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Python CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child方法的具体用法?Python CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child怎么用?Python CiscoConfParse.find_parents_w_child使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
class DhcpConfig:
    def __init__(self, config_file):
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.parse = CiscoConfParse(self.config_file)

    def get_dhcppool_config(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return find_result

    def get_dhcppoolname_list(self):
        dhcppoolname_list = []
        find_result = self.parse.find_parents_w_child('^ip dhcp pool', 'host')
        for parent in find_result:
        return dhcppoolname_list

    def get_ipaddr(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return find_result[1].split()[1]

    def get_ipaddrmask(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return find_result[1].split()[2]

    def get_macaddr(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return find_result[2].split()[1]

    def get_defaultrouter(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return find_result[3].split()[1]

    def get_dns(self, pool_name):
        find_result = self.parse.find_children(pool_name)
        return [find_result[4].split()[1], find_result[4].split()[2]]

示例2: main

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
def main() :

    parse = CiscoConfParse("cisco_ipsec.txt")
    # Find all crypto map entries and print parent and child

    print ("The crypto maps in the parsed config are : \n" )
    crypto_objs = parse.find_objects(r"^crypto map CRYPTO")

    for obj in crypto_objs :
        print (obj.text)
        child_obj = (obj.re_search_children(r".*"))
        for obj2 in child_obj :
            print (obj2.text)
    print ("\n")

# Find crypto maps with pfs group2

    pfsg2  = parse.find_parents_w_child("crypto map CRYPTO", "set pfs group2" )

    print ("The following crypto maps have pfs set to group 2: \n")
    for obj in pfsg2 :
        print (obj)

# Find crypto maps without AES encryptions 

    print ("\n")

    trans_set = parse.find_parents_wo_child("^crypto map CRYPTO", "set transform-set AES-SHA")
    print ("The crypto maps that do not have AES-SHA transform set are : \n")

    for obj in trans_set :
        print (obj)

示例3: cisco_conf_task_2

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
def cisco_conf_task_2():
    print "\n\nCisco parse exersise 2.\n"
    cfg_file = CiscoConfParse("cisco_ipsec.txt")
    c_maps = cfg_file.find_parents_w_child("^crypto map CRYPTO","^ set pfs group2")
    x = 1
    for element in c_maps:
        print "entry # %s that are using PFS group2:  %s" % (x, element)
        x += 1

示例4: CiscoConfParse

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]

#Import modules
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse

#Search through the config file
parse = CiscoConfParse('conf.txt')
basic_search = parse.find_parents_w_child('^interface', 'trunk')
print basic_search

#Save output to text file
f = open('output.txt', 'w')
print >> f, basic_search

#Sanitize the output to replace , with a new line
f = open('output.txt','r')
filedata = f.read()
newdata = filedata.replace(", ","\n")
f = open('output.txt','w')

#Sanitize he output for '
f = open('output.txt','r')
filedata = f.read()
newdata = filedata.replace("'","")
f = open('output.txt','w')

示例5: NetDevices

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
nd = NetDevices()

for deviceName in deviceList:
        # commands to run in order to bring the device back to standard
        commandList = []

        # the current device configuration file is stored here, parse it
        p = CiscoConfParse("/home/ioswrite/network-configurations/" + deviceName)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # STORM CONTROL: legacy switch configuration
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # give me a list of interfaces that contain " port storm-control unicast"
        interfaceList = p.find_parents_w_child('^interf', '^ port storm-control unicast')

        # create the commands so that I can remove this unwanted command
        for line in interfaceList:
                commandList.append(' no port storm-control unicast action filter')
                commandList.append(' no port storm-control unicast trap')

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # STORM CONTROL: modern switch configuration
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # give me a list of interfaces that contain "storm-control unicast level"
        interfaceList = p.find_parents_w_child('^interf', 'storm-control unicast level')

        # create the commands so that I can remove this unwanted command

示例6: testValues_find_parents_w_child

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
 def testValues_find_parents_w_child(self):
     ## test find_parents_w_child
     for config, args, result_correct in self.find_parents_w_child_Values:
         cfg = CiscoConfParse(config)
         test_result = cfg.find_parents_w_child(**args)
         self.assertEqual(result_correct, test_result)

示例7: CiscoConfParse

# 需要导入模块: from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse [as 别名]
# 或者: from ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse import find_parents_w_child [as 别名]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse

parse = CiscoConfParse("../configs/sample_01.ios")

# Return a list of all ATM interfaces and subinterfaces
atm_intfs = parse.find_lines("^interface\sATM")

# Return a list of all interfaces with a certain QOS policy
qos_intfs = parse.find_parents_w_child( "^interf", "service-policy" )

# Return a list of all active interfaces (i.e. not shutdown)
active_intfs = parse.find_parents_wo_child( "^interf", "shutdown" )

