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Python callable函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中callable函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python callable函数的具体用法?Python callable怎么用?Python callable使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: collect_files

		def collect_files():
			if callable(custom_files):
					files = custom_files()
					if files:
						return files
					_logger.exception("Error while trying to retrieve tracked files for plugin {}".format(key))

			templates = _get_all_templates()
			assets = _get_all_assets()
			translations = _get_all_translationfiles(g.locale.language if g.locale else "en",

			files = templates + assets + translations

			if callable(additional_files):
					af = additional_files()
					if af:
						files += af
					_logger.exception("Error while trying to retrieve additional tracked files for plugin {}".format(key))

			return sorted(set(files))

示例2: get_callable

def get_callable(lookup_view, can_fail=False):
    Convert a string version of a function name to the callable object.

    If the lookup_view is not an import path, it is assumed to be a URL pattern
    label and the original string is returned.

    If can_fail is True, lookup_view might be a URL pattern label, so errors
    during the import fail and the string is returned.
    if not callable(lookup_view):
            # Bail early for non-ASCII strings (they can't be functions).
            lookup_view = lookup_view.encode('ascii')
            mod_name, func_name = get_mod_func(lookup_view)
            if func_name != '':
                lookup_view = getattr(__import__(mod_name, {}, {}, ['']), func_name)
                if not callable(lookup_view):
                    raise AttributeError("'%s.%s' is not a callable." % (mod_name, func_name))
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            if not can_fail:
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
    return lookup_view

示例3: lookup_field

def lookup_field(name, obj, model_admin=None):
    opts = obj._meta
        f = opts.get_field(name)
    except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
        # For non-field values, the value is either a method, property or
        # returned via a callable.
        if callable(name):
            attr = name
            value = attr(obj)
        elif (model_admin is not None and hasattr(model_admin, name) and
              not name == '__str__' and not name == '__unicode__'):
            attr = getattr(model_admin, name)
            value = attr(obj)
            if is_rel_field(name,obj):
                parts = name.split("__")
                rel_name,sub_rel_name = parts[0],"__".join(parts[1:])
                rel_obj =  getattr(obj,rel_name)
                if rel_obj is not None:
                    return lookup_field(sub_rel_name,rel_obj,model_admin)
            attr = getattr(obj, name)
            if callable(attr):
                value = attr()
                value = attr
        f = None
        attr = None
        value = getattr(obj, name)
    return f, attr, value

示例4: get_form_cfg

	def get_form_cfg(self, req, moddef, section, value=None):
		if self.read_cap and not req.has_permission(self.read_cap):
			return None
		field_name = '.'.join((moddef, section.name, self.name))
		loc = req.localizer
		if callable(self.field_cfg):
			cfg = self.field_cfg(req, moddef, section, value)
			cfg = self.field_cfg.copy()
			'name'        : field_name,
			'fieldLabel'  : loc.translate(self.title) if self.title else self.name,
			'description' : loc.translate(self.help_text) if self.help_text else None
		if value is None and self.default is not None:
			value = self.default
		if value is not None and self.client_ok:
			cfg['value'] = self.format_param(value)
			if self.type == 'bool':
				cfg['checked'] = value
		extra = self.field_extra
		if extra:
			if callable(extra):
				extra = extra(req, moddef, section, value)
		return cfg

示例5: register_action

    def register_action(self, event_name, action_object, *args, **kwargs):
        action_name = str(action_object)
        if ismethod(action_object) and callable(action_object):
            action_object = SingleAction(action_object, *args, **kwargs)
        elif isfunction(action_object) and callable(action_object):
            action_object = SingleAction(action_object, *args, **kwargs)
        elif not isinstance(action_object, SingleAction):
            action_object = SingleAction.from_string(action_object)

        if action_object is None:
            logger.error('action_object is None')
            return False

        if 'single_fire_action' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['single_fire_action'] is True:
            action_object.single_fire_action = True
            del kwargs['single_fire_action']

        if event_name in self.__Actions.keys():
            self.__Actions[event_name][action_name] = action_object
            logger.trace("action %s was added to event %s", action_object, event_name)
            self.__Actions[event_name] = { action_name: action_object }
            logger.trace("action %s was added to new evententry %s", action_object, event_name)

        return action_object

示例6: lookup_field

def lookup_field(name, obj, model_admin=None):
    opts = obj._meta
        f = _get_non_gfk_field(opts, name)
    except (FieldDoesNotExist, FieldIsAForeignKeyColumnName):
        # For non-field values, the value is either a method, property or
        # returned via a callable.
        if callable(name):
            attr = name
            value = attr(obj)
        elif (model_admin is not None and
                hasattr(model_admin, name) and
                not name == '__str__' and
                not name == '__unicode__'):
            attr = getattr(model_admin, name)
            value = attr(obj)
            attr = getattr(obj, name)
            if callable(attr):
                value = attr()
                value = attr
        f = None
        attr = None
        value = getattr(obj, name)
    return f, attr, value

示例7: dispatch

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request = request
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if (self.response and not isinstance(self.response, HttpResponse)
           and not callable(self.response)):
            raise TypeError("The `response` keyword argument must "
                            "be a either HttpResponse instance or "
                            "callable with `request` argument")

        if self.request.method == self.method:
            key = self.cache_key()

            if cache.get(key):
                if callable(self.response):
                    return self.response(request)

                elif self.response:
                    return self.response

                    return HttpResponseForbidden('Try slowing down a little.')

            cache.set(key, 1, self.duration)

        return super(ThrottleMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

示例8: preprocess

def preprocess(func, c, expose_request=False):
    A decorator that facilitates preprocessing per method. Setting
    C{expose_request} to C{True} will set the underlying request object (if
    there is one), usually HTTP and set it to the first argument of the
    preprocessing callable. If there is no request object, the default is

    @raise TypeError: C{func} and preprocessor must be callable.
    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('func must be callable')

    if not callable(c):
        raise TypeError('Preprocessor must be callable')

    attr = func

    if isinstance(func, types.UnboundMethodType):
        attr = func.im_func

    if expose_request is True:
        c = globals()['expose_request'](c)

    setattr(attr, '_pyamf_preprocessor', c)

    return func

示例9: assertRaisesErrorWithMessage

 def assertRaisesErrorWithMessage(self, error, message, callable,
     *args, **kwargs):
     self.assertRaises(error, callable, *args, **kwargs)
         callable(*args, **kwargs)
     except error, e:
         self.assertEqual(message, str(e))

示例10: __init__

 def __init__(self, stmt="pass", setup="pass", timer=default_timer):
     """Constructor.  See class doc string."""
     self.timer = timer
     ns = {}
     if isinstance(stmt, str):
         # Check that the code can be compiled outside a function
         if isinstance(setup, str):
             compile(setup, dummy_src_name, "exec")
             compile(setup + '\n' + stmt, dummy_src_name, "exec")
             compile(stmt, dummy_src_name, "exec")
         stmt = reindent(stmt, 8)
         if isinstance(setup, str):
             setup = reindent(setup, 4)
             src = template.format(stmt=stmt, setup=setup)
         elif callable(setup):
             src = template.format(stmt=stmt, setup='_setup()')
             ns['_setup'] = setup
             raise ValueError("setup is neither a string nor callable")
         self.src = src # Save for traceback display
         code = compile(src, dummy_src_name, "exec")
         exec(code, globals(), ns)
         self.inner = ns["inner"]
     elif callable(stmt):
         self.src = None
         if isinstance(setup, str):
             _setup = setup
             def setup():
                 exec(_setup, globals(), ns)
         elif not callable(setup):
             raise ValueError("setup is neither a string nor callable")
         self.inner = _template_func(setup, stmt)
         raise ValueError("stmt is neither a string nor callable")

示例11: instance_cache_key

def instance_cache_key(instance, label=None, version=None, args=None,
    """Extends the base `cache_key` function to include model instance metadata
    such as the type and primary key. In addition the `version` can be a
    property or method name on the instance which will be evaluated.
    if not instance or not instance.pk:
        raise ValueError('model instances must have a primary key')

    # The version may be an attribute on the instance
    if isinstance(version, basestring) and hasattr(instance, version):
        version = getattr(instance, version)

        # Bound method
        if callable(version):
            version = version()

    # Plain function takes the instance
    elif callable(version):
        version = version(instance)

    opts = instance._meta
    key = [opts.app_label, opts.model_name, instance.pk]

    if label is not None:

    label = cache_key_func(key)

    return cache_key(label=label, version=version, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

示例12: init_spawn_value

def init_spawn_value(value, validator=None):
    Analyze the prototype value and produce a value useful at the point of spawning.

        value (any): This can be:
            callable - will be called as callable()
            (callable, (args,)) - will be called as callable(*args)
            other - will be assigned depending on the variable type
            validator (callable, optional): If given, this will be called with the value to
                check and guarantee the outcome is of a given type.

        any (any): The (potentially pre-processed value to use for this prototype key)

    value = protfunc_parser(value)
    validator = validator if validator else lambda o: o
    if callable(value):
        return validator(value())
    elif value and is_iter(value) and callable(value[0]):
        # a structure (callable, (args, ))
        args = value[1:]
        return validator(value[0](*make_iter(args)))
        return validator(value)

示例13: handle_command

    def handle_command(self, string):
            parse the commandstring and handle the command

            the string is parsed into commands, and they are searched in the commandList-tree
            the function returns an answerstring or that the command was ambigious
        # necessary since shlex does not support unicode prior to python 2.7.3
        string = string.encode("utf-8")
        s = shlex.split(string)
        if not type(s) == list:
        if s[0] in self.commandList:
            if callable(self.commandList[s[0]]):
                return self._exec(self.commandList[s[0]], s[1:])
                return "Command \""+s[0]+"\" ambigious: "+", ".join(self.commandList[s[0]])
        while len(s) > 0:
            n = s.pop() 
            if not n in cur:
                return None
            if callable(cur[n]):
                return self._exec(cur[n], s)

示例14: xop_request

def xop_request(ctx, request):
	# TODO: add optional redirect-to-site?
	if not ctx.can_access(request):
		raise HTTPForbidden('Access Denied')
	gw = ctx.get_gateway()
	if (not gw) or (not hasattr(gw, 'process_request')):
		raise HTTPForbidden('Access Denied')
	if not callable(gw.process_request):
		raise HTTPForbidden('Access Denied')

		sess = DBSession()
		xoplist = gw.process_request(request, sess)
	except Exception as e:
		# TODO: cancel and log?
		raise HTTPForbidden('Access Denied')
	for xop in xoplist:

	if hasattr(gw, 'generate_response') and callable(gw.generate_response):
		return gw.generate_response(request, xoplist)

	resp = Response(body='OK', content_type='text/plain', charset='UTF-8')
	return resp

示例15: __init__

    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, accessor=None, default=None,
                 visible=True, orderable=None, attrs=None, order_by=None,
                 sortable=None, empty_values=None, localize=None):
        if not (accessor is None or isinstance(accessor, six.string_types) or
            raise TypeError('accessor must be a string or callable, not %s' %
        if callable(accessor) and default is not None:
            raise TypeError('accessor must be string when default is used, not callable')
        self.accessor = A(accessor) if accessor else None
        self._default = default
        self.verbose_name = verbose_name
        self.visible = visible
        if sortable is not None:
            warnings.warn('`sortable` is deprecated, use `orderable` instead.',
            # if orderable hasn't been specified, we'll use sortable's value
            if orderable is None:
                orderable = sortable
        self.orderable = orderable
        self.attrs = attrs or {}
        # massage order_by into an OrderByTuple or None
        order_by = (order_by, ) if isinstance(order_by, six.string_types) else order_by
        self.order_by = OrderByTuple(order_by) if order_by is not None else None
        if empty_values is not None:
            self.empty_values = empty_values

        self.localize = localize

        self.creation_counter = Column.creation_counter
        Column.creation_counter += 1
