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Python MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings方法的具体用法?Python MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings怎么用?Python MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon的用法示例。


示例1: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['strip-header'] = (True, "When True the MOOSE header is removed for display.")
     settings['caption'] = (None, "The text caption, if an empty string is provided a link to "
                                  "the filename is created, if None is provided no caption is "
                                  "applied, otherwise the text given is used.")
     settings['language'] = (None, "The language to utilize for providing syntax highlighting.")
     settings['link'] = (True, "Include a link to the filename in the caption.")
     settings['strip-extra-newlines'] = (True, "Removes extraneous new lines from the text.")
     settings['prefix'] = ('', "Text to include prior to the included text.")
     settings['suffix'] = ('', "Text to include after to the included text.")
     settings['indent'] = (0, "The level of indenting to apply to the included text.")
     settings['strip-leading-whitespace'] = (False, "When True leading white-space is removed "
                                                    "from the included text.")
     settings['counter'] = ('listing', "The counter group to associate wit this command.")
     settings['line'] = (None, "A portion of text that unique identifies a single line to "
     settings['start'] = (None, "A portion of text that unique identifies the starting "
                                "location for including text, if not provided the beginning "
                                "of the file is utilized.")
     settings['end'] = (None, "A portion of text that unique identifies the ending location "
                              "for including text, if not provided the end of the file is "
                              "used. By default this line is not included in the display.")
     settings['include-start'] = (True, "When False the texted captured by the 'start' setting "
                                        "is excluded in the displayed text.")
     settings['include-end'] = (False, "When True the texted captured by the 'end' setting is "
                                       "included in the displayed text.")
     settings['pre-style'] = ("overflow-y:scroll;max-height:350px",
                              "Style attributes to apply to the code area.")
     return settings

示例2: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     """GoogleChartBase settings."""
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['caption'] = (None, "The caption to place after the float heading and number.")
     settings['counter'] = ('figure', "The name of global counter to utilized for numbering.")
     settings['csv'] = (None, "The name of the CSV file to load.")
     return settings

示例3: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['id'] = (None, "The id to utilize for the generated table. If not provided, " \
                             "the command will be used.")
     settings['caption'] = (None, "The title to place above the generated table. If not " \
                                  "provided it will be generated using the command.")
     settings['counter'] = ('table', "The name of the float to associate the generated table.")
     return settings

示例4: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     """Default settings for MooseSyntaxBase."""
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['actions'] = (True, "Enable/disable action syntax lookup (this is used for "
                                  "shared syntax such as BCs/Pressure).")
     settings['objects'] = (True, "Enable/disable MooseObject syntax lookup (this is used for "
                                  "shared syntax such as BCs/Pressure).")
     settings['syntax'] = (True, "Enable/disable SyntaxNode lookup (this is needed for shared "
     return settings

示例5: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     """Settings for SQARequirement"""
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['title'] = ('', "Title to assign to the list of items.")
     settings['require-markdown'] = (False, "")
     settings['status'] = (False, "When enabled with 'require-markdown' the status of the " \
                                  "page is added to the list.")
     settings['markdown-folder'] = ('', "When supplied the value provided should be a " \
                                        "directory relative to the repository root directory " \
                                        "where the required files are located " \
                                        "(require-markdown must be enabled).")
     return settings

示例6: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     """MooseTableProcessor settings."""
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     settings['caption'] = (None, "The caption to place after the float heading and number.")
     settings['counter'] = ('table', "The name of global counter to utilized for numbering.")
     return settings

示例7: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     """Settings for AdmonitionBlock"""
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     return settings

示例8: defaultSettings

# 需要导入模块: from MooseMarkdownCommon import MooseMarkdownCommon [as 别名]
# 或者: from MooseMarkdownCommon.MooseMarkdownCommon import defaultSettings [as 别名]
 def defaultSettings():
     settings = MooseMarkdownCommon.defaultSettings()
     return settings
