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Python Collector.run方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中checks.collector.Collector.run方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Collector.run方法的具体用法?Python Collector.run怎么用?Python Collector.run使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在checks.collector.Collector的用法示例。


示例1: run

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def run(self):
        emitters = self.get_emitters()
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        collector = Collector(self.config, emitters, systemStats)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(self.config)

        # Main agent loop will run until interrupted
        while self.running:

示例2: run

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def run(self):
        log.debug("Windows Service - Starting collector")
        emitters = self.get_emitters()
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        collector = Collector(self.config, emitters, systemStats)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(self.config)

        # Main agent loop will run until interrupted
        while self.running:

示例3: test_apptags

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def test_apptags(self):
        Tests that the app tags are sent if specified so
        agentConfig = {
            'agent_key': 'test_agentkey',
            'collect_ec2_tags': False,
            'collect_orchestrator_tags': False,
            'collect_instance_metadata': False,
            'create_sd_check_tags': True,
            'version': 'test',
            'tags': '',

        # Run a single checks.d check as part of the collector.
        disk_config = {
            "init_config": {},
            "instances": [{}]

        checks = [load_check('disk', disk_config, agentConfig)]

        c = Collector(agentConfig, [], {}, get_hostname(agentConfig))
        payload = c.run({
            'initialized_checks': checks,
            'init_failed_checks': {}

        # We check that the redis SD_CHECK_TAG is sent in the payload
        self.assertTrue('sd_check:disk' in payload['host-tags']['system'])

示例4: test_apptags

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def test_apptags(self):
        Tests that the app tags are sent if specified so
        agentConfig = {
            'api_key': 'test_apikey',
            'collect_ec2_tags': False,
            'collect_instance_metadata': False,
            'create_dd_check_tags': True,
            'version': 'test',
            'tags': '',

        # Run a single checks.d check as part of the collector.
        redis_config = {
            "init_config": {},
            "instances": [{"host": "localhost", "port": 6379}]
        checks = [load_check('redisdb', redis_config, agentConfig)]

        c = Collector(agentConfig, [], {}, get_hostname(agentConfig))
        payload = c.run({
            'initialized_checks': checks,
            'init_failed_checks': {}

        # We check that the redis DD_CHECK_TAG is sent in the payload
        self.assertTrue('dd_check:redisdb' in payload['host-tags']['system'])

示例5: test_collector

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def test_collector(self):
        agentConfig = {
            "api_key": "test_apikey",
            "check_timings": True,
            "collect_ec2_tags": True,
            "collect_instance_metadata": False,
            "version": "test",
            "tags": "",

        # Run a single checks.d check as part of the collector.
        redis_config = {"init_config": {}, "instances": [{"host": "localhost", "port": 6379}]}
        checks = [load_check("redisdb", redis_config, agentConfig)]

        c = Collector(agentConfig, [], {}, get_hostname(agentConfig))
        payload = c.run({"initialized_checks": checks, "init_failed_checks": {}})
        metrics = payload["metrics"]

        # Check that we got a timing metric for all checks.
        timing_metrics = [m for m in metrics if m[0] == "datadog.agent.check_run_time"]
        all_tags = []
        for metric in timing_metrics:
        for check in checks:
            tag = "check:%s" % check.name
            assert tag in all_tags, all_tags

示例6: DDAgent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class DDAgent(multiprocessing.Process):
    def __init__(self, agentConfig, hostname, heartbeat=None):
        multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, name='ddagent')
        self.config = agentConfig
        self.hostname = hostname
        self._heartbeat = heartbeat
        # FIXME: `running` flag should be handled by the service
        self.running = True
        self.is_enabled = True

    def run(self):
        from config import initialize_logging
        log.debug("Windows Service - Starting collector")
        emitters = self.get_emitters()
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        self.collector = Collector(self.config, emitters, systemStats, self.hostname)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(self.config, self.hostname)

        # Main agent loop will run until interrupted
        while self.running:
            if self._heartbeat:

    def stop(self):
        log.debug("Windows Service - Stopping collector")
        if JMXFetch.is_running():
        self.running = False

    def get_emitters(self):
        emitters = [http_emitter]
        custom = [s.strip() for s in
            self.config.get('custom_emitters', '').split(',')]
        for emitter_spec in custom:
            if not emitter_spec:
            emitters.append(modules.load(emitter_spec, 'emitter'))

        return emitters

示例7: run

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
    def run(self, agentConfig=None, run_forever=True):
        """Main loop of the collector"""
        agentLogger = logging.getLogger('agent')
        systemStats = get_system_stats()

        if agentConfig is None:
            agentConfig = get_config()

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(agentConfig)

        # Try to fetch instance Id from EC2 if not hostname has been set
        # in the config file.
        # DEPRECATED
        if agentConfig.get('hostname') is None and agentConfig.get('use_ec2_instance_id'):
            instanceId = EC2.get_instance_id()
            if instanceId is not None:
                agentLogger.info("Running on EC2, instanceId: %s" % instanceId)
                agentConfig['hostname'] = instanceId
                agentLogger.info('Not running on EC2, using hostname to identify this server')

        emitters = [http_emitter]
        for emitter_spec in [s.strip() for s in agentConfig.get('custom_emitters', '').split(',')]:
            if len(emitter_spec) == 0: continue
            emitters.append(modules.load(emitter_spec, 'emitter'))

        check_freq = int(agentConfig['check_freq'])

        # Checks instance
        collector = Collector(agentConfig, emitters, systemStats)

        # Watchdog
        watchdog = None
        if agentConfig.get("watchdog", True):
            watchdog = Watchdog(check_freq * WATCHDOG_MULTIPLIER)

        # Main loop
        while run_forever:
            if watchdog is not None:

示例8: DDAgent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class DDAgent(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, agentConfig):
        self.config = agentConfig
        # FIXME: `running` flag should be handled by the service
        self.running = True

    def run(self):
        log.debug("Windows Service - Starting collector")
        emitters = self.get_emitters()
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        self.collector = Collector(self.config, emitters, systemStats)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(self.config)

        # Main agent loop will run until interrupted
        while self.running:

    def stop(self):
        log.debug("Windows Service - Stopping collector")
        if JMXFetch.is_running():
        self.running = False

    def get_emitters(self):
        emitters = [http_emitter]
        custom = [s.strip() for s in
            self.config.get('custom_emitters', '').split(',')]
        for emitter_spec in custom:
            if not emitter_spec:
            emitters.append(modules.load(emitter_spec, 'emitter'))

        return emitters

示例9: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile, autorestart, start_event=True):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile, autorestart=autorestart)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None
        self.start_event = start_event

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        log.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False

        if JMXFetch.is_running():

        if self.collector:
        log.debug("Collector is stopped.")

    def _handle_sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        self._handle_sigterm(signum, frame)

    def info(self, verbose=None):
        return CollectorStatus.print_latest_status(verbose=verbose)

    def run(self, config=None):
        """Main loop of the collector"""

        # Gracefully exit on sigterm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_sigterm)

        # A SIGUSR1 signals an exit with an autorestart
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._handle_sigusr1)

        # Handle Keyboard Interrupt
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_sigterm)

        # Save the agent start-up stats.

        # Intialize the collector.
        if not config:
            config = get_config(parse_args=True)

        agentConfig = self._set_agent_config_hostname(config)
        hostname = get_hostname(agentConfig)
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        emitters = self._get_emitters(agentConfig)
        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(agentConfig, hostname)

        self.collector = Collector(agentConfig, emitters, systemStats, hostname)

        # Configure the watchdog.
        check_frequency = int(agentConfig['check_freq'])
        watchdog = self._get_watchdog(check_frequency, agentConfig)

        # Initialize the auto-restarter
        self.restart_interval = int(agentConfig.get('restart_interval', RESTART_INTERVAL))
        self.agent_start = time.time()

        # Run the main loop.
        while self.run_forever:

            # enable profiler if needed
            profiled = False
            if agentConfig.get('profile', False) and agentConfig.get('profile').lower() == 'yes':
                    import cProfile
                    profiler = cProfile.Profile()
                    profiled = True
                    log.debug("Agent profiling is enabled")
                except Exception:
                    log.warn("Cannot enable profiler")

            # Do the work.
            self.collector.run(checksd=checksd, start_event=self.start_event)

            # disable profiler and printout stats to stdout
            if agentConfig.get('profile', False) and agentConfig.get('profile').lower() == 'yes' and profiled:
                    import pstats
                    from cStringIO import StringIO
                    s = StringIO()
                    ps = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=s).sort_stats("cumulative")
                except Exception:
                    log.warn("Cannot disable profiler")

            # Check if we should restart.
            if self.autorestart and self._should_restart():

示例10: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile, autorestart, start_event=True, in_developer_mode=False):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile, autorestart=autorestart)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None
        self.start_event = start_event
        self.in_developer_mode = in_developer_mode
        self._agentConfig = {}
        self._checksd = []
        self.collector_profile_interval = DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_PROFILE_INTERVAL
        self.check_frequency = None
        # this flag can be set to True, False, or a list of checks (for partial reload)
        self.reload_configs_flag = False
        self.sd_backend = None
        self.supervisor_proxy = None
        self.sd_pipe = None

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGTERM and SIGINT, which gracefully stops the agent."""
        log.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False

        if self.collector:
        log.debug("Collector is stopped.")

    def _handle_sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGUSR1, which signals an exit with an autorestart."""
        self._handle_sigterm(signum, frame)

    def _handle_sighup(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGHUP, which signals a configuration reload."""
        log.info("SIGHUP caught! Scheduling configuration reload before next collection run.")
        self.reload_configs_flag = True

    def reload_configs(self, checks_to_reload=set()):
        """Reload the agent configuration and checksd configurations.
           Can also reload only an explicit set of checks."""
        log.info("Attempting a configuration reload...")
        hostname = get_hostname(self._agentConfig)
        jmx_sd_configs = None

        # if no check was given, reload them all
        if not checks_to_reload:
            log.debug("No check list was passed, reloading every check")
            # stop checks
            for check in self._checksd.get('initialized_checks', []):

            self._checksd = load_check_directory(self._agentConfig, hostname)
            if self._jmx_service_discovery_enabled:
                jmx_sd_configs = generate_jmx_configs(self._agentConfig, hostname)
            new_checksd = copy(self._checksd)

            jmx_checks = [check for check in checks_to_reload if check in JMX_CHECKS]
            py_checks = set(checks_to_reload) - set(jmx_checks)
            self.refresh_specific_checks(hostname, new_checksd, py_checks)
            if self._jmx_service_discovery_enabled:
                jmx_sd_configs = generate_jmx_configs(self._agentConfig, hostname, jmx_checks)

            # once the reload is done, replace existing checks with the new ones
            self._checksd = new_checksd

        if jmx_sd_configs:

        # Logging
        num_checks = len(self._checksd['initialized_checks'])
        if num_checks > 0:
            opt_msg = " (refreshed %s checks)" % len(checks_to_reload) if checks_to_reload else ''

            msg = "Check reload was successful. Running {num_checks} checks{opt_msg}.".format(
                num_checks=num_checks, opt_msg=opt_msg)
            log.info("No checksd configs found")

    def refresh_specific_checks(self, hostname, checksd, checks):
        """take a list of checks and for each of them:
            - remove it from the init_failed_checks if it was there
            - load a fresh config for it
            - replace its old config with the new one in initialized_checks if there was one
            - disable the check if no new config was found
            - otherwise, append it to initialized_checks
        for check_name in checks:
            idx = None
            for num, check in enumerate(checksd['initialized_checks']):
                if check.name == check_name:
                    idx = num
                    # stop the existing check before reloading it


示例11: DDAgent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class DDAgent(multiprocessing.Process):
    def __init__(self, agentConfig, hostname, heartbeat=None):
        multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, name='ddagent')
        self.config = agentConfig
        self.hostname = hostname
        self._heartbeat = heartbeat
        # FIXME: `running` flag should be handled by the service
        self.running = True
        self.is_enabled = True

    def run(self):
        from config import initialize_logging
        log.debug("Windows Service - Starting collector")
        emitters = self.get_emitters()
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        self.collector = Collector(self.config, emitters, systemStats, self.hostname)

        in_developer_mode = self.config.get('developer_mode')

        # In developer mode, the number of runs to be included in a single collector profile
        collector_profile_interval = self.config.get('collector_profile_interval',
        profiled = False
        collector_profiled_runs = 0

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(self.config, self.hostname)

        # Main agent loop will run until interrupted
        while self.running:
            if self._heartbeat:

            if in_developer_mode and not profiled:
                    profiler = AgentProfiler()
                    profiled = True
                except Exception as e:
                    log.warn("Cannot enable profiler: %s" % str(e))


            if profiled:
                if collector_profiled_runs >= collector_profile_interval:
                        profiled = False
                        collector_profiled_runs = 0
                    except Exception as e:
                        log.warn("Cannot disable profiler: %s" % str(e))
                    collector_profiled_runs += 1


    def stop(self):
        log.debug("Windows Service - Stopping collector")
        self.running = False

    def get_emitters(self):
        emitters = [http_emitter]
        custom = [s.strip() for s in
            self.config.get('custom_emitters', '').split(',')]
        for emitter_spec in custom:
            if not emitter_spec:
            emitters.append(modules.load(emitter_spec, 'emitter'))

        return emitters

示例12: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile, autorestart, start_event=True, in_developer_mode=False):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile, autorestart=autorestart)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None
        self.start_event = start_event
        self.in_developer_mode = in_developer_mode
        self._agentConfig = {}
        self._checksd = []
        self.collector_profile_interval = DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_PROFILE_INTERVAL
        self.check_frequency = None
        self.configs_reloaded = False
        self.sd_backend = None

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGTERM and SIGINT, which gracefully stops the agent."""
        log.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False

        if self.collector:
        log.debug("Collector is stopped.")

    def _handle_sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGUSR1, which signals an exit with an autorestart."""
        self._handle_sigterm(signum, frame)

    def _handle_sighup(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGHUP, which signals a configuration reload."""
        log.info("SIGHUP caught!")
        self.configs_reloaded = True

    def reload_configs(self):
        """Reloads the agent configuration and checksd configurations."""
        log.info("Attempting a configuration reload...")

        # Reload checksd configs
        hostname = get_hostname(self._agentConfig)
        self._checksd = load_check_directory(self._agentConfig, hostname)

        # Logging
        num_checks = len(self._checksd["initialized_checks"])
        if num_checks > 0:
            log.info("Successfully reloaded {num_checks} checks".format(num_checks=num_checks))
            log.info("No checksd configs found")

    def info(cls, verbose=None):
        return CollectorStatus.print_latest_status(verbose=verbose)

    def run(self, config=None):
        """Main loop of the collector"""

        # Gracefully exit on sigterm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_sigterm)

        # A SIGUSR1 signals an exit with an autorestart
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._handle_sigusr1)

        # Handle Keyboard Interrupt
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_sigterm)

        # A SIGHUP signals a configuration reload
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._handle_sighup)

        # Save the agent start-up stats.

        # Intialize the collector.
        if not config:
            config = get_config(parse_args=True)

        self._agentConfig = self._set_agent_config_hostname(config)
        hostname = get_hostname(self._agentConfig)
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        emitters = self._get_emitters()

        # Initialize service discovery
        if self._agentConfig.get("service_discovery"):
            self.sd_backend = get_sd_backend(self._agentConfig)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        self._checksd = load_check_directory(self._agentConfig, hostname)

        # Initialize the Collector
        self.collector = Collector(self._agentConfig, emitters, systemStats, hostname)

        # In developer mode, the number of runs to be included in a single collector profile
        self.collector_profile_interval = self._agentConfig.get(
            "collector_profile_interval", DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_PROFILE_INTERVAL


示例13: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile, autorestart, start_event=True, in_developer_mode=False):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile, autorestart=autorestart)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None
        self.start_event = start_event
        self.in_developer_mode = in_developer_mode
        self._agentConfig = {}
        self._checksd = []
        self.collector_profile_interval = DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_PROFILE_INTERVAL
        self.check_frequency = None
        # this flag can be set to True, False, or a list of checks (for partial reload)
        self.reload_configs_flag = False
        self.sd_backend = None

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGTERM and SIGINT, which gracefully stops the agent."""
        log.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False

        if self.collector:
        log.debug("Collector is stopped.")

    def _handle_sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGUSR1, which signals an exit with an autorestart."""
        self._handle_sigterm(signum, frame)

    def _handle_sighup(self, signum, frame):
        """Handles SIGHUP, which signals a configuration reload."""
        log.info("SIGHUP caught! Scheduling configuration reload before next collection run.")
        self.reload_configs_flag = True

    def reload_configs(self, checks_to_reload=set()):
        """Reload the agent configuration and checksd configurations.
           Can also reload only an explicit set of checks."""
        log.info("Attempting a configuration reload...")
        hostname = get_hostname(self._agentConfig)

        # if no check was given, reload them all
        if not checks_to_reload:
            log.debug("No check list was passed, reloading every check")
            # stop checks
            for check in self._checksd.get('initialized_checks', []):

            self._checksd = load_check_directory(self._agentConfig, hostname)
            new_checksd = copy(self._checksd)

            self.refresh_specific_checks(hostname, new_checksd, checks_to_reload)
            # once the reload is done, replace existing checks with the new ones
            self._checksd = new_checksd

        # Logging
        num_checks = len(self._checksd['initialized_checks'])
        if num_checks > 0:
            opt_msg = " (refreshed %s checks)" % len(checks_to_reload) if checks_to_reload else ''

            msg = "Check reload was successful. Running {num_checks} checks{opt_msg}.".format(
                num_checks=num_checks, opt_msg=opt_msg)
            log.info("No checksd configs found")

    def refresh_specific_checks(self, hostname, checksd, checks):
        """take a list of checks and for each of them:
            - remove it from the init_failed_checks if it was there
            - load a fresh config for it
            - replace its old config with the new one in initialized_checks if there was one
            - disable the check if no new config was found
            - otherwise, append it to initialized_checks
        for check_name in checks:
            idx = None
            for num, check in enumerate(checksd['initialized_checks']):
                if check.name == check_name:
                    idx = num
                    # stop the existing check before reloading it

            if not idx and check_name in checksd['init_failed_checks']:
                # if the check previously failed to load, pop it from init_failed_checks

            fresh_check = load_check(self._agentConfig, hostname, check_name)

            # this is an error dict
            # checks that failed to load are added to init_failed_checks
            # and poped from initialized_checks
            if isinstance(fresh_check, dict) and 'error' in fresh_check.keys():
                checksd['init_failed_checks'][fresh_check.keys()[0]] = fresh_check.values()[0]
                if idx:


示例14: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        agent_logger.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False
        if self.collector:

    def run(self):
        """Main loop of the collector"""

        # Gracefully exit on sigterm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_sigterm)

        # Save the agent start-up stats.

        # Intialize the collector.
        agentConfig = self._set_agent_config_hostname(get_config())
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        emitters = self._get_emitters(agentConfig)
        self.collector = Collector(agentConfig, emitters, systemStats)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(agentConfig)

        # Configure the watchdog.
        check_frequency = int(agentConfig['check_freq'])
        watchdog = self._get_watchdog(check_frequency, agentConfig)
        # Run the main loop.
        while self.run_forever:
            # Do the work.

            # Only plan for the next loop if we will continue,
            # otherwise just exit quickly.
            if self.run_forever:
                if watchdog:

        # Now clean-up.

        # Explicitly kill the process, because it might be running
        # as a daemon.
        agent_logger.info("Exiting. Bye bye.")

    def _get_emitters(self, agentConfig):
        emitters = [http_emitter]
        return emitters

    def _get_watchdog(self, check_freq, agentConfig):
        watchdog = None
        if agentConfig.get("watchdog", True):
            watchdog = Watchdog(check_freq * WATCHDOG_MULTIPLIER)
        return watchdog

    def _set_agent_config_hostname(self, agentConfig):
        # Try to fetch instance Id from EC2 if not hostname has been set
        # in the config file.
        # DEPRECATED
        if agentConfig.get('hostname') is None and agentConfig.get('use_ec2_instance_id'):
            instanceId = EC2.get_instance_id()
            if instanceId is not None:
                agent_logger.info("Running on EC2, instanceId: %s" % instanceId)
                agentConfig['hostname'] = instanceId
                agent_logger.info('Not running on EC2, using hostname to identify this server')
        return agentConfig

示例15: Agent

# 需要导入模块: from checks.collector import Collector [as 别名]
# 或者: from checks.collector.Collector import run [as 别名]
class Agent(Daemon):
    The agent class is a daemon that runs the collector in a background process.

    def __init__(self, pidfile, autorestart, start_event=True):
        Daemon.__init__(self, pidfile)
        self.run_forever = True
        self.collector = None
        self.autorestart = autorestart
        self.start_event = start_event

    def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame):
        log.debug("Caught sigterm. Stopping run loop.")
        self.run_forever = False
        if self.collector:

    def _handle_sigusr1(self, signum, frame):
        self._handle_sigterm(signum, frame)

    def run(self, config=None):
        """Main loop of the collector"""

        # Gracefully exit on sigterm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_sigterm)

        # A SIGUSR1 signals an exit with an autorestart
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._handle_sigusr1)

        # Handle Keyboard Interrupt
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_sigterm)

        # Save the agent start-up stats.

        # Intialize the collector.
        if not config:
            config = get_config(parse_args=True)

        agentConfig = self._set_agent_config_hostname(config)
        systemStats = get_system_stats()
        emitters = self._get_emitters(agentConfig)
        self.collector = Collector(agentConfig, emitters, systemStats)

        # Load the checks.d checks
        checksd = load_check_directory(agentConfig)

        # Configure the watchdog.
        check_frequency = int(agentConfig['check_freq'])
        watchdog = self._get_watchdog(check_frequency, agentConfig)

        # Initialize the auto-restarter
        self.restart_interval = int(agentConfig.get('restart_interval', RESTART_INTERVAL))
        self.agent_start = time.time()

        # Run the main loop.
        while self.run_forever:
            # Do the work.
            self.collector.run(checksd=checksd, start_event=self.start_event)

            # Check if we should restart.
            if self.autorestart and self._should_restart():

            # Only plan for the next loop if we will continue,
            # otherwise just exit quickly.
            if self.run_forever:
                if watchdog:

        # Now clean-up.

        # Explicitly kill the process, because it might be running
        # as a daemon.
        log.info("Exiting. Bye bye.")

    def _get_emitters(self, agentConfig):
        return [http_emitter]

    def _get_watchdog(self, check_freq, agentConfig):
        watchdog = None
        if agentConfig.get("watchdog", True):
            watchdog = Watchdog(check_freq * WATCHDOG_MULTIPLIER)
        return watchdog

    def _set_agent_config_hostname(self, agentConfig):
        # Try to fetch instance Id from EC2 if not hostname has been set
        # in the config file.
        # DEPRECATED
        if agentConfig.get('hostname') is None and agentConfig.get('use_ec2_instance_id'):
            instanceId = EC2.get_instance_id()
