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Python HydroShare.getResourceTypes方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中hs_restclient.HydroShare.getResourceTypes方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python HydroShare.getResourceTypes方法的具体用法?Python HydroShare.getResourceTypes怎么用?Python HydroShare.getResourceTypes使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在hs_restclient.HydroShare的用法示例。


示例1: test_get_resource_types

# 需要导入模块: from hs_restclient import HydroShare [as 别名]
# 或者: from hs_restclient.HydroShare import getResourceTypes [as 别名]
    def test_get_resource_types(self):
        hs = HydroShare()
        res_type_proto = {'GenericResource',

        res_types = hs.getResourceTypes()
        self.assertSetEqual(res_type_proto, res_types)

示例2: hydroshare

# 需要导入模块: from hs_restclient import HydroShare [as 别名]
# 或者: from hs_restclient.HydroShare import getResourceTypes [as 别名]


        -- resid: hydroshare resource id

        -- resource metadata object

        science_meta = self.hs.getScienceMetadata(resid)
        system_meta = self.hs.getSystemMetadata(resid)
        return resource.ResourceMetadata(system_meta, science_meta)

    def createHydroShareResource(self, abstract, title, derivedFromId=None,
                                 keywords=[], resource_type='GenericResource',
                                 content_files=[], public=False):
        """Creates a hydroshare resource.

        -- abstract: abstract for resource (str, required)
        -- title: title of resource (str, required)
        -- derivedFromId: id of parent hydroshare resource (str, default=>None)
        -- keywords: list of subject keywords (list, default=>[])
        -- resource_type: type of resource to create (str, default=>
        -- content_files: data to save as resource content (list, default=>[])
        -- public: resource sharing status (bool, default=>False)

        -- None

        # query the hydroshare resource types and make sure that
        # resource_type is valid
        restypes = {r.lower(): r for r in self.hs.getResourceTypes()}
            res_type = restypes[resource_type]
        except KeyError:
            display(HTML('<b style="color:red;">[%s] is not a valid '
                         'HydroShare resource type.</p>' % resource_type))
            return None

        # get the 'derived resource' metadata
        if derivedFromId is not None:
                # update the abstract and keyword metadata
                meta = self.getResourceMetadata(derivedFromId)

                abstract = meta.abstract \
                    + '\n\n[Modified in JupyterHub on %s]\n%s' \
                    % (dt.now(), abstract)

                keywords = set(keywords + meta.keywords)
                display(HTML('<b style="color:red;">Encountered an error '
                             ' while setting the derivedFrom relationship '
                             ' using id=%s. Make sure this resource is '
                             ' is accessible to your account. '
                             % derivedFromId))
                display(HTML('<a href=%s target="_blank">%s<a>' %
                              % derivedFromId, 'View the "DerivedFrom" '
                return None

        f = None if len(content_files) == 0 else content_files[0]
