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Python frozenset函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中frozenset函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python frozenset函数的具体用法?Python frozenset怎么用?Python frozenset使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: editBonding

    def editBonding(self, bond, _netinfo):
        Modifies the bond so that the bond in the system ends up with the
        same slave and options configuration that are requested. Makes a
        best effort not to interrupt connectivity.
        nicsToSet = frozenset(nic.name for nic in bond.slaves)
        currentNics = frozenset(_netinfo.getNicsForBonding(bond.name))
        nicsToAdd = nicsToSet
        nicsToRemove = currentNics

        if bond.areOptionsApplied():
            nicsToAdd -= currentNics
            nicsToRemove -= nicsToSet

        for nic in nicsToRemove:
            slave = Nic(nic, self, _netinfo=_netinfo)
            self.configApplier.removeBondSlave(bond, slave)

        if not bond.areOptionsApplied():

        for slave in bond.slaves:
            if slave.name in nicsToAdd:
                self.configApplier.addBondSlave(bond, slave)

            bond.name, {'options': bond.options,
                        'nics': [slave.name for slave in bond.slaves],
                        'switch': 'legacy'})

示例2: izipstrict

def izipstrict(*args):
    XXX broken!  this function does not always raise the error it claims to
    implement; it needs a layer of counters to see how much was used from each

    Returns a generator very like the itertools izip function.  The arguments
    are treated like arguments to izip.  Unlike izip this function ensures that
    all the iterators finished after the same number of items.  It raises a
    StrictError if not all the ierators have finished.

    If StrictError is raised, in addition to a human-readable message, the
    exception will have attributes 'finished', 'unfinished' and 'values', all
    tuples corresponding respectively to the indices in the argument list of the
    iterators that had finished, the indices of the iterators that had not
    finished, and the initial yields from those unfinished iterators.  Note that
    process of getting each initial yield can itself finish iterators in the
    unfinished set.

    >>> tuple(izipstrict(xrange(5), xrange(5)))
    ((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4))

    Uncaught error

    >>> tuple(izipstrict(xrange(5), xrange(4), xrange(1,6), xrange(4)))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    StrictError: out of 4 iterators, 2 were unfinished: at argument indices (0, 2)

    Caught error and attributes

    >>> try: tuple(izipstrict(xrange(5), xrange(4), xrange(1,6), xrange(4)))
    ... except StrictError, e: print e.finished, e.unfinished, e.values
    (1, 3) (0, 2) (4, 5)
    nexts = tuple(iter(arg).next for arg in args)
    finished = list()
    build = list()
    build_append = build.append
    while True:
        del build[:]
        for index, next in enumerate(nexts):
            except StopIteration:
        if finished and build:
            unfinished = tuple(sorted(frozenset(xrange(len(nexts))) - frozenset(finished)))
            assert len(unfinished) == len(build)
            err = StrictError("out of %d iterators, %d were unfinished: at argument indices %s"
                              % (len(nexts), len(unfinished), tuple(unfinished)))
            err.finished = tuple(finished)
            err.unfinished = unfinished
            err.values = tuple(build)
            raise err
        if build:
            yield tuple(build)
            assert len(finished) == len(nexts)
            raise StopIteration

示例3: test_exclude_related

    def test_exclude_related(self):
        """Test for specifying excluded columns on related models."""
        date = datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)
        person = self.Person(name='Test', age=10, other=20, birth_date=date)
        computer = self.Computer(name='foo', vendor='bar', buy_date=date)

        exclude = frozenset(['name', 'age', 'computers', 'computers.id',
        self.manager.create_api(self.Person, exclude_columns=exclude)
        exclude = frozenset(['name', 'age', 'computers.id', 'computers.name'])
        self.manager.create_api(self.Person, url_prefix='/api2',

        response = self.app.get('/api/person/%s' % person.id)
        person_dict = loads(response.data)
        for column in 'name', 'age', 'computers':
            assert column not in person_dict
        for column in 'id', 'other', 'birth_date':
            assert column in person_dict

        response = self.app.get('/api2/person/%s' % person.id)
        person_dict = loads(response.data)
        assert 'computers' in person_dict
        for column in 'id', 'name':
            assert column not in person_dict['computers'][0]
        for column in 'vendor', 'owner_id', 'buy_date':
            assert column in person_dict['computers'][0]

示例4: CheckPrereq

  def CheckPrereq(self):
    owned_groups = frozenset(self.owned_locks(locking.LEVEL_NODEGROUP))

    assert self.group_uuid in owned_groups

    # Check if locked instances are still correct
    owned_instance_names = frozenset(self.owned_locks(locking.LEVEL_INSTANCE))
    if self.op.conflicts_check:
      CheckNodeGroupInstances(self.cfg, self.group_uuid, owned_instance_names)

    self.netparams = {
      constants.NIC_MODE: self.network_mode,
      constants.NIC_LINK: self.network_link,

    self.group = self.cfg.GetNodeGroup(self.group_uuid)
    #if self.network_mode == constants.NIC_MODE_BRIDGED:
    #  _CheckNodeGroupBridgesExist(self, self.network_link, self.group_uuid)
    self.connected = False
    if self.network_uuid in self.group.networks:
      self.LogWarning("Network '%s' is already mapped to group '%s'" %
                      (self.network_name, self.group.name))
      self.connected = True

    # check only if not already connected
    elif self.op.conflicts_check:
      pool = network.AddressPool(self.cfg.GetNetwork(self.network_uuid))

        self, lambda nic: pool.Contains(nic.ip), "connect to",
        [instance_info for (_, instance_info) in

示例5: force_trace_widths

def force_trace_widths(board):
	microstrip_layers = frozenset(('1_top', '6_bot'))
	stripline_layers = frozenset(('3_inner', '4_inner'))

	se_50_microstrip_width = '0.1778'
	se_50_stripline_width = '0.1651'

	diff_90_microstrip_width = '0.127'
	diff_90_stripline_width = '0.127'

	for element in board:
		if element[0] == 'segment':
			segment = OrderedDict([(v[0], v[1:]) for v in element[1:]])
			assert len(segment['net']) == 1
			net_name = net_by_number[int(segment['net'][0])]
			assert len(segment['layer']) == 1
			layer = segment['layer'][0]

			new_width = None
			if net_name in nets_by_net_class['50_se']:
				if layer in microstrip_layers:
					new_width = [se_50_microstrip_width]
				if layer in stripline_layers:
					new_width = [se_50_stripline_width]
			elif net_name in nets_by_net_class['90_diff']:
				if layer in microstrip_layers:
					new_width = [diff_90_microstrip_width]
				if layer in stripline_layers:
					new_width = [diff_90_stripline_width]

			if new_width:
				segment['width'] = new_width
				new_elements = [[a] + b for a, b in segment.items()]
				element[1:] = new_elements

示例6: mincoverages_upto_maxk__defi

def mincoverages_upto_maxk__defi(m, q, dontcares, maxk, counters, mincov):
    # In deficiency counter mode we act on all deficient ktuples
    # and reduce their deficiency, if appropriate.
    endk = maxk + 1
    minc = [0] * endk    
    _append_new_defi_position(counters, m, q, mincov)
    shift = m - q  # put the q-gram into the window at the rightmost shift
    sdc = list(range(shift)) + [d+shift for d in dontcares]
    sdcset = frozenset(sdc)
    D = len(sdc)
    for k in range(1, endk):
        # iterate over deficient tuples or over k-tuples with all dontcares?
        ck = counters[k]
        if k*len(ck) <= binom(D, k):
            # iterate over keys
            if k == 1:
                to_reduce = [i for i in ck if i in sdcset]
                to_reduce = [dt for dt in ck if frozenset(dt) <= sdcset]
            # iterate over k-tuples from sdc
            combos = combinations(sdc, k) if k > 1 else sdc
            to_reduce = [dt for dt in combos if dt in ck]
        # decrement all items of counters[k] in to_reduce
        for key in to_reduce:
            if ck[key] > 1:
                ck[key] -= 1
                del ck[key]      
        # compute minimum coverage for each k = 1..maxk
        minc[k] = mincov - (max(ck.values()) if len(ck) > 0 else 0)
    return minc, counters

示例7: __init__

    def __init__(self, prefix, channels, subdirs=(), specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=()):
            prefix (str):
                The conda prefix / environment location for which the :class:`Solver`
                is being instantiated.
            channels (Sequence[:class:`Channel`]):
                A prioritized list of channels to use for the solution.
            subdirs (Sequence[str]):
                A prioritized list of subdirs to use for the solution.
            specs_to_add (Set[:class:`MatchSpec`]):
                The set of package specs to add to the prefix.
            specs_to_remove (Set[:class:`MatchSpec`]):
                The set of package specs to remove from the prefix.

        self.prefix = prefix
        self.channels = IndexedSet(Channel(c) for c in channels or context.channels)
        self.subdirs = tuple(s for s in subdirs or context.subdirs)
        self.specs_to_add = frozenset(MatchSpec.merge(s for s in specs_to_add))
        self.specs_to_remove = frozenset(MatchSpec.merge(s for s in specs_to_remove))

        assert all(s in context.known_subdirs for s in self.subdirs)
        self._index = None
        self._r = None
        self._prepared = False

示例8: test_blankpattern

 def test_blankpattern(self):
     # Make sure when tuple or something has no values no regex is generated.
     # Fixes bug #661354
     test_locale = _strptime.LocaleTime()
     test_locale.timezone = (frozenset(), frozenset())
     self.assertEqual(_strptime.TimeRE(test_locale).pattern("%Z"), '',
                      "with timezone == ('',''), TimeRE().pattern('%Z') != ''")

示例9: get_partitions

def get_partitions(tree):
    Get all of the partitions implied by a tree.
    Each positive branch implies a partition.
    Each partition is a frozenset of two frozensets of leaf names.
    The return value is the set of these partitions.
    Note that the word 'partition' is a python keyword,
    so the word 'part' will be used here instead.
    @param tree: a tree object
    @return: the set of partitions implied by the tree.
    # map a directed branch id to the set of leaf names in its subtree
    d = _get_branch_id_to_leaf_name_set(tree)
    # for each branch in the tree get the frozenset of leaf names on each end of the branch
    parts = set()
    for node in tree.gen_non_root_nodes():
        parent = node.get_parent()
        directed_branches = (node.get_directed_branch_to(parent), parent.get_directed_branch_to(node))
        branch_length = directed_branches[0].get_branch_length()
        for dbranch in directed_branches:
            assert dbranch.get_branch_length() == branch_length
        if branch_length > 0:
            leaf_sets = [d[id(dbranch)] for dbranch in directed_branches]
            part = frozenset(frozenset(leaf_set) for leaf_set in leaf_sets)
    # return the set of partitions
    return parts

示例10: test_metanode__properties

def test_metanode__properties():
    node = MetaNode()
    assert_equal(node.input_files, frozenset())
    assert_equal(node.output_files, frozenset())
    assert_equal(node.executables, frozenset())
    assert_equal(node.auxiliary_files, frozenset())
    assert_equal(node.requirements, frozenset())

示例11: _get_autounmask_changes

	def _get_autounmask_changes(self, pkg):
		needed_use_config_change = self.depgraph._dynamic_config._needed_use_config_changes.get(pkg)
		if needed_use_config_change is None:
			return frozenset()

		use, changes = needed_use_config_change
		return frozenset(changes.keys())

示例12: test_metanode__nodes

def test_metanode__nodes():
    subnodes = [Node(), Node()]
    dependencies = [Node(), Node()]
    node = MetaNode(subnodes=iter(subnodes),
    assert_equal(node.subnodes, frozenset(subnodes))
    assert_equal(node.dependencies, frozenset(dependencies))

示例13: test_constructor__requirements

def test_constructor__requirements():
    node = Node(requirements = id)
    assert_equal(node.requirements, frozenset([id]))
    node = Node(requirements = [id])
    assert_equal(node.requirements, frozenset([id]))
    node = Node(requirements = [id, str])
    assert_equal(node.requirements, frozenset([id, str]))

示例14: test_change_mapping

    def test_change_mapping(self):
        """ Test using multiple input datasets, like if you were calculating a change. """

        with mock.patch('cwsl.core.pattern_dataset.PatternDataSet.glob_fs') as mock_glob:
            fake_file_1 = '/a/fake/file_1956_red.nc'
            fake_file_2 = '/a/fake/file_1981_red.nc'

            mock_glob.return_value = [fake_file_1, fake_file_2]
            first_pattern_ds = PatternDataSet("/a/fake/file_%date%_%colour%.nc",
                                              set([Constraint('date', ['1956'])]))

            second_pattern_ds = PatternDataSet("/a/fake/file_%date%_%colour%.nc",
                                               set([Constraint('date', ['1981'])]))

            # Overwrite the valid combinations for these mock datasets.
            first_pattern_ds.valid_combinations = set([frozenset([Constraint('colour', ['red']),
                                                                  Constraint('date', ['1956'])])])

            second_pattern_ds.valid_combinations = set([frozenset([Constraint('colour', ['red']),
                                                                   Constraint('date', ['1981'])])])
            the_process_unit = ProcessUnit([first_pattern_ds, second_pattern_ds],
                                           'echo', map_dict={'start_date': ('date', 0),
                                                             'end_date': ('date', 1)})
            ds_result = the_process_unit.execute(simulate=True)
            outfiles = [file_thing for file_thing in ds_result.files]
            self.assertEqual(len(outfiles), 1)

            expected_string = self.script_header + "mkdir -p /a/final/output\necho /a/fake/file_1956_red.nc /a/fake/file_1981_red.nc /a/final/output/file_1956_1981_red.txt\n"     
            self.assertEqual(expected_string, the_process_unit.scheduler.job.to_str())

示例15: test_creation

def test_creation():
    metaedge_tuples = [
        ('compound', 'disease', 'indication', 'both'),
        ('disease', 'gene', 'association', 'both'),
        ('compound', 'gene', 'target', 'both'),
    metanode_ids = 'compound', 'disease', 'gene'
    metagraph = graph.MetaGraph.from_edge_tuples(metaedge_tuples)

    # check that nodes got added to metagraph_node_dict
    assert frozenset(metagraph.node_dict) == frozenset(metanode_ids)
    for metanode in metagraph.node_dict.values():
        assert isinstance(metanode, graph.MetaNode)

    # check that metanode.get_id() and hash(metanode) are working as expected
    for metanode_id in metanode_ids:
        metanode = metagraph.node_dict[metanode_id]
        assert metanode.identifier == metanode_id
        assert metanode.get_id() == metanode_id
        assert hash(metanode) == hash(metanode_id)

    g = graph.Graph(metagraph)
    ms = g.add_node('disease', 'DOID:2377', 'multiple sclerosis')
    assert ms.metanode.identifier == 'disease'
    assert ms.identifier == 'DOID:2377'
    assert ms.name == 'multiple sclerosis'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # misordered args
        g.add_node('DOID:2377', 'multiple sclerosis', 'disease')
