GlyphBoxes(p)
	b := bottomMost(&da, glyphs)
	yAxis := verticalAxis{p.Y}
	glyphs = append(glyphs, yAxis.GlyphBoxes(p)...)
	t := topMost(&da, glyphs)

	miny := da.Min.Y - b.Min.Y
	maxy := da.Max().Y - (t.Min.Y + t.Size.Y)
	by := vg.Length(b.Y)
	ty := vg.Length(t.Y)
	n := (by*maxy - ty*miny) / (by - ty)
	m := ((by-1)*maxy - ty*miny + miny) / (by - ty)
	return DrawArea{
		Canvas: vg.Canvas(da),
		Rect: Rect{
			Min:  Point{Y: n, X: da.Min.X},
			Size: Point{Y: m - n, X: da.Size.X},

示例14: tickLabelHeight

// tickLabelHeight returns height of the tick mark labels.
func tickLabelHeight(sty TextStyle, ticks []Tick) vg.Length {
	maxHeight := vg.Length(0)
	for _, t := range ticks {
		if t.IsMinor() {
		h := sty.Height(t.Label)
		if h > maxHeight {
			maxHeight = h
	return maxHeight

示例15: Report

// Report builds up a plot of the response times of the requests
// in SVG format and writes it to out
func (r *TimingsPlotReporter) Report(out io.Writer) error {
	timestamps := make([]time.Time, 0)
	timings := make([]time.Duration, 0)

	for e := r.responses.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		r := e.Value.(*result)
		timestamps = append(timestamps, r.timestamp)
		timings = append(timings, r.timing)

	p, err := plot.New()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pts := make(plotter.XYs, len(timestamps))
	for i := 0; i < len(pts); i++ {
		pts[i].X = timestamps[i].Sub(timestamps[0]).Seconds()
		pts[i].Y = timings[i].Seconds() * 1000

	line, err := plotter.NewLine(pts)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	line.Color = plotutil.Color(1)

	p.X.Padding = vg.Length(3.0)
	p.X.Label.Text = "Time elapsed"
	p.Y.Padding = vg.Length(3.0)
	p.Y.Label.Text = "Latency (ms)"

	w, h := vg.Millimeters(float64(len(timestamps))), vg.Centimeters(12.0)
	canvas := vgsvg.New(w, h)

	_, err = canvas.WriteTo(out)
	return err
