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Python signal.convolve方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.signal.convolve方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python signal.convolve方法的具体用法?Python signal.convolve怎么用?Python signal.convolve使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scipy.signal的用法示例。


示例1: comp_induce_potential

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def comp_induce_potential(self):
            Compute the induce potential corresponding to the density change
            calculated in get_spatial_density

        from scipy.signal import convolve

        Nx, Ny, Nz = self.mesh[0].size, self.mesh[1].size, self.mesh[2].size

        grid = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nz), dtype = np.float64)
        factor = self.dr[0]*self.dr[1]*self.dr[2]/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)**3)

            c_int(Nx), c_int(Ny), c_int(Nz))

        return convolve(grid, self.dn_spatial, mode="same", method="fft")*factor 

示例2: convolve2d

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def convolve2d(in1, in2, mode='full'):
        note only support H * W * N * 1 convolve 2d
    in1 = in1.transpose(2, 3, 0, 1) # to N * C * H * W
    in2 = in2.transpose(2, 3, 0, 1)
    out_c, _, kh, kw = in2.shape
    n, _, h, w = in1.shape

    if mode == 'full':
        ph, pw = kh-1, kw-1
        out_h, out_w = h-kh+1+ph*2, w-kw+1+pw*2# TODO
    elif mode == 'valid':
        ph, pw = 0, 0
        out_h, out_w = h-kh+1, w-kw+1 # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError

    y = cp.empty((n, out_c, out_h, out_w), dtype=in1.dtype)

    col = im2col_gpu(in1, kh, kw, 1, 1, ph, pw)
    y = cp.tensordot(
            col, in2, ((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3))).astype(in1.dtype, copy=False)
    y = cp.rollaxis(y, 3, 1)
    return y.transpose(2, 3, 0, 1) 

示例3: test_valid_mode2

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_valid_mode2(self):
        # See gh-5897
        a = [1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 3]
        b = [2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1]
        expected = [70, 78, 73, 65]

        out = convolve(a, b, 'valid')
        assert_array_equal(out, expected)

        out = convolve(b, a, 'valid')
        assert_array_equal(out, expected)

        a = [1 + 5j, 2 - 1j, 3 + 0j]
        b = [2 - 3j, 1 + 0j]
        expected = [2 - 3j, 8 - 10j]

        out = convolve(a, b, 'valid')
        assert_array_equal(out, expected)

        out = convolve(b, a, 'valid')
        assert_array_equal(out, expected) 

示例4: sample

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def sample(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi):
        """Apply instrument sampling to a radiance spectrum, returning predicted measurement."""

        if self.calibration_fixed and all((self.wl_init - wl_hi) < wl_tol):
            return rdn_hi
        wl, fwhm = self.calibration(x_instrument)
        if rdn_hi.ndim == 1:
            return resample_spectrum(rdn_hi, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            resamp = []
            # The "fast resample" option approximates a complete resampling
            # by a convolution with a uniform FWHM.
            if self.fast_resample:
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    ssrf = spectral_response_function(np.arange(-10, 11), 0, fwhm[0])
                    blur = convolve(r, ssrf, mode='same')
                    resamp.append(interp1d(wl_hi, blur)(wl))
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    r2 = resample_spectrum(r, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            return np.array(resamp) 

示例5: test_convolve_generalization

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_convolve_generalization():
        ag_convolve = autograd.scipy.signal.convolve
        A_35 = R(3, 5)
        A_34 = R(3, 4)
        A_342 = R(3, 4, 2)
        A_2543 = R(2, 5, 4, 3)
        A_24232 = R(2, 4, 2, 3, 2)

        for mode in ['valid', 'full']:
            assert npo.allclose(ag_convolve(A_35,      A_34, axes=([1], [0]), mode=mode)[1, 2],
                                sp_convolve(A_35[1,:], A_34[:, 2], mode))
            assert npo.allclose(ag_convolve(A_35, A_34, axes=([],[]), dot_axes=([0], [0]), mode=mode),
                                npo.tensordot(A_35, A_34, axes=([0], [0])))
            assert npo.allclose(ag_convolve(A_35, A_342, axes=([1],[2]),
                                            dot_axes=([0], [0]), mode=mode)[2],
                                sum([sp_convolve(A_35[i, :], A_342[i, 2, :], mode)
                                    for i in range(3)]))
            assert npo.allclose(ag_convolve(A_2543, A_24232, axes=([1, 2],[2, 4]),
                                            dot_axes=([0, 3], [0, 3]), mode=mode)[2],
                                sum([sum([sp_convolve(A_2543[i, :, :, j],
                                                    A_24232[i, 2, :, j, :], mode)
                                        for i in range(2)]) for j in range(3)])) 

示例6: comp_induce_field

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def comp_induce_field(self):
            Compute the induce Electric field corresponding to the density change
            calculated in get_spatial_density
        from scipy.signal import convolve

        Nx, Ny, Nz = self.mesh[0].size, self.mesh[1].size, self.mesh[2].size

        Efield = np.zeros((3, Nx, Ny, Nz), dtype = np.complex64)
        grid = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nz), dtype = np.float64)
        factor = self.dr[0]*self.dr[1]*self.dr[2]/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)**3)

        for xyz in range(3):
                c_int(Nx), c_int(Ny), c_int(Nz))

            Efield[xyz, :, :, :] = convolve(grid, self.dn_spatial, 
                                            mode="same", method="fft")*factor

        return Efield 

示例7: _smooth

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def _smooth(data, sd):
    from scipy.signal import gaussian
    from scipy.signal import convolve
    n_bins = data.shape[0]
    w = n_bins - 1 if n_bins % 2 == 0 else n_bins
    window = gaussian(w, std=sd)
    for j in range(data.shape[1]):
        data[:, j] = convolve(data[:, j], window, mode='same', method='auto')
    return data 

示例8: velocity_smoothed

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def velocity_smoothed(pos, freq, smooth_size=0.03):
    Compute wheel velocity from uniformly sampled wheel data

    pos : array_like
        Array of wheel positions
    smooth_size : float
        Size of Gaussian smoothing window in seconds
    freq : float
        Sampling frequency of the data

    vel : np.ndarray
        Array of velocity values
    acc : np.ndarray
        Array of acceleration values
    # Define our smoothing window with an area of 1 so the units won't be changed
    stdSamps = np.round(smooth_size * freq)  # Standard deviation relative to sampling frequency
    N = stdSamps * 6  # Number of points in the Gaussian
    gauss_std = (N - 1) / 6  # @fixme magic number everywhere!
    win = gaussian(N, gauss_std)
    win = win / win.sum()  # Normalize amplitude

    # Convolve and multiply by sampling frequency to restore original units
    vel = np.insert(convolve(np.diff(pos), win, mode='same'), 0, 0) * freq
    acc = np.insert(convolve(np.diff(vel), win, mode='same'), 0, 0) * freq

    return vel, acc 

示例9: test_direct2D

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_direct2D():
    """Check consistency of analytical 2D Green's function with FD modelling
    inputdata = np.load(inputfile2d)

    # Receivers
    r = inputdata['r']
    nr = r.shape[1]

    # Virtual points
    vs = inputdata['vs']

    # Time axis
    t = inputdata['t']
    dt, nt = t[1] - t[0], len(t)

    # FD GF
    G0FD = inputdata['G0sub']
    wav = inputdata['wav']
    wav_c = np.argmax(wav)

    G0FD = np.apply_along_axis(convolve, 0, G0FD, wav, mode='full')
    G0FD = G0FD[wav_c:][:nt]

    # Analytic GF
    trav = np.sqrt((vs[0] - r[0]) ** 2 + (vs[1] - r[1]) ** 2) / vel
    G0ana = directwave(wav, trav, nt, dt, nfft=nt, derivative=False)

    # Differentiate to get same response as in FD modelling
    G0ana = np.diff(G0ana, axis=0)
    G0ana = np.vstack([G0ana, np.zeros(nr)])

    assert_array_almost_equal(G0FD / np.max(np.abs(G0FD)),
                              G0ana / np.max(np.abs(G0ana)), decimal=1) 

示例10: test_direct3D

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_direct3D():
    """Check consistency of analytical 3D Green's function with FD modelling
    inputdata = np.load(inputfile3d)

    # Receivers
    r = inputdata['r']
    nr = r.shape[0]

    # Virtual points
    vs = inputdata['vs']

    # Time axis
    t = inputdata['t']
    dt, nt = t[1] - t[0], len(t)

    # FD GF
    G0FD = inputdata['G0'][:, :nr]
    wav = inputdata['wav']
    wav_c = np.argmax(wav)

    G0FD = np.apply_along_axis(convolve, 0, G0FD, wav, mode='full')
    G0FD = G0FD[wav_c:][:nt]

    # Analytic GF
    dist = np.sqrt((vs[0] - r[:, 0]) ** 2 +
                   (vs[1] - r[:, 1]) ** 2 +
                   (vs[2] - r[:, 2]) ** 2)
    trav = dist / vel
    G0ana = directwave(wav, trav, nt, dt, nfft=nt, dist=dist,
                       kind='3d', derivative=False)

    # Differentiate to get same response as in FD modelling
    G0ana = np.diff(G0ana, axis=0)
    G0ana = np.vstack([G0ana, np.zeros(nr)])

    assert_array_almost_equal(G0FD / np.max(np.abs(G0FD)),
                              G0ana / np.max(np.abs(G0ana)), decimal=1) 

示例11: _matvec

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def _matvec(self, x):
        x = np.reshape(x, self.dims)
        y = convolve(x, self.h, mode='same', method=self.method)
        y = y.ravel()
        return y 

示例12: __call__

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def __call__(self, pkg):
        pkg = format_package(pkg)
        wav = pkg['chunk']
        # sample an ir_file
        ir_file = self.sample_IR()
        IR, p_max = self.load_IR(ir_file, self.ir_fmt)
        IR = IR.astype(np.float32)
        wav = wav.data.numpy().reshape(-1)
        Ex = np.dot(wav, wav)
        wav = wav.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1)
        # wav = wav / np.max(np.abs(wav))
        # rev = signal.fftconvolve(wav, IR, mode='full')
        rev = signal.convolve(wav, IR, mode='full').reshape(-1)
        Er = np.dot(rev, rev)
        # rev = rev / np.max(np.abs(rev))
        # IR delay compensation
        rev = self.shift(rev, -p_max)
        if Er > 0:
            Eratio = np.sqrt(Ex / Er) 
            Eratio = 1.0
            #rev = rev / np.max(np.abs(rev))

        # Trim rev signal to match clean length
        rev = rev[:wav.shape[0]]
        rev = Eratio * rev
        rev = torch.FloatTensor(rev)
        if self.report:
            if 'report' not in pkg:
                pkg['report'] = {}
            pkg['report']['ir_file'] = ir_file
        pkg['chunk'] = rev
        return pkg 

示例13: fftconvolve_old

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def fftconvolve_old(in1, in2, in3=None, mode="full"):
    """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT. See convolve.

    copied from scipy.signal.signaltools, but here used to try out inverse filter
    doesn't work or I can't get it to work

    looks ok to me for 1d,
    from results below with padded data array (fftp)
    but it doesn't work for multidimensional inverse filter (fftn)
    original signal.fftconvolve also uses fftn

    s1 = array(in1.shape)
    s2 = array(in2.shape)
    complex_result = (np.issubdtype(in1.dtype, np.complex) or
                      np.issubdtype(in2.dtype, np.complex))
    size = s1+s2-1

    # Always use 2**n-sized FFT
    fsize = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(size))
    IN1 = fftn(in1,fsize)
    #IN1 *= fftn(in2,fsize) #JP: this looks like the only change I made
    IN1 /= fftn(in2,fsize)  # use inverse filter
    # note the inverse is elementwise not matrix inverse
    # is this correct, NO  doesn't seem to work for VARMA
    fslice = tuple([slice(0, int(sz)) for sz in size])
    ret = ifftn(IN1)[fslice].copy()
    del IN1
    if not complex_result:
        ret = ret.real
    if mode == "full":
        return ret
    elif mode == "same":
        if product(s1,axis=0) > product(s2,axis=0):
            osize = s1
            osize = s2
        return _centered(ret,osize)
    elif mode == "valid":
        return _centered(ret,abs(s2-s1)+1) 

示例14: test_basic

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_basic(self):
        a = [3,4,5,6,5,4]
        b = [1,2,3]
        c = convolve(a,b)

示例15: test_complex

# 需要导入模块: from scipy import signal [as 别名]
# 或者: from scipy.signal import convolve [as 别名]
def test_complex(self):
        x = array([1+1j, 2+1j, 3+1j])
        y = array([1+1j, 2+1j])
        z = convolve(x, y)
        assert_array_equal(z, array([2j, 2+6j, 5+8j, 5+5j])) 
