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Python typing.AbstractSet方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中typing.AbstractSet方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python typing.AbstractSet方法的具体用法?Python typing.AbstractSet怎么用?Python typing.AbstractSet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在typing的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def __init__(self,
                 servers: AbstractSet[Remote],
                 key_store: MasterKeyStore,
                 interval: datetime.timedelta,
                 key_type: Type[PKey]=RSAKey,
                 bits: Optional[int]=None,
                 start: bool=True) -> None:
        self.servers = servers
        self.key_store = key_store
        self.interval = interval
        self.key_type = key_type
        self.bits = bits
        self.terminated = threading.Event()
        if self.start:

示例2: skip_for_variants

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def skip_for_variants(meta: MetaData, variant_keys: AbstractSet[str]) -> bool:
    """Check if the recipe uses any given variant keys

      meta: Variant MetaData object

      True if any variant key from variant_keys is used
    # This is the same behavior as in
    # conda_build.metadata.Metadata.get_hash_contents but without leaving out
    # "build_string_excludes" (python, r_base, etc.).
    dependencies = set(meta.get_used_vars())
    trim_build_only_deps(meta, dependencies)

    return not dependencies.isdisjoint(variant_keys) 

示例3: comment

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def comment(self, problems: Mapping[ni_abc.Status, AbstractSet[str]]) -> Optional[str]:
        """Add an appropriate comment relating to the CLA status."""
        if not problems:
            return None

        comments_url = self.request['pull_request']['comments_url']
        problem_messages: Dict[str, str] = defaultdict(str)
        for status, usernames in problems.items():
            problem_messages[status.name] = self._problem_message_template(
                ', '.join(f"@{username}" for username in usernames)

        message = NO_CLA_TEMPLATE.format_map(problem_messages)

        await self._gh.post(comments_url, data={'body': message})
        return message 

示例4: update

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def update(self, problems: Mapping[ni_abc.Status, AbstractSet[str]]) -> None:
        if self.event == PullRequestEvent.opened:
            await self.set_label(problems)
            await self.comment(problems)
        elif self.event == PullRequestEvent.unlabeled:
            # The assumption is that a PR will almost always go from no CLA to
            # being cleared, so don't bug the user with what will probably
            # amount to a repeated message about lacking a CLA.
            await self.set_label(problems)
        elif self.event == PullRequestEvent.synchronize:
            current_label = await self.current_label()
            if not problems:
                if current_label != CLA_OK:
                    await self.remove_label()
            elif current_label != NO_CLA:
                    await self.remove_label()
                    # Since there is a chance a new person was added to a PR
                    # which caused the change in status, a comment on how to
                    # resolve the CLA issue is probably called for.
                    await self.comment(problems)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # Should never be reached.
            msg = 'do not know how to update a PR for {}'.format(self.event)
            raise RuntimeError(msg) 

示例5: qubit_set

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def qubit_set(self) -> Optional[AbstractSet['cirq.Qid']]:
        """Returns a set or frozenset of qubits on the device, if possible.

            If the device has a finite set of qubits, then a set or frozen set
            of all qubits on the device is returned.

            If the device has no well defined finite set of qubits (e.g.
            `cirq.UnconstrainedDevice` has this property), then `None` is

        # Compatibility hack to work with devices that were written before this
        # method was defined.
        for name in ['qubits', '_qubits']:
            if hasattr(self, name):
                val = getattr(self, name)
                if callable(val):
                    val = val()
                return frozenset(val)

        # Default to the qubits being unknown.
        return None 

示例6: create_elevator_database

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def create_elevator_database(world_list: WorldList,
                             areas_to_not_change: AbstractSet[int],
                             ) -> Tuple[Elevator, ...]:
    Creates a tuple of Elevator objects, exclude those that belongs to one of the areas provided.
    :param world_list:
    :param areas_to_not_change: Set of asset_id of Areas whose teleporters are to be ignored
    return tuple(

        for world, area, node in world_list.all_worlds_areas_nodes
        if isinstance(node, TeleporterNode) and node.editable and area.area_asset_id not in areas_to_not_change

示例7: test_all

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def test_all(self):
        from typing import __all__ as a
        # Just spot-check the first and last of every category.
        self.assertIn('AbstractSet', a)
        self.assertIn('ValuesView', a)
        self.assertIn('cast', a)
        self.assertIn('overload', a)
        if hasattr(contextlib, 'AbstractContextManager'):
            self.assertIn('ContextManager', a)
        # Check that io and re are not exported.
        self.assertNotIn('io', a)
        self.assertNotIn('re', a)
        # Spot-check that stdlib modules aren't exported.
        self.assertNotIn('os', a)
        self.assertNotIn('sys', a)
        # Check that Text is defined.
        self.assertIn('Text', a)
        # Check previously missing classes.
        self.assertIn('SupportsBytes', a)
        self.assertIn('SupportsComplex', a) 

示例8: get_subset_for_channels

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def get_subset_for_channels(self, channels: AbstractSet[ChannelID]) -> 'Waveform':
        """Get a waveform that only describes the channels contained in `channels`.

            channels: A channel set the return value should confine to.

            KeyError: If `channels` is not a subset of the waveform's defined channels.

            A waveform with waveform.defined_channels == `channels`
        if not channels <= self.defined_channels:
            raise KeyError('Channels not defined on waveform: {}'.format(channels))
        if channels == self.defined_channels:
            return self
        return self.unsafe_get_subset_for_channels(channels=channels) 

示例9: is_fulfilled

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def is_fulfilled(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Any], volatile: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset()) -> bool:
            parameters: These parameters are checked.
            volatile: For each of these parameters a warning is raised if they appear in a constraint

            :class:`qupulse.parameter_scope.ParameterNotProvidedException`: if a parameter is missing

            ConstrainedParameterIsVolatileWarning: if a constrained parameter is volatile
        affected_parameters = self.affected_parameters
        if not affected_parameters.issubset(parameters.keys()):
            raise ParameterNotProvidedException((affected_parameters-parameters.keys()).pop())

        for parameter in volatile & affected_parameters:
            warnings.warn(ConstrainedParameterIsVolatileWarning(parameter_name=parameter, constraint=self))

        return numpy.all(self._expression.evaluate_in_scope(parameters)) 

示例10: prepare_field

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def prepare_field(cls, field: ModelField) -> None:
            env_names: Union[List[str], AbstractSet[str]]
            env = field.field_info.extra.get('env')
            if env is None:
                if field.has_alias:
                        'aliases are no longer used by BaseSettings to define which environment variables to read. '
                        'Instead use the "env" field setting. '
                        'See https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/settings/#environment-variable-names',
                env_names = {cls.env_prefix + field.name}
            elif isinstance(env, str):
                env_names = {env}
            elif isinstance(env, (set, frozenset)):
                env_names = env
            elif sequence_like(env):
                env_names = list(env)
                raise TypeError(f'invalid field env: {env!r} ({display_as_type(env)}); should be string, list or set')

            if not cls.case_sensitive:
                env_names = env_names.__class__(n.lower() for n in env_names)
            field.field_info.extra['env_names'] = env_names 

示例11: fx_bitbucket_group_slugs

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def fx_bitbucket_group_slugs(request) -> typing.AbstractSet[str]:
        slugs = request.config.getoption('--bitbucket-group-slugs')
    except ValueError:
        slugs = None
    if not slugs:
        skip('--bitbucket-group-slugs is not provided; skipped')
    return {slug.strip() for slug in slugs.split()} 

示例12: test_list_groups

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def test_list_groups(fx_bitbucket_identity: Identity,
                     fx_bitbucket_team_username: str,
                     fx_bitbucket_group_slugs: typing.AbstractSet[str]):
    org = BitbucketTeam('', '', fx_bitbucket_team_username)
    groups = org.list_groups(fx_bitbucket_identity)
    assert groups == fx_bitbucket_group_slugs 

示例13: fx_github_team_slugs

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def fx_github_team_slugs(request) -> typing.AbstractSet[str]:
        slugs = request.config.getoption('--github-team-slugs')
    except ValueError:
        slugs = None
    if not slugs:
        skip('--github-team-slugs is not provided; skipped')
    return {slug.strip() for slug in slugs.split()} 

示例14: test_list_groups

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def test_list_groups(fx_github_identity: Identity, fx_github_org_login: str,
                     fx_github_team_slugs: typing.AbstractSet[str]):
    org = GitHubOrganization('', '', fx_github_org_login)
    groups = org.list_groups(fx_github_identity)
    assert groups == fx_github_team_slugs 

示例15: list_keys

# 需要导入模块: import typing [as 别名]
# 或者: from typing import AbstractSet [as 别名]
def list_keys(self, identity: Identity) -> AbstractSet[PKey]:
            keys = self.identities[identity]
        except KeyError:
            return frozenset()
        return frozenset(keys) 
