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Python FastRBTree.get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中bintrees.FastRBTree.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python FastRBTree.get方法的具体用法?Python FastRBTree.get怎么用?Python FastRBTree.get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在bintrees.FastRBTree的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import get [as 别名]
class Hyperedge:
    def __init__(self, hyperkey, col, hlabel):
        self.hyperkey = hyperkey
        self.col = col
        self._alerts = Tree()
        self.insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
        self.nalerts = 1

    def get_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.get(key)

    def insert_alert(self, alert_key, count):
        self._alerts.insert(alert_key, count)

    def foreach_alert(self, func):

    def pop_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.pop(key)

示例2: BookSide

# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import get [as 别名]
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased. Return if the
        message was handle successfully
        :param d_data: dict. data related to a single order
        # dont process aggresive trades
        if d_data['agressor_indicator'] == 'Agressive':
            return True
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        b_success = True
        # check the order status
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process the message
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
                if not b_sould_update:
                    b_success = False
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['order_id'] = order_aux.order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):

示例3: BookSide

# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import get [as 别名]

        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['sec_order'] = order_aux.sec_order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _should_use_it(self, d_data):
        Check if should use the passed row to update method

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        if self.i_member:
            if d_data['member'] != self.i_member:
                return False
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders

示例4: BookSide

# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import get [as 别名]
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.
        # control other statistics
        self.best_queue = (None, None)
        self.i_qty_rel = 0
        self.i_cum_rel = 0

    def set_last_best_queue(self, t_best):
        Set the best queue of this side
        self.best_queue = t_best

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        i_rel_price = 0
        # treat Bovespa files at the begining f the day
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                # is not securing changes, also change part. filled status
                l_check = ['Canceled', 'Filled']
                if not self.b_secure_changes:
                    l_check = ['Canceled', 'Filled', 'Partially Filled']
                # change order status when it is not found
                if s_status in l_check:
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
            i_rel_price = get_relative_price(self.best_queue, order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            i_rel_price = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['relative_price']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                i_rel_price = get_relative_price(self.best_queue, order_aux)
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            f_prior_time = d_data['priority_seconds']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['sec_order'] = order_aux.sec_order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id
