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Python ast.MatMult方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ast.MatMult方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ast.MatMult方法的具体用法?Python ast.MatMult怎么用?Python ast.MatMult使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ast的用法示例。


示例1: term_rewrite

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import MatMult [as 别名]
def term_rewrite(head, tail):
    if tail:
        for op, each in tail:
            head = ast.BinOp(
                    '*': ast.Mult,
                    '@': ast.MatMult,
                    '%': ast.Mod,
                    '//': ast.FloorDiv,
                    '/': ast.Div
                **loc @ op,
    return head 

示例2: augassign_rewrite

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import MatMult [as 别名]
def augassign_rewrite(it: Tokenizer):
    return {
        '+=': ast.Add,
        '-=': ast.Sub,
        '*=': ast.Mult,
        '/=': ast.Div,
        '//=': ast.FloorDiv,
        '@=': ast.MatMult,
        '%=': ast.Mod,
        '&=': ast.BitAnd,
        '|=': ast.BitOr,
        '^=': ast.BitXor,
        '<<=': ast.LShift,
        '>>=': ast.RShift,
        '**=': ast.Pow,

示例3: visit_AugAssign

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import MatMult [as 别名]
def visit_AugAssign( s, node ):
    """Return the behavioral RTLIR of a non-blocking assignment

    If the given AugAssign is not @= or <<=, throw PyMTLSyntaxError
    if isinstance( node.op, (ast.LShift, ast.MatMult) ):
      value = s.visit( node.value )
      targets = [ s.visit( node.target ) ]
      blocking = False if isinstance(node.op, ast.LShift) else True
      ret = bir.Assign( targets, value, blocking )
      ret.ast = node
      return ret
    raise PyMTLSyntaxError( s.blk, node,
        'invalid operation: augmented assignment is not @= or <<= assignment!' ) 

示例4: visit_BinOp

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import MatMult [as 别名]
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> Any:
        """Recursively visit the left and right operand, respectively, and apply the operation on the results."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        left = self.visit(node=node.left)
        right = self.visit(node=node.right)

        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):
            result = left + right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub):
            result = left - right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Mult):
            result = left * right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Div):
            result = left / right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.FloorDiv):
            result = left // right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Mod):
            result = left % right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow):
            result = left**right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.LShift):
            result = left << right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.RShift):
            result = left >> right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.BitOr):
            result = left | right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.BitXor):
            result = left ^ right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.BitAnd):
            result = left & right
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.MatMult):
            result = left @ right
            raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled op of {}: {}".format(node, node.op))

        self.recomputed_values[node] = result
        return result 

示例5: visit_BinOp

# 需要导入模块: import ast [as 别名]
# 或者: from ast import MatMult [as 别名]
def visit_BinOp (self, node):
        if type (node.op) == ast.FloorDiv:
            if self.allowOperatorOverloading:
                self.emit ('__floordiv__ (')
                self.visitSubExpr (node, node.left)
                self.emit (', ')
                self.visitSubExpr (node, node.right)
                self.emit (')')
                self.emit ('Math.floor (')
                self.visitSubExpr (node, node.left)
                self.emit (' / ')
                self.visitSubExpr (node, node.right)
                self.emit (')')
        elif (
            type (node.op) in (ast.Pow, ast.MatMult) or
            (type (node.op) == ast.Mod and (self.allowOperatorOverloading or not self.allowJavaScriptMod)) or
            (type (node.op) in (
                ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Add, ast.Sub,
                ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd
            ) and self.allowOperatorOverloading)
            self.emit ('{} ('.format (self.filterId (
                # Non-overloaded
                ('__floordiv__' if self.allowOperatorOverloading else 'Math.floor') if type (node.op) == ast.FloorDiv else
                ('__pow__' if self.allowOperatorOverloading else 'Math.pow') if type (node.op) == ast.Pow else
                '__matmul__' if type (node.op) == ast.MatMult else
                ('__jsmod__' if self.allowJavaScriptMod else '__mod__') if type (node.op) == ast.Mod else

                # Overloaded arithmetic
                '__mul__' if type (node.op) == ast.Mult else
                '__truediv__' if type (node.op) == ast.Div else
                '__add__' if type (node.op) == ast.Add else
                '__sub__' if type (node.op) == ast.Sub else

                # Overloaded bitwise
                '__lshift__' if type (node.op) == ast.LShift else
                '__rshift__' if type (node.op) == ast.RShift else
                '__or__' if type (node.op) == ast.BitOr else
                '__xor__' if type (node.op) == ast.BitXor else
                '__and__' if type (node.op) == ast.BitAnd else

                'Never here'
            self.visit (node.left)
            self.emit (', ')
            self.visit (node.right)
            self.emit (')')
            self.visitSubExpr (node, node.left)
            self.emit (' {} '.format (self.operators [type (node.op)][0]))
            self.visitSubExpr (node, node.right) 
