本文整理汇总了Python中bintrees.FastRBTree.floor_item方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python FastRBTree.floor_item方法的具体用法?Python FastRBTree.floor_item怎么用?Python FastRBTree.floor_item使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类bintrees.FastRBTree
示例1: ExclusiveRangeDict
# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import floor_item [as 别名]
class ExclusiveRangeDict(object):
"""A class like dict whose key is a range [begin, end) of integers.
It has an attribute for each range of integers, for example:
[10, 20) => Attribute(0),
[20, 40) => Attribute(1),
[40, 50) => Attribute(2),
An instance of this class is accessed only via iter_range(begin, end).
The instance is accessed as follows:
1) If the given range [begin, end) is not covered by the instance,
the range is newly created and iterated.
2) If the given range [begin, end) exactly covers ranges in the instance,
the ranges are iterated.
(See test_set() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)
3) If the given range [begin, end) starts at and/or ends at a mid-point of
an existing range, the existing range is split by the given range, and
ranges in the given range are iterated. For example, consider a case that
[25, 45) is given to an instance of [20, 30), [30, 40), [40, 50). In this
case, [20, 30) is split into [20, 25) and [25, 30), and [40, 50) into
[40, 45) and [45, 50). Then, [25, 30), [30, 40), [40, 45) are iterated.
(See test_split() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)
4) If the given range [begin, end) includes non-existing ranges in an
instance, the gaps are filled with new ranges, and all ranges are iterated.
For example, consider a case that [25, 50) is given to an instance of
[30, 35) and [40, 45). In this case, [25, 30), [35, 40) and [45, 50) are
created in the instance, and then [25, 30), [30, 35), [35, 40), [40, 45)
and [45, 50) are iterated.
(See test_fill() in tests/range_dict_tests.py.)
class RangeAttribute(object):
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return '<RangeAttribute>'
def __repr__(self):
return '<RangeAttribute>'
def copy(self): # pylint: disable=R0201
return ExclusiveRangeDict.RangeAttribute()
def __init__(self, attr=RangeAttribute):
self._tree = FastRBTree()
self._attr = attr
def iter_range(self, begin=None, end=None):
if not begin:
begin = self._tree.min_key()
if not end:
end = self._tree.max_item()[1][0]
# Assume that self._tree has at least one element.
if self._tree.is_empty():
self._tree[begin] = (end, self._attr())
# Create a beginning range (border)
bound_begin, bound_value = self._tree.floor_item(begin)
bound_end = bound_value[0]
if begin >= bound_end:
# Create a blank range.
new_end, _ = self._tree.succ_item(bound_begin)
except KeyError:
new_end = end
self._tree[begin] = (min(end, new_end), self._attr())
elif bound_begin < begin and begin < bound_end:
# Split the existing range.
new_end = bound_value[0]
new_value = bound_value[1]
self._tree[bound_begin] = (begin, new_value.copy())
self._tree[begin] = (new_end, new_value.copy())
else: # bound_begin == begin
# Do nothing (just saying it clearly since this part is confusing)
except KeyError: # begin is less than the smallest element.
# Create a blank range.
# Note that we can assume self._tree has at least one element.
self._tree[begin] = (min(end, self._tree.min_key()), self._attr())
# Create an ending range (border)
bound_begin, bound_value = self._tree.floor_item(end)
bound_end = bound_value[0]
if end > bound_end:
# Create a blank range.
new_begin = bound_end
self._tree[new_begin] = (end, self._attr())
elif bound_begin < end and end < bound_end:
# Split the existing range.
new_end = bound_value[0]
new_value = bound_value[1]
self._tree[bound_begin] = (end, new_value.copy())
示例2: FastRBTree
# 需要导入模块: from bintrees import FastRBTree [as 别名]
# 或者: from bintrees.FastRBTree import floor_item [as 别名]
prev[ 0 ] = 0
cur = FastRBTree()
cur[ 0 ] = 0
i = 0
for elem in newInput:
v = elem[ 2 ]
w = elem[ 1 ]
#for line in fin:
#info = line.split()
#v = int( info[ 0 ] )
#w = int( info[ 1 ] )
#print newItems - i, (v,w), len( prev )#, len( testSet )
i += 1
for stepWeight in prev:
step = [ stepWeight, prev[ stepWeight ] ]
curv = cur.floor_item( step[ 0 ] )[ 1 ]
maxv = max( step[ 1 ], curv )
# compare prev and cur on same weight
if maxv == step[ 1 ]:
cur[ step[ 0 ] ] = maxv
nextw = step[ 0 ] + w
# using step weight as base, compare value of
# prev val( step weight ) + item val --> with current item
# and prev val( step weight + item weight ) --> without current item
if nextw < size and prev.floor_item( nextw )[ 1 ] < step[ 1 ] + v:
cur[ nextw ] = step[ 1 ] + v
prev = cur
cur = FastRBTree()
cur[ 0 ] = 0