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Python Index.make_snippet方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中index.Index.make_snippet方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Index.make_snippet方法的具体用法?Python Index.make_snippet怎么用?Python Index.make_snippet使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在index.Index的用法示例。


示例1: Searcher

# 需要导入模块: from index import Index [as 别名]
# 或者: from index.Index import make_snippet [as 别名]
class Searcher(object):
    Allows to search within an inverted index Index object from the index
    def __init__(self, index_filename='index.json'):
        Build a Searcher object, load the inverted index from
        'index_filename' file.
        # Get a logger assuming that the logging facility has been set up by the
        # banana module.
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Set up other members.
        if not os.path.exists(index_filename):
            self._logger.info('Unable to build the Searcher, '
                    'no index file %s in the current directory.' % index_filename)
            self._index = Index(index_filename)

    def query(self, query):
        # Make sure this is not an empty query.
        if not query:
            raise Exception('Invalid query \"%s\" in Searcher.query().' % query)
        #TODO add weights for the title and full text scores.
        tokenized_query = blobprocessor.make_tokens(query)

        # Compute title relevance score.
        # Get urls with title matching query.
        matching_urls = set([])
        title_index = self._index.get_title_index()
        for token in tokenized_query:
            for url in title_index.get_matching_urls(token):

        urls_and_score = {}
        for url in matching_urls:
            score = self.compute_bm25_relevance(url, tokenized_query, title_index)
            self._logger.debug('Title score for url %s: %f' % (url, score))
            urls_and_score[url] = score

        # Compute full text relevance score.
        # Get urls with full text matching query.
        matching_urls = set([])
        full_text_index = self._index.get_full_text_index()
        for token in tokenized_query:
            for url in full_text_index.get_matching_urls(token):

        for url in matching_urls:
            score = self.compute_bm25_relevance(url, tokenized_query,
            self._logger.debug('Full text score for url %s: %f' % (url, score))
            if url in urls_and_score:
                urls_and_score[url] += score
                urls_and_score[url] = score

        # Sort the ranked urls.
        score_sorted_urls = sorted(urls_and_score.items(),
                                key=lambda (k,v):(v,k), reverse=True)

        # Build the Answer objects that will be returned.
        answers = []
        context_before = 5
        context_after = 8
        max_match_count = 5
        for url_and_score in score_sorted_urls:
            url = url_and_score[0]
            score = url_and_score[1]

            title = self._index.get_title(url)
            title_highlights = self._find_highlights(tokenized_query, title)

            snippet = self._index.make_snippet(url, tokenized_query,
                                            context_before, context_after,
            snippet_highlights = self._find_highlights(tokenized_query, snippet)

            # Add an Answer object to the answers collection.
            answers.append(Answer(url, score, title, title_highlights, snippet,
        return answers

    def _find_highlights(self, tokens, snippet):
        Build the highlights positions by parsing the given snippet.

        The parsing is case insensitive. These positions are useful for instance
        to highlight the matching words in the snippet.
        highlights = []
        for token in tokens:
            for position, word in enumerate(snippet.split()):
                if token.lower() in word.lower():
