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Python jmoo_individual函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中jmoo_individual函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python jmoo_individual函数的具体用法?Python jmoo_individual怎么用?Python jmoo_individual使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: gale_nm_Mutate

def gale_nm_Mutate(problem, NDLeafs, configuration):
    # Mutation Phase

    number_of_evaluation = 0
    # After mutation; Convert back to JMOO Data Structures
    population = []
    for leaf in NDLeafs:
        for row in leaf.table.rows:
            if row.evaluated:
                population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]],
                                                  [x for x in row.cells[len(problem.decisions):]]))
                number_of_evaluation += 1
                population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]], None))

    if number_of_evaluation < 2:
        while True:
            from random import randint
            index = randint(0, len(population) - 1)
            if population[index].valid is not True:
                number_of_evaluation +=1
    if number_of_evaluation == 0:
        return population, 0
        return population, number_of_evaluation

示例2: gale0WHERE

def gale0WHERE(problem, population, configuration, values_to_be_passed):
    "The Core method behind GALE"

    # for pop in population:
    #     assert(pop.generation_number == 0), "Generation has to be 0"

    # Compile population into table form used by WHERE
    t = slurp([[x for x in row.decisionValues] + ["?" for y in problem.objectives] for row in population],

    # Initialize some parameters for WHERE
    The.allowDomination = True
    The.alpha = 1
    for i, row in enumerate(t.rows):
        row.evaluated = False

    # Run WHERE
    m = Moo(problem, t, len(t.rows), N=1).divide(minnie=rstop(t))

    print "Where done"
    # Organizing
    NDLeafs = m.nonPrunedLeaves()  # The surviving non-dominated leafs
    allLeafs = m.nonPrunedLeaves() + m.prunedLeaves()  # All of the leafs

    # After mutation: Check how many rows were actually evaluated
    numEval = 0
    for leaf in allLeafs:
        for row in leaf.table.rows:
            if row.evaluated:
                numEval += 1

    # After mutation; Convert back to JMOO Data Structures
    population = []
    for leaf in NDLeafs:
        for row in leaf.table.rows:
            if row.evaluated:
                population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]], 0,
                                                  [x for x in row.cells[len(problem.decisions):]]))
                indi = jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]], 0, None)
                indi.fitness.fitness = problem.evaluate(indi.decisionValues)
                # print "> ", indi.fitness.fitness
                numEval += 1

    # median_values = []
    # for i in xrange(len(problem.objectives)):
    #     temp_values = []
    #     for pop in population:
    #         temp_values.append(pop.fitness.fitness[i])
    #     median_values.append(median(temp_values))
    # print median_values

    print "number of evals: ", numEval
    return population, numEval

示例3: loadInitialPopulation

 def loadInitialPopulation(problem, MU):
     "a way to load *the* initial problem as used in jmoo_jmoea.py"
     "this will load a csv as generated by the dataGen method of"
     filename = "data/" + problem.name + "-p" + str(MU) + "-d" + str(len(problem.decisions)) + "-o" + str(len(problem.objectives)) + "-dataset.txt"
     input = open(filename, 'rb')
     reader = csv.reader(input, delimiter=',')
     population = []
     #Use the csv file to build the initial population
     for k,p in enumerate(reader):
         if k > MU:
             problem.objectives[k-MU-1].med = float(p[1])
             lownotfound = False
             upnotfound = False
             if problem.objectives[k-MU-1].low == None:
                 problem.objectives[k-MU-1].low = float(p[0])
                 lownotfound = True
             if problem.objectives[k-MU-1].up == None:
                 problem.objectives[k-MU-1].up = float(p[2])
                 upnotfound = True
             rangeX5 = (problem.objectives[k-MU-1].up - problem.objectives[k-MU-1].low)*5
             if lownotfound:
                 problem.objectives[k-MU-1].low -= rangeX5
             if upnotfound:
                 problem.objectives[k-MU-1].up += rangeX5
         elif k > 0:
             population.append(jmoo_individual(problem,[float(p[n]) for n,dec in enumerate(problem.decisions)],None))
             #population[-1].fitness = jmoo_fitness(problem, [float(p[n+len(problem.decisions)]) for n,obj in enumerate(problem.objectives)])
     return population

示例4: polynomial_mutation

def polynomial_mutation(problem, individual, configuration):
    from numpy.random import random
    eta_m_ = configuration["NSGAIII"]["ETA_M_DEFAULT_"]
    distributionIndex_ = eta_m_
    output = jmoo_individual(problem, individual.decisionValues)

    probability = 1/len(problem.decisions)
    for var in xrange(len(problem.decisions)):
        if random() <= probability:
            y = individual.decisionValues[var]
            yU = problem.decisions[var].up
            yL = problem.decisions[var].low
            delta1 = (y - yL)/(yU - yL)
            delta2 = (yU - y)/(yU - yL)
            rnd = random()

            mut_pow = 1.0/(eta_m_ + 1.0)
            if rnd < 0.5:
                xy = 1.0 - delta1
                val = 2.0 * rnd + (1 - 2 * rnd) * (xy ** (distributionIndex_ + 1.0))
                deltaq = val ** mut_pow - 1
                xy = 1.0 - delta2
                val = 2.0 * (1.0-rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd-0.5) * (xy ** (distributionIndex_+1.0))
                deltaq = 1.0 - (val ** mut_pow)

            y +=  deltaq * (yU - yL)
            if y < yL: y = yL
            if y > yU: y = yU

            output.decisionValues[var] = y

    return output

示例5: extrapolate

def extrapolate(problem, individuals, one, f, cf):
    from random import randint
    two, three, four = three_others(individuals, one)
    solution = []

    # from Binary Differential Evolution Algorithm with New Mutation Operator

    if problem.is_binary is True:
        for d, decision in enumerate(problem.decisions):
            assert isinstance(two, jmoo_individual)
            x, y, z = two.decisionValues[d], three.decisionValues[d], four.decisionValues[d]
            if random.random() < cf:
                if x == 0 or x == 1:
                    solution.append(1 - x)
                    solution.append(1 - x)

        for d, decision in enumerate(problem.decisions):
            assert isinstance(two, jmoo_individual)
            x, y, z = two.decisionValues[d], three.decisionValues[d], four.decisionValues[d]
            if random.random() < cf or randint(0, len(problem.decisions)) == d:
                solution.append(trim(x + f * (y - z), decision.low, decision.up))

    return jmoo_individual(problem, [float(d) for d in solution], None)

示例6: update_neighbor

def update_neighbor(problem, individual, mutant, population, dist_function, configuration, values_to_be_passed):
    from copy import deepcopy
    new_population = population[:] #deepcopy(population)

    for i in xrange(configuration["MOEAD"]["niche"]):
        k = individual.neighbor[i]
        neighbor = [pop for pop in new_population if pop.id == k][-1]
        f1 = dist_function(problem, neighbor.fitness.fitness, neighbor.weight, values_to_be_passed, configuration)
        f2 = dist_function(problem, mutant.fitness.fitness, neighbor.weight, values_to_be_passed, configuration)
        if f2 < f1:
            backup_copy = None
            for pop in new_population:
                if pop.id == k:
                    backup_copy = deepcopy(pop)
            assert(backup_copy.id == k), "Assumption of value of pop exists is wrong!"
            new_solution = jmoo_individual(problem, mutant.decisionValues, mutant.fitness.fitness)
            new_solution.id = k
            new_solution.neighbor = deepcopy(backup_copy.neighbor)
            new_solution.weight = deepcopy(backup_copy.weight)
            assert(new_solution.id == backup_copy.id), "Something is wrong"

    assert(len(new_population) == configuration["Universal"]["Population_Size"]), "Something is wrong with updation"
    return new_population

示例7: over_sampling

def over_sampling(problem, population, more_count, f=0.75):
    def trim(mutated, low, up):
        """Constraint checking of decision"""
        return max(low, min(mutated, up))

    def interpolate(a, b, random_number):
        return a + random_number * (b - a)

    new_population = []
    for i in xrange(more_count):
        from random import choice, randint, random
        one_count = i%len(population)
        one = population[one_count]
        while True:
            two_count = randint(0, len(population)-1)
            if one_count != two_count: break
        two = population[two_count]
        solution = []
        for d, decision in enumerate(problem.decisions):
            assert isinstance(one, jmoo_individual)
            assert isinstance(two, jmoo_individual)
            solution.append(trim(interpolate(one.decisionValues[d], two.decisionValues[d], random()), decision.low, decision.up))

        new_population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, solution, None))
    return new_population

示例8: gale_nm_Regen

def gale_nm_Regen(problem, unusedslot, mutants, configuration, generation_number):
    howMany = configuration["Universal"]["Population_Size"]
    # Generate random individuals
    population = []
    for i in range(howMany):
        population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, problem.generateInput(), [generation_number], None))
    return population, 0

示例9: gale_nm_Mutate

def gale_nm_Mutate(problem, NDLeafs, configuration, gen, actual_population):
    # Mutation Phase

    # After mutation; Convert back to JMOO Data Structures
    population = []
    for leaf in NDLeafs:
        for row in leaf.table.rows:
            if row.evaluated:
                population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]], 0,
                                                  [x for x in row.cells[len(problem.decisions):]]))
                population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, [x for x in row.cells[:len(problem.decisions)]], 0, None))

                # Return selectees and number of evaluations
    return population, 0

示例10: gale_64_Regen

def gale_64_Regen(problem, unusedslot, mutants, configuration):
    howMany = configuration["Universal"]["Population_Size"] - len(mutants)
    # Generate random individuals
    population = []
    for i in range(howMany):
        population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, problem.generateInput(), None))
    return mutants+population, 0

示例11: galeRegen

def galeRegen(problem, unusedSlot, mutants, MU):
    howMany = MU - len(mutants)
    # Generate random individuals
    population = []
    for i in range(howMany):
        population.append(jmoo_individual(problem, problem.generateInput(), None))
    return mutants+population, 0

示例12: gale_8_Mutate

def gale_8_Mutate(problem, leaves, configuration):

    def mutate(candidate, SouthPole, NorthPole):
        mutant = [None for _ in xrange(len(candidate.decisionValues))]
        g = abs(SouthPole.x - NorthPole.x)
        for attr in range(0, len(problem.decisions)):
            # just some naming shortcuts
            me = candidate.decisionValues[attr]
            good = SouthPole.decisionValues[attr]
            bad = NorthPole.decisionValues[attr]
            dec = problem.decisions[attr]

            # Find direction to mutate (Want to mutate towards good pole)
            if me > good:  d = -1
            if me < good:  d = +1
            if me == good: d = 0
            mutant[attr] = min(dec.up, max(dec.low, (me + me * g * d) * 1.1))

        return jmoo_individual(problem, mutant, None)

    # Mutation Phase

    new_population = []
    # Keep track of evals
    number_of_evaluations = 0

    for leaf in leaves:
        initial_length = len(leaf)
        sorted_population = fastmap(problem, leaf)
        # print "sorted_population: ", len(sorted_population), len([g for g in sorted_population if g.fitness.valid])
        number_of_evaluations += 2

        good_ones = sorted_population[:initial_length/2]
        # print "good_ones: ", len(good_ones), len([g for g in good_ones if g.fitness.valid])
        mutants = [mutate(good_one, sorted_population[0], sorted_population[-1]) for good_one in good_ones]
        # print "mutants: ", len(mutants)

        excess = initial_length - (len(good_ones) + len(mutants))
        random_points = [jmoo_individual(problem, problem.generateInput(), None) for _ in xrange(excess)]
        # print "excess: ", excess

        new_population += good_ones
        new_population += mutants
        new_population += random_points
        # print "new_population: ", len(new_population)
        assert(initial_length == len(good_ones) + len(mutants) + len(random_points)), "Something is wrong"

    # print len(new_population), configuration["Universal"]["Population_Size"]
    assert(len(new_population) == configuration["Universal"]["Population_Size"]), "Something is wrong"
    return new_population, number_of_evaluations

示例13: extrapolate

def extrapolate(problem, individuals, one, f, cf):
    from random import randint
    two, three, four = three_others(individuals, one)
    solution = []
    for d, decision in enumerate(problem.decisions):
        assert isinstance(two, jmoo_individual)
        x, y, z = two.decisionValues[d], three.decisionValues[d], four.decisionValues[d]
        if random.random() < cf or randint(0, len(problem.decisions)) == d:
            solution.append(trim(x + f * (y - z), decision.low, decision.up))
        else: solution.append(one.decisionValues[d])

    return jmoo_individual(problem, [float(d) for d in solution], None)

示例14: gale_8_WHERE

def gale_8_WHERE(problem, population, configuration, values_to_be_passed):
    "The Core method behind GALE"

    from Utilities.where import where
    import numpy as np
    decisions = np.array([pop.decisionValues for pop in population])
    leaves = where(decisions)
    filled_leaves = []
    for leaf in leaves:
        temp_list = [jmoo_individual(problem, list(member), None) for member in leaf]

    return filled_leaves, 0

示例15: convert_to_jmoo

def convert_to_jmoo(problem, pareto_fronts):
    tpopulation = []
    for front_no, front in enumerate(pareto_fronts[:-1]):
        for i, dIndividual in enumerate(front):
            cells = []
            for j in xrange(len(dIndividual)):
            tpopulation.append(jmoo_individual(problem, cells, list(dIndividual.fitness.values)))
    for pop in tpopulation: pop.front_no = 0  # all the front except the last front

    lpopulation = []
    for front_no, front in enumerate(pareto_fronts[-1:]):
        for i, dIndividual in enumerate(front):
            cells = []
            for j in xrange(len(dIndividual)):
            lpopulation.append(jmoo_individual(problem, cells, list(dIndividual.fitness.values)))
    for pop in lpopulation: pop.front_no = -1  # last front

    from itertools import chain
    assert(len(list(chain(*pareto_fronts))) <= len(lpopulation) + len(tpopulation)), "Non Dominated Sorting is wrong!"
    return lpopulation + tpopulation
