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Python typing.ChainMap方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中typing.ChainMap方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python typing.ChainMap方法的具体用法?Python typing.ChainMap怎么用?Python typing.ChainMap使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在typing的用法示例。


示例1: test_type_erasure_special

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def test_type_erasure_special(self):
        T = TypeVar('T')
        # this is the only test that checks type caching
        class MyTup(Tuple[T, T]): ...
        self.assertIs(MyTup[int]().__class__, MyTup)
        self.assertIs(MyTup[int]().__orig_class__, MyTup[int])
        class MyCall(Callable[..., T]):
            def __call__(self): return None
        self.assertIs(MyCall[T]().__class__, MyCall)
        self.assertIs(MyCall[T]().__orig_class__, MyCall[T])
        class MyDict(typing.Dict[T, T]): ...
        self.assertIs(MyDict[int]().__class__, MyDict)
        self.assertIs(MyDict[int]().__orig_class__, MyDict[int])
        class MyDef(typing.DefaultDict[str, T]): ...
        self.assertIs(MyDef[int]().__class__, MyDef)
        self.assertIs(MyDef[int]().__orig_class__, MyDef[int])
        # ChainMap was added in 3.3
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
            class MyChain(typing.ChainMap[str, T]): ...
            self.assertIs(MyChain[int]().__class__, MyChain)
            self.assertIs(MyChain[int]().__orig_class__, MyChain[int]) 

示例2: unify_callable_args

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def unify_callable_args(value_types: Sequence[Type],
                        recv_types: Sequence[Type],
                        bindings: typing.ChainMap[object, Type]) -> bool:
    if value_types == ... or recv_types == ...:
        return True
    if len(value_types) != len(recv_types):
        return False
    for (varg, rarg) in zip(value_types, recv_types):
        # note reversal here: Callable is contravariant in argument types
        if not unify(rarg, varg, bindings):
            return False
    return True 

示例3: test_chainmap_instantiation

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def test_chainmap_instantiation(self):
        self.assertIs(type(typing.ChainMap()), collections.ChainMap)
        self.assertIs(type(typing.ChainMap[KT, VT]()), collections.ChainMap)
        self.assertIs(type(typing.ChainMap[str, int]()), collections.ChainMap)
        class CM(typing.ChainMap[KT, VT]): ...
        self.assertIs(type(CM[int, str]()), CM) 

示例4: test_chainmap_subclass

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def test_chainmap_subclass(self):

        class MyChainMap(typing.ChainMap[str, int]):

        cm = MyChainMap()
        self.assertIsInstance(cm, MyChainMap)

        self.assertIsSubclass(MyChainMap, collections.ChainMap)
        self.assertNotIsSubclass(collections.ChainMap, MyChainMap) 

示例5: load_local

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def load_local(self, source: Union[str, Path, TextIO] = None):
        """Load schemas from a local file

        These files will be treated as local schemas, and will not be sent to the bus.
        This can be useful for validation during development and testing.
        if isinstance(source, str):
            source = Path(source)

        def _load_schema(path, file_data):
                return json.loads(file_data)
            except JSONDecodeError as e:
                raise InvalidSchema("Could not parse schema file {}: {}".format(path, e.msg))

        if source is None:
            # No source, read from stdin
            schema = _load_schema("[stdin]", sys.stdin.read())
        elif hasattr(source, "is_dir") and source.is_dir():
            # Read each json file in directory
            schemas = []
            for file_path in source.glob("*.json"):
                schemas.append(_load_schema(file_path, file_path.read_text(encoding="utf8")))
            schema = ChainMap(*schemas)
        elif hasattr(source, "read"):
            # Read file handle
            schema = _load_schema(source.name, source.read())
        elif hasattr(source, "read_text"):
            # Read pathlib Path
            schema = _load_schema(source.name, source.read_text())
            raise InvalidSchema(
                "Did not recognise provided source as either a "
                "directory path, file path, or file handle: {}".format(source)

        for api_name, api_schema in schema.items():
            self.local_schemas[api_name] = api_schema

        return schema 

示例6: __new__

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
                if _geqv(cls, ChainMap):
                    return collections.ChainMap(*args, **kwds)
                return _generic_new(collections.ChainMap, cls, *args, **kwds) 

示例7: make_interceptor

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import ChainMap [as 别名]
def make_interceptor(self, original: Callable) -> Callable:
        subconditions = get_fn_conditions(original)
        if subconditions is None:
            return original
        sig = subconditions.sig

        def wrapper(*a: object, **kw: Dict[str, object]) -> object:
            #debug('short circuit wrapper ', original)
            if (not self.engaged) or self.space_getter().running_framework_code:
                return original(*a, **kw)
            # We *heavily* bias towards concrete execution, because it's often the case
            # that a single short-circuit will render the path useless. TODO: consider
            # decaying short-crcuit probability over time.
            use_short_circuit = self.space_getter().fork_with_confirm_or_else(0.95)
            if not use_short_circuit:
                debug('short circuit: Choosing not to intercept', original)
                return original(*a, **kw)
                self.engaged = False
                debug('short circuit: Intercepted a call to ', original)
                self.intercepted = True
                return_type = sig.return_annotation

                # Deduce type vars if necessary
                if len(typing_inspect.get_parameters(sig.return_annotation)) > 0 or typing_inspect.is_typevar(sig.return_annotation):
                    typevar_bindings: typing.ChainMap[object, type] = collections.ChainMap(
                    bound = sig.bind(*a, **kw)
                    for param in sig.parameters.values():
                        argval = bound.arguments[param.name]
                        value_type = python_type(argval)
                        #debug('unify', value_type, param.annotation)
                        if not dynamic_typing.unify(value_type, param.annotation, typevar_bindings):
                                'aborting intercept due to signature unification failure')
                            return original(*a, **kw)
                        #debug('unify bindings', typevar_bindings)
                    return_type = dynamic_typing.realize(
                        sig.return_annotation, typevar_bindings)
                    debug('short circuit: Deduced return type was ', return_type)

                # adjust arguments that may have been mutated
                assert subconditions is not None
                bound = sig.bind(*a, **kw)
                mutable_args = subconditions.mutable_args
                for argname, arg in bound.arguments.items():
                    if mutable_args is None or argname in mutable_args:
                        forget_contents(arg, self.space_getter())

                if return_type is type(None):
                    return None
                # note that the enforcement wrapper ensures postconditions for us, so we
                # can just return a free variable here.
                return proxy_for_type(return_type, self.space_getter(), 'proxyreturn' + self.space_getter().uniq())
                self.engaged = True
        functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, original)
        return wrapper 
